Annex I
The following figures have been taken from The
Agricultural Budgeting and Costing Book and provide a guideline
Annual rentals for wild fowling and
rough shooting on property with limited sporting potential may
be as low as £0.50-£1.50*. However, where the sporting
potential is better these payments can be increased.
Provision of woodlands, game cover
crops will command returns of £3-£6 per acre with exceptional
properties in the right area these figures can almost be doubled.
Rents for driven grouse shooting
are around £80-£100 per brace on expected bags and £50-£65
per brace for walked up birds.
Driven pheasants and ducks will return
£15-£25 a bird, and partridge £40-£60 a brace.
Returns depend on the terrain, species
of deer, and quality of antler. The sportsman can keep the head
and antlers, but not the venison.
Fees for Red, Fallow and Sika stags
are around £150-£250 per beast, however this figure
can be much higher for a trophy.
Roe bucks cost £60-£120
per beast. Hind and doe stalking are usually by the day at £100
per day.
*While these figures appear low, it is important
to remember that the control of rabbits and pigeons by a third
party for example, saves the farmer time and money, as this is
a cost he would otherwise have to incur.