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House of Commons
Session 1999-2000
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Health Committee Publications

Health - Minutes of Evidence [Back to Report]

Here you can browse the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 30 March 2000.


Members present:

Mr David Hinchliffe, in the Chair
Mr John Austin Mrs Eileen Gordon
Dr Peter Brand Mr John Gunnell
Mr Simon Burns Mr Stephen Hesford


Memorandum by MIND

Annex A

Memorandum by the National Schizophrenia Fellowship

Memorandum by SANE

Memorandum by Young Minds

Memorandum by Manic Depression Fellowship

Examination of Witnesses

MS SUE BROWN, Parliamentary Officer, Mind, MR PAUL FARMER, Director of Public Affairs, National Schizophrenia Fellowship, MS MARGARET EDWARDS, Head of Strategy, SANE, and MR PETER WILSON, Director, YoungMinds, were examined.

Question Number

106 - 119

120 - 139

140 - 158

Examination of Witnesses

MISS ANGIE SCHRAM, Co-Director, and MR TONY RUSSELL, Co-Director, Breakthrough, MRS PAULINE ABBOTT-BUTTLER, Director, and MR LEVI FERGUSON, Carer, FOOTPRINTS, and MS KAREN CAMPBELL, Manic Depression Fellowship, examined.

Question Number

159 - 179

180 - 199

200 - 217

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Prepared 24 May 2000