It is said that the current opinion is that
the Tram is very expensive to provide while the Bus is cheap.
Sadly the recent White Paper on Transport quoted this "opinion"
as a fact perhaps without exploring in any depth, the current
British Built, British Owned Tram.
It is apparent that the current "mental
picture" of the tram is the Sheffield Supertram and the well
known project details:
project cost £240 million;
price per tram £1.9 million;
system cost about £8 million
per mile double track;
construction period three plus years;
massive disruption in the city;
tram providing an unintegrated service
to its walk-in catchment.
This is compared with a Cost Cutter Bus Service
project cost
| say £2000 |
price/bus |
Nil (written off already) |
system cost |
nominal (adverts) |
construction period
| 42 days (new service notice) |
disruption |
none |
bus providing an unintegrated service to its walk-in catchment (50p non transferable ticket).
These are extremes but illustrate the perceived gulf in many
peoples' thinking. Obviously a car user would not switch to the
Cost Cutter Bus. But so the thinking goes, they would switch to
a modern superior bus wouldn't they? And that must be quicker
and easier to implement than the Tram mustn't it? This is the
perceived wisdom and thinking and hence the dismissal of Trams
in the White Paper. The reality of providing services of comparable
capacity, quality and security is different. To attract people
from their motor car journey speed and hence priority at junctions
is imperative.
The promoters of the car and the market stress the motor
car is always available when required and is a comfortable ride
from door to door.
The motor car user will only use the tram/bus if they "know
the tram/bus is coming".
This demands:
high frequency services;
priority traffic lanes to maintain regularity.
A service capacity of 1,000/hr in each direction can be provided
1. 10 x 100 capacity trams giving 6 minutes frequency.
2. 17 x 60 capacity buses giving 3.5 minutes frequency.
NB1. The trams can carry 2,000 in the peak hours.
The buses can carry 1,000 in the peak
NB2. To achieve a regular 6 minute frequency requires
tram priority signals at all road junctions and avoidance of traffic
queues or a reserved route in the rush hour. To achieve a regular
3.5 minute frequency requires bus priority signals at all road
junctions and a reserved route.
NB3. To achieve 2,000/hour requires:
10 crowded trams at 6 minute frequency.
15 very full trams at 4.5 minute frequency.
20 full trams at 3 minute frequency.
30 full buses at 1.75 minute frequency.
To provide buses at 1.75 minute frequency with absolute priority
at all road junctions would involve a massive traffic management
scheme for the area and would mean closing a significant number
of side roads. The pollution from standing or crawling buses is
at this frequency a greater threat.
NB4. The tram with four doors and a conductor stops on
the tram stop for about 15 seconds at the average stop. The bus
with one door and a driver selling tickets to all passengers including
the disabled is not compatible with a high frequency, full priority
service at 3.5 minutes frequency never mind 1.75 minutes. At the
very least the bus must have a Conductor to speed things up! Even
then the traffic management costs to provide the speed of a journey
and the frequency and regularity of bus required to attract the
car owner from his car are substantially higher than for a similar
capacity tram service, at an acceptable frequency.
NB5. Provision of a Conductor on a public transport vehicle
combined with pre paid smartcard through ticketing:
improves passenger security;
improves service to the passenger.
It is a significant feature in attracting people from carsespecially
ladies travelling alone and also a lot of men travelling alone
if they were prepared to admit it.
1 x 200 capacity tram requires 1 driver and 1 conductor.
3 x 60 capacity bus requires 3 drivers and 3 conductors.
Staff costs for buses are up to 3 times that for trams.
NB6. Environmental pollution must be reduced and this
is one of the reasons for encouraging public transport.
The tram is electric, although this requires one overhead
line per track.
The diesel bus is a polluter so an electric bus is required
to be comparable and this requires two overhead lines per "track".
The cost of the Power Supply system will be similar.
NB7. The tram runs on tracks which guide the vehicle
and minimise the space taken for two vehicles travelling in opposite
The Electronically Guided Bus can achieve the same discipline
thus minimising the space required. The manually steered bus cannot
achieve this discipline. Thus the EGB is required to match the
tram for economy of space for a reserved route either on or off
the highway.
