Annex B
| Year
| Annual DLR Journeys
| Growth |
| | million
| % |
| 1990 |
8.3 | |
(opening of Beckton Extension 1994, upgrading of railway and re-signalling causing weekend closure)
| 1995 |
12.5 | 22
| 1996 |
15.2 | 20
| 1997 |
18.3 | 27
Actual | 1998
| 23.2 | 25
Forecast | 1999
| 29.0 | 32
(End 1999, opening of DLR Lewisham Extension and Jubilee Line Extension)
| 2000 |
38.2 | 27
| 2001 |
48.6 | 14
| 2002 |
55.3 | 13
| 2003 |
62.5 | 5
| 2004 |
65.4m | 3%
| 2005 |
67.5 |
(Post 2000 figures are the most likely outcome within a range)