Memorandum by the Planning Inspectorate
(TF 34)
1. We are unaware of any particularly pressing
development control problem with sites for travelling showpeople.
Fairs themselves are usually permitted development, as a temporary
use of land. Furthermore, the associated use of land as a caravan
site by the showpeople whilst travelling for the purpose of their
business, is also permitted development. What they need planning
permission for (though not a caravan site licence) is their winter
quarters. It is thus winter quarters cases with which the Planning
Inspectorate is likely to be involved.
2. Set out below are figures for the last
three years appeals involving travelling showpeople:
There were a total of 29 appeals
in three years.
Of 18 section 78 planning appeals,
twice the normal average were allowed (12) with only one third
(6) being dismissed.
Of 11 section 174 enforcement appeals,
only 2 of the notices were quashed, and 9 were upheld (7 with
some variation).
3. It is likely that most of these appeals
concerned winter quarters sites but in the time available we have
not been able to analyse the cases.
February 2000