Memorandum by the Local Government Association
(TF 27)
The LGA would specifically like to comment in
particular, on issues four and five raised in the inquiry relating
to travelling fairs. This response is on the basis of a circular
to all authorities.
The Effectiveness of Existing Planning Guidance
on the Provision of Quarters for Travelling Showpeople
In general, the LGA considers that the current
planning guidance covering the needs of travelling showpeople
is adequate, and in particular, many authorities made reference
to the DoE Circular 22/91 which they felt provided clear guidance
for local authorities on this issue.
In most cases, specific needs for travelling
fairs, with regard to issues such as electricity, access and health
and safety regulations, are incorporated within local authorities
general planning policy, as outlined in their local plan.
Whether Any Action is Necessary to Ensure that
Appropriate Regard is Had to the Needs of Travelling Showpeople
Within the Planning System
Again, the LGA considers that current legislation
gives appropriate regard to the needs of travelling showpeople.
Many local authorities, however, felt they were in a difficult
position in locating suitable sites for fairs while having regard
to factors such as "Areas of Natural Beauty", green
belts, and pressure from development. Issues such as complaints
from neighbours near to sites relating to noise and general disturbance
from travelling fairs was also of concern to many local authorities.
A significant amount of officer time for some authorities was
therefore spent in finding suitable sites for travelling fairs
that provided for minimal disruption and adverse conditions to
the general public, while also being suitable for the fairs and
showpeople themselves. In some cases, this problem was averted
where there was a history of travelling fairs in local authority
areas, and suitable sites had been negotiated over many years
and were incorporated within the local plan.
For the most part, local planning authorities
are already selecting appropriate sites for travelling fairs based
on the needs of travelling showpeople, including regard for issues
of access, water and electricity supply, as well as other options
such as storage facilities for goods, machinery, etc when not
in use.
In general, the LGA considers that travelling
fairs continue to be popular, and are important in both a social
and economic sense for both residents and showpeople alike. Where
there is a long tradition of travelling shows in an area, they
also have a continued historic value.
Delis Aston
Policy Officer, Planning
February 2000