NB8. A reserved way system requires TWA/HMRI/HA approval.
A high frequency system reserved way makes greater demands on
junction priority to achieve service regularity and a lower frequency
system. Thus traffic management and implementation is more controversial
and expensive for the bus than for the tram for equivalent system
Having established that to provide a comparable service to
the Tram, the form of Bus required is an EGB with Electric Power
it follows:
Project approval must achieve TWA for both systems;
HMRI approval is required for both systems;
Highway Authority approval is required for both
Disability Discrimination Act compliance is required
for both systems; and
HSE approval of both Depots is required.
The main differences are:
Extra cost for the EGB to achieve TWA for priority
and related transport restriction measures;
HMRI requirements for an EGB in a public highway
are "not known" to the writer at this stage;
The Tram will have tighter and perhaps more extensive
restrictions on the location of rails relative to other road traffic
than will the bus path relative to other road traffic in the street;
The DDA will require similar access standards
for both vehicles, but the tram being longer will require more
expensive steps/platforms; and
Conversely stop time, and the inclusion of a conductor
on the bus may well result in a "two door bus" with
longer platforms.
Formation Width
The Tram formation or reserve will be a minimum of 6.0m inside
in an open public area (2 x 2.65+ 0.5 = 5.8m).
The EGB will require similar space.
On curves both vehicles will require extra width for vehicle
The 6.0 m width assumes space exists either side of the reserve
for evacuated passengers to move clear of the track following
a breakdown etc.
A footpath at least 1m wide for disabled evacuation is required
on fenced off areas, on viaducts, in tunnels etc. This gives an
overall width of 8.0 to 8.5m for both systems on straight track.
The modern traditionally built tram will cost £1.56
million plus setting up costs to build.
The new TRAM is on offer at £0.8 million.
Equivalent capacity EGB's cost 3 x £0.2 million = £0.6
EGB life is 10-15 years, thus for 30 years cost is £1.2
Tram life is 30 years with 15 year refurbishment ie. cost
is £1.2 million.
Maintenance costs for both vehicles are "not proven"
but to maintain quality, safety and performance for 30 years will
require a similar sequence of inspection, maintenance and repair
to defined standards. To achieve this for 3 EGB's compared with
1 Tram must be at least as costly. Energy Consumption is dependant
on vehicle weight and three loaded buses will not be very different
from one loaded Tram.
The major difference is in staff cost commitment.
1 Tram at 18 hours/day for 30 years requires 150 man years.
3 EGB at 18 hours/day for 30 years requires 450 man years.
1 driver costs £12.5k p.a. 1 conductor 10 k p.a.
Tram Staff cost = £1,687,500; EGB Staff Cost = £5,062,500.
Assuming the route is on an existing road:
A conventional tram track would cost £620/metre to lay.
A conventional bus would run on the road.
LR55 tram track only costs £370/metre to lay. And the
EGB would require its guidance cable laid accurately and protected
in the roadguessed at£150/metre.
Thus LR55 tram track will be £220/metre more to lay.
On the straight, rails should last for 20-30 years. The bus
on a fixed path will "cove" the road surface and several
renewals will be necessary in 20-30 years.
Assuming the route is off street:
The tram would require conventional ballasted track.
The bus would require a conventional road.
Costs depend on ground conditions but costs must be comparable.
Conventional Tram Track has required nearly all utilities
be diverted from the route. LR55 is much shallower and has a much
narrower construction and therefore interference is less and ongoing
access feasibility to utilities much greater. Only very shallow
utilities need be diverted or protected with LR55 track being
The EGB cable will require similar very shallow utility diversionsfor
example UTC cables at junctions, and 300mm clearance to avoid
interference from other metal construction.
Diversion of utilities for stop construction and overhead
line construction (pole sites) will be similar for both Tram and
Power Supply
The Trams require an overhead Power Supply complete with
The EGB must have overhead Trolley wires if it is to be environmentally
friendly, complete with Sub-Stations.
The Tram system will still have to monitor for stray currents
and treat and problem spots. The EGB will avoid this with its
negative return wire.
