Here you can browse the Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence which were ordered by the House of Commons to be printed 13 July 2000.
APPENDIX 1Memorandum by Mr John Allan (MH 8)
APPENDIX 2Memorandum by the Department of Forensic Psychiatry,King's College London (MH 12)
APPENDIX 3Memorandum by the National Homeless Alliance(MH 14)
APPENDIX 4Memorandum by Hospitaller Order of Saint Johnof God (MH 15)
APPENDIX 5Letter from the Director, Zito Trust, to theClerk of the Committee (MH 17)
APPENDIX 6Supplementary memorandum by the Royal Collegeof Nursing (MH 21A)
APPENDIX 7Memorandum by the National Development Team(MH 24)
APPENDIX 8Joint memorandum by Sandra Sullivan and WendyRobinson, Victims' Voice (MH 27)
APPENDIX 9Memorandum by North West Regional Secure CommissioningTeam, Sefton Health Authority (MH 28)
APPENDIX 10Joint memorandum by Mental Health Servicesof Salford NHS Trust and Ashworth Hospital Authority (MH 29)
APPENDIX 11Letter from the Chief Executive, Eating DisordersAssociation, to the Clerk of the Committee (MH 33)
APPENDIX 12Memorandum by the Independent Healthcare Association(MH 37)
APPENDIX 13Memorandum by The Mental Health Foundation(MH 38)
APPENDIX 14Supplementary memorandum by The British PsychologicalSociety [Race and Culture Special Interest Group] (MH 42A)
APPENDIX 15Letter from Pat Guinan The British PsychologicalSociety to the Chairman of the Committee (MH 42B)
AnnexMemorandum to: Pat Guinan
APPENDIX 16Memorandum by the NHS Confederation (MH 43)
APPENDIX 17Memorandum by the Centre for Mental HealthServices Development (CMHSD) (MH 44)
APPENDIX 18Memorandum by the Sainsbury Centre for MentalHealth (MH46)
APPENDIX 19Memorandum by Turning Point (MH 48)
APPENDIX 20Memorandum by MACA (MH 52)
APPENDIX 21Memorandum by INQUEST (MH 53)
APPENDIX 22Memorandum by the Law Society (MH 55)
Annex AResponse to the Government's Green Paper bythe Law Society
APPENDIX 23Memorandum by South London and Maudsley NHSTrust (MH 57)
APPENDIX 24Memorandum by Mood Swings Network (MH 59)
APPENDIX 25Memorandum by the Children's Society (MH 61)
APPENDIX 26Memorandum by Dr F Nintan, Local Health PartnershipNHS Trust (MH 62)
APPENDIX 27Letter from Mr Paul Corry, Press Officer,National Schizophrenia Fellowship, to the Clerk of the Committee(MH 64A)
APPENDIX 28Letter from Mr Peter Fallon QC to the Clerkof the Committee (MH 69)
Annex 1Copy of a letter from Mr Peter Fallon QC tothe Clerk of the Home Affairs Committee
Annex 2Memorandum by Mr Peter Fallon QC, Chairmanof the Committee of Inquiry into the Personality Disorder Unit,Ashworth Special Hospital (MH 69)
APPENDIX 29Letter from the Chief Executive, South WestLondon and St. George's Mental Health NHS Trust, to the Clerkof the Committee (MH 71)
APPENDIX 30Memorandum submitted by an unnamed patient
APPENDIX 31Memorandum by The Disability Partnership (MH80)
APPENDIX 32Memorandum by the Medical Director AshworthHospital Authority (MH 82)
APPENDIX 33Memorandum by Simon Albury, Board Member,Nafsiyat Inter-Cultural Therapy Centre (MH 84)
APPENDIX 34Supplementary memorandum by South West Londonand St George's Mental Health NHS Trust (MH 71A)
APPENDIX 35Letter from the Director, Young Minds, tothe Clerk of the Committee (MH 41A)
APPENDIX 36Joint memorandum by Dr P Moodley and ProfessorRay Rowden (MH 85)
APPENDIX 37Supplementary memorandum by the Departmentof Health (MH 1C)
Annex ADepartment of Health Recruitment, Retentionand Vacancies Survey Vacancies in NHS Trusts by Region, all staffgroups
Department of Health Recruitment, Retentionand Vacancies Survey Vacancies in NHS Trusts by Region and HealthAuthority, Qualified nursing and midwifery staff
APPENDIX 38Letter from the Chief Executive, South WestLondon and St. George's Mental Health NHS Trust, to the Chairmanof the Committee (MH 71B)
APPENDIX 39Letter from the Clinical Director, The BractonCentre, Oxleas NHS Trust, to The Chairman of the Committee (MH86)