Select Committee on Health Minutes of Evidence


Selected recommendations by UK expert committees for action to protect the public health from tobacco, 1962-1998

  1962  The Royal College of Physicians of London[60] recommends action to "curb the present rising consumption of tobacco, and especially of cigarettes", including:

    —  more effective public information

    —  strengthening of regulations forbidding sales to children and sales from vending machines

    —  restriction of tobacco advertising

    —  organisation of smoking cessation clinics

    —  disclosure of the constituents of tobacco smoke on cigarette packets

    —  increases in tobacco taxation

  1971  Royal College of Physicians of London[61] recommends action to "end the present holocaust", including:

    —  more effective public information

    —  strengthening of regulations forbidding sales to children and removal of vending machines from public places

    —  prohibition of advertising and gift-coupon schemes

    —  restriction of smoking in public places

    —  development of more effective techniques to help smokers to quit

    —  imposition of statutory limits on tar and nicotine levels in cigarettes

  1977  Royal College of Physicians of London[62] recommends steps "to reduce and ultimately prevent the harm now being done to people's health by smoking of tobacco", including:

    —  more effective public information

    —  strengthening of regulations forbidding sales to children and removal of vending machines from public places

    —  phasing out of tobacco promotion, including advertising coupons and sponsorship

    —  restrictions on smoking in public places

    —  development of more effective techniques to help smokers to quit

    —  limitation of tar and nicotine levels

    —  increased taxation

  1988  UK Independent Scientific Committee on Smoking and Health[63] recommends:

    —  more effective public information

    —  restrictions on smoking in public places

    —  consideration of all options to encourage more smokers to stop and to discourage nonsmokers from starting

  1998  UK SCOTH Report[64] recommends that "the Government should take effective action to limit this preventable epidemic", including:

    —  more effective public information

    —  a ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and identifiable sponsorship

    —  measures to restrict smoking in public places

    —  encouraging smoking cessation

    —  increases in the real price of tobacco products

60   Royal College of Physicians of London. Smoking and Health. London: Pitman Medical, 1962. Back

61   Royal College of Physicians of London. Smoking and Health Now. London: Pitman Medical, 1971. Back

62   Royal College of Physicians of London. Smoking or Health. London: Pitman Medical, 1977. Back

63   Independent Scientific Committee on Smoking and Health: Fourth Report. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1988. Back

64   UK Department of Health. Report of the Scientific Committee on Tobacco and Health. London: Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1998. Back

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