Select Committee on Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence

Memorandum by Ashfield District Council (TF 50)

  Ashfield District Council has in fact been most supportive of the special needs of travelling showmen, and indeed a major site has been implemented following the grant of planning permission at Pinxton. Since the implementation of this large-scale project, and following a boundary review, the site now sits within the Bolsover District Council administrative area.

  Our Adopted Local Plan includes a specific policy (Policy P35) and I enclose a copy of this policy for your information. [4]

  With regards to the other site referred to in correspondence this relates to part of a Bentinck Colliery complex which ceased operations several weeks ago. A representation has been made from the Showman's Guild as to the suitability of part of this site. The site in question is that of the former Colliery car park, which is located on the opposite side of the public highway to the main Colliery complex, and the site is currently protected by its countryside designation on our Local Plan. The Local Plan is currently being reviewed, and representations that such should be allocated for the Travelling Showman's Guild are being considered. The final version of the Local Plan is programmed to be published during the Spring of this year.

  In the meantime, initial discussions have been held with their Planning Consultant, Mr I Baseley, and I believe that it is possible that a planning application may be submitted in the near future, which would clearly have to be assessed against the planning policies contained within the Adopted Local Plan, and the ongoing review.

  Finally, whilst the post script to the correspondence indicates correctly that another site in the centre of Kirkby-in-Ashfield has been allocated for retail development on our current Local Plan Review, and it is certainly possible that such may therefore be lost as a Showman's facility, there does of course remain the major site, now immediately adjacent to the Ashfield District Council boundary, which was permitted by my Authority some years ago (in the face of what I should add was considerable local opposition at that time).

  I would add that the existing site referred to is clearly well run, and maintained. It is located immediately adjacent to a village within Ashfield, and certainly as far as I am aware there have been no problems whatsoever associated with the development within the existing community.

Head of Development Services

March 2000

4   Ev. not printed. For further information please contact Ashfield District Council. Back

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