Select Committee on Home Affairs Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence


Memorandum by the Great Britain Target Shooting Federation


  The Great Britain Target Shooting Federation is aware of the evidence submitted to you by the National Smallbore Rifle Association and wishes to support fully the proposition that no further restrictions should be placed on legitimate airgun shooters.

  The success of British shooters at International events and the Home Country shooters at Commonwealth Games events is very largely based upon shooters learning their skills from a young age. The law already provides for adequate supervision at the relevant ages and any further restrictions would serve only to limit the ability of our Junior National Squads to continue to raise the standards of British target shooting.

  Also we support fully the evidence submitted by the Clay Pigeon Shooting Association. Legitimate shotgun owners have been subjected to ever more stringent controls over the last few years. These have in our opinion been more than sufficient when properly administered to provide adequate safeguards whilst permitting a lawful use. It is interesting to note that Great Britain has four clay target shooters already qualified for the 2000 Olympic Games.

13 October 1999

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