The Power Supply question is not a major cost difference
Service Priority
Traditionally the Tram has been given a priority route at
junctions (across a roundabout for example) with all the UTC implications
that involves.
Conversely the Bus has stuck to the road with all the other
To take advantage of the EGB it must be given priority
as the tram has been but since there will be three vehicles instead
of one tram for a given capacity the UTC and overall traffic management
implications and hence costs are much greater.
Conversely the tram could be confined to the road and behave
like any other bus, but this is failing to make best use of its
potential and it would not attract the car user.
Tram routes in Sheffield and Manchester have featured some
splendid structures which added substantially to the cost of the
A priority EGB serving the same areas would require the same
There is no difference in cost.
Accommodation Works
Accommodation works take two forms:
those necessary to give priority etc to the new
those embellishments to the surrounds that are
hung on to the project because there is no other way of funding
The Tram projects in the UK have been loaded with both to
create a falsifiable cost analysis.
Bus projects have not needed to suffer the added hidden cost.
In the new situation with Tram or EGB the first group will
be necessarily the same depending on the route planned, while
the second group need not be hung on either Project Budget at
There is no difference in cost.
Recent Tram Projects have required platforms at tram floor
level, minimum widths, minimum lengths etc to HMRI requirements.
Following the DDA a top quality EGB will have to be the samenot
just a post on the footpath kerb.
The four door tram needs a 35 metre long platform.
The one door EGB does not. But if buses have two doors, or
service frequency is such that two buses might reach the stop
at once a similar length of platform is required to the tram.
Shelters etc are needed for passenger comfort to attract
the car user. There is no difference between Tram and EGB.
Construction Disruption
The city centre disruption caused at Sheffield and Croydon
during tramway construction had a major negative effect.
In the case of the comparable Tram or EGB:
accommodation works will be the same.
The Tram Track LR55 will require:
minor utility diversion;
LR55 track construction disruption will be substantially
reduced compared with a conventional tram. The LR55 track can
be laid one rail at a time in 100-200 yard lengths thus being
about the same size of operation as relaying kerbstones, different
from the half mile slip form paving operation for a conventional
8 foot 6 inch wide slab.
The EGB will require
minor utility diversion;
guidance cable laying causing about 50 per cent
of the LR55 track laying disruption.
To create a high quality EGB powered electrically causes
many of the problems and hence costs caused by a Tram system.
However if the motorist is to be drawn from the car the quality
and hence costs are obligatory.
Creating a Tram Track in a city centre using LR55 is a much
less expensive and less disruptive process than using conventional
The TRAM is a much cheaper vehicle than conventional trams
and yet provides the rail mounted vehicles quality of ride, and
will have the trams lifespan.
The EGB will have to adopt a two man crew if it is to provide
the speed and reliability and security of travel demanded by the
motorist, thus substantially increasing system operating costs.
The EGB becomes a "fixed track mode" in operational
terms so congestion caused by a frequent service and slow stop
times will be serious. The less frequent but longer multi door
tram has a greater peak hour or special event capability. Neither
these modes are appropriate for low capacity routes. For medium
capacity routes the Tram has the greater potential
and the probability of a lower overall cost.
The assumptions that surrounded the statement that buses
are cheaper than trams have been dealt with as above. The definition
of maximum priority option and high priority defined as in the
LT Document "New Ideas for Public Transport in Outer London"
September 1996 set out the need to adopt trams as the maximum
priority option but suggest that cost is the only reason to adopt
a much lower option.
The above comparison on a like for like basis sets out clearly
that over the long period the tram option fulfils the targets;
to reduce pollution, to reduce congestion, to transfer car trips
to public transport up to five times more passengers from cars
than buses, to be seen to be the only real and maximum priority
to an inevitable city gridlock. London is just one of 41 cities
seeking the tram maximum priority.
The cost analysis must be Healthy Transport policies, the
Health Issues are man made and preventable while the cost is hidden
in National Health and Social Security payments ie, a tax burden,
the real cost of Buses will always be misrepresented.
The infrastructure requirements for a Modern City and Society
are clean air, efficient transport and development opportunities
to create wealth and employment, only the tram can do this.