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Session 1999-2000
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Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs Committee Publications

Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 1 March 2000.



Memorandum by Perretts Amusements (TF 01)

Memorandum by Mr A A K Miller, General Secretary of the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain (TF 02)

Memorandum by The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, The London & Home Counties Section (TF 03)

Memorandum by The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Norwich & Eastern Counties Section (TF 04)

Memorandum by Surrey County Council (TF 05)

Memorandum by the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Northern Section (TF 06)

Memorandum by Michelle Day-Leonard, Education Liaison Officer, Western Section of the Showmen's Guild, (TF 07)

Memorandum by R Fowkes (TF 08)

Memorandum by Cattons Fun Fairs (Amusement Caterers) (TF 09)

Memorandum by John Biddall's Funfair (TF 10)

Memorandum by the Amusement Catering Equipment Society (TF 11)

Memorandum by David J Loveday (TF 12)

Memorandum by The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Scottish Section (TF 14)

Memorandum by The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Yorkshire Section (TF 15)

Memorandum by Sue Peak (Traveller Representative, Member of the Showmans Guild) (TF 16)

Memorandum by Elaine Whiting (TF 17)

Memorandum by Sandra Wright (Partner) W Marshall's Amusements (TF 18)

Memorandum by The Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Lancashire, Cheshire & North Wales Section (TF 19)

Memorandum by D A Remblance (TF 20)

Memorandum by Paul Needham (TF 21)

Memorandum by the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Western Section (TF 22)

Memorandum by Mrs J Montgomery, Brimble, Lea & Partners (TF 23)

Memorandum by the World's Fair Limited (TF 24)

Memorandum by Mr John Graham (Travelling Showman) (TF 25)

Memorandum by Irvin Leisure (TF 26)

Memorandum by the Local Government Association (TF 27)

Memorandum by the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire, Mid & South Lincolnshire Section (TF 28)

Memorandum by Graham Downie (TF 29)

Memorandum by J J Williams, Chairman, The Showman's Guild of Great Britain, Midland Section (TF 30)

Memorandum by the National Association of Teachers of Travellers (TF 31)

Memorandum by West Midlands Consortium Education Service for Travelling Children (TF 32)

Memorandum by the European Federation for the Education of the Children of the Occupational Travellers (TF 33)

Memorandum by the Planning Inspectorate (TF 34)

Memorandum by the Showmen's Guild of Great Britain, South Wales Section (TF 35)

Memorandum by the Minister for Housing, Planning and Construction, Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions (TF 36)

Memorandum by Dr Vanessa Toulmin, Research Director, National Fairground Archive, University of Sheffield (TF 39)

Memorandum by Ian Baseley Associates (TF 40)

Memorandum by Liverpool City Council (TF 41)

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Prepared 2 March 2000