Memorandum by R Fowkes (TF 08)
In answer to your request regarding Showman's
Winter Sites. I think my case is an example. I am now 83 and retired.
I occupy this site as Winter Quarters from 1 October until 31
March. The council found me a site in 1971 after they took my
own property with CPO that was when they made it Winter Quarters.
Up till then I could use my own property all year round. The council
property I occupied from 1971 until 1991 then they put a road
through and I moved to the site I am now on. I might add it is
only temporary, and planning has to be applied for each year.
The council promised to look for a permanent site some years back
but it never came to fruition.
I might add when they took my land under CPO
I went to the tribunal and the Chairman's verdict was that the
council would find me an alternative site. Well they have done
this but is still only temporary. As this has been going on so
long surely, they should have sorted it out by now.
February 2000