Memorandum by the Metropolitan Borough
of Bury (TF 58)
The council has recently been involved in the
relocation of the biannual fair in Bury from Castlecroft, Bury
Ground, to The Rock Car Park and The Rock pedestrianised area
in Bury town centre. The biannual fair is operated by the Showmen's
Guild of Great Britain, Lancashire, Cheshire and North Wales Section,
who I note were consulted in relation to your inquiry.
The Bury Corporation Act 1909 makes provision
for the holding of markets and fairs in the Borough. Historically,
the biannual fair has been located on a variety of sites in and
on the edge of Bury town centre.
In 1987 the Council resolved to allow The Showmen's
Guild to use land at Castlecroft, on the edge of the town centre,
on terms to be agreed, rent-free for a period of 10 years in recognition
of works carried out by the Guild (referred to in Mr Collins'
letter to you). In 1997 the Council began to evolve proposals
for the redevelopment of this site together with adjacent land
and there was disagreement between the Council and The Showmen's
Guild as to whether it had been intended that this would be permanent
site for the fair. The Guild subsequently withdrew their claims
to the site.
However, at the same time, the Council had actively
been considering the provision of an alternative site for the
Showmen's Guild. Following extensive discussions, consultations
and consideration of a number of alternatives in 1999 it was agreed
to allow the Guild to use The Rock Car Park and pedestrianised
part of the Rock for the September 1999 fair and March 2000 fair.
The occupation and use is covered by a licence and The Showmen's
Guild pay a licence fee. Accommodation works have been carried
out at the Council's expense. The fair is on site at the moment
and it seems to be acknowledged by the Showmen's Guild that this
is a better site than the previous one at Castlecroft.
There were some objections to the use of this
site from local shopkeepers and others in close proximity to the
fair, who were concerned about the temporary loss of car parking,
noise/nuisance and affect on trade. However, other shopkeepers
supported the proposal.
Following the March 2000 fair there will be
a process of further consultation and review before a decision
is made in relation the longer-term use of The Rock Car Park/pedestrianised
areas by the Showmen's Guild.
These efforts demonstrate that the Council is
committed to the continuation of the biannual fair in Bury. The
difficulty, however, in providing a town centre site in a thriving
town such as Bury, is balancing the competing demands of traditional
uses like the fair with alternative uses and new development.
There are a number of smaller fairground events
elsewhere in the Borough throughout the year, for example an individual
operator occasionally uses part of the Asda car park at Pilsworth,
and larger events such as the Lions gala often include a small
fair as part of the main attraction.
In relation to the provision of sites for quarters
for travelling show people all applications for such uses would
be assessed against policy H1/3 of the UDP. A copy of the policy
is attached.[7]
A privately owned site on School Street, Radcliffe was granted
planning permission last year amid a certain degree of controversy.
I am advised the difficulty, in planning terms, is that residential/winter
quarters are a mix of temporary residential accommodation with
repair of, in many cases, very large vehicles and machinery. Such
a mix of uses is not suitable in residential areas due to the
nuisance from the repair activities that go on. As a result other
areas such as industrial areas have to be considered. The only
solution to this would be to separate the repairs and residential
uses, although I understand at School Street it was seen as primary
requirement that these be kept together.
D K Beamer
Borough Property Services Officer
March 2000
7 Ev. Not printed. For further information please
contact the Metropolitan Borough of Bury. Back