Graham Bennet
Tony Burden
Brian Carter
Robin Cooper
Jim Duncan
Sandy Ewing
William Harriman
Tony Hill
John Hoare
Barry Hughes
Gill Marshall-Andrews
David McCrone
Bob Pitcher
Dr Stephen Smith
Ian Snedden
Tom Warlow
Graham Widdecombe
James Arthur Winnington
| Assistant Chief Constable, Fife Constabulary
Chief Constable, South Wales Police
Gun Trade Association
HM Customs & Excise
Superintendent, Grampian Police
National Rifle Association
British Association for Shooting and Conservation
Gun Control Network (retired July 1999)
National Small-Bore Rifle Association
Crown Prosecution Service
Chair of the Gun Control Network
Deputy Chief Constable, Greater Manchester Police
London Proof House
National Farmers Union
Scottish Office Police Department
Forensic Science Service
Home Office, Operational Policing Policy Unit
Farmer and Magistrate