60. A great deal of activity is currently under way
to examine how sanctions might be made 'smarter' and more effective.
Conferences addressing the issue have included two conferences
at Interlaken , Switzerland "the Interlaken process"
examining the concept of targeted financial sanctions, and a seminar
sponsored by the UK Department for International Development,
hosted by the Overseas Development Institute (ODI). More recently,
the German Government has sponsored a conference seeking to examine
the potential for targeted arms embargoes and travel restrictions.
Papers from these and other conferences have been published and
placed on a Website, sponsored by the Swiss Federal Office for
Foreign Economic Affairs.[67]
As mentioned above, the UK Government, for its part, has recently
completed a review of sanctions policy which concluded that there
was a need for better targeted "smarter sanctions."[68]
61. There are two strands to the concept of smarter
sanctions: to improve their efficacy by targeting those in power
(and those who support them) and to reduce their humanitarian
impact on civilian populations through improvements to humanitarian
exemptions. These two elements of smarter sanctions have a common
goal: that sanctions should be as effective as possible whilst,
at the same time, having a minimal humanitarian impact.
Targeting Sanctions
62. The idea behind targeted sanctions is that, rather
than targeting all imports and exports of all goods and services
to a given state under a sanctions regime, a limited range of
goods and services are targeted. The UK government, in evidence,
accepted that "quite a lot of the product of our review [of
sanctions policy] is precisely the conclusion that we need to
move away from blunderbuss, hit the whole population type sanctions
towards targeted, hit the regime and its supporters type sanctions."[69]
Such sanctions seek to target the elites of a given regime, rather
than the population as a whole. The United Nations Association
of Great Britain and Northern Ireland outlined a number of possible
targets for sanctions:
- imposing a ban on all foreign travel for the
political, civil service or military members of the government
unless prior authorisation is given by the Security Council;
- freezing all known assets of the offending leadership
and their families;
- cancelling all overseas training and other opportunities
for members of the offending government and their families;
- imposing a total arms embargo;
- imposing, where relevant, no-fly zones;
- prohibiting all external investment in the country
unless it is authorised by the Security Council;
- in cases of flagrant human rights abuses
pending the establishing of the International Criminal Court
the establishment by the Security Council of a Special Criminal
Tribunal to investigate a situation.[70]
63. Whilst recognising that, as the above list demonstrates,
targeted sanctions can take a number of forms, evidence to the
Committee has focussed primarily on two particular targets: private
finance and arms imports.
64. Witnesses have suggested that targeted financial
sanctions might offer significant potential to exert pressure
on the political elite of a target country, by freezing the assets
and blocking financial transactions of entities and individuals
linked to the targeted government.[71]
However, the potential of financial sanctions remains untested.
In the words of Claude Bruderlein, "at the present stage,
the financial assets of the political elite of targeted countries
have often been left unaffected by UN sanctions regimes.... These
assets have been allowed to circulate and fructify almost unhindered
on international markets while the civilian population of the
targeted country has had to bear most of the economic burden of
comprehensive embargoes on national economic activities."[72]
Furthermore, the UN has rarely mandated financial sanctions against
individual members of a transgressor state, a point made by the
Swiss Government in its presentation to the Interlaken Seminar,
"In the case of Iraq and Serbia-Montenegro personal accounts
of the political elites, e.g. Presidents Hussein and Milosevic,
remained untouched."[73]
There has therefore been a flurry of activity in recent years
to examine how financial sanctions might be introduced as part
of a package of smarter sanctions.
65. The ODI Seminar on Smarter Sanctions put forward
the following potential advantages of financial sanctions:
- By hurting the regime more than the general population
they are morally more acceptable;
- They avoid the humanitarian costs of comprehensive
trade embargoes;
- They therefore make the UN less vulnerable to
the accusation that its policies violate human rights and subvert
its own humanitarian obligations;
- They therefore make it more difficult for the
target regime to rally domestic and foreign support against the
sanctions; those hurt are those with international money which
is a minority of the population;
- They minimise the costs to the close trading
partners of the target state;
- They deny the target regime the black market
that enables the elite to profit from sanctions;
- They deny the target regime the opportunity to
extend its control over the population by taking control of humanitarian
aid; and
- They have fewer long term social costs and do
less damage to the institutions of the targeted country.[74]
66. One example of the use of financial sanctions
has been the case of Angola. UN Security Council Resolution 1173
adopted on 12 June 1998 stated that "all States, except Angola,
in which there are funds and financial resources, including any
funds derived or generated from property of UNITA as an organisation
or of senior officials of UNITA or adult members of their immediate
families... shall require all persons and entities within their
own territories holding such funds and financial resources to
freeze them and ensure that they are not made available directly
or indirectly to or for the benefit of UNITA as an organisation
or of senior officials of UNITA or adult members of their immediate
The financial sanctions imposed on senior UNITA officials are
discussed in greater detail below. More recently, following the
failure of the Taliban Islamic leaders of Afghanistan to hand
over Osama bin Laden to the United States to face terrorist charges,
the UN Security Council has imposed targeted financial sanctions
freezing the Taliban administration's overseas assets and banning
aircraft belonging to Atiana, the Afghan airline, from landing.
67. Whilst the Government has repeatedly made the
case for "smarter sanctions", their memorandum provides
very little information on means by which these objectives could
be put into practice. The Government limits itself to broad policy
objectives such as "sanctions should be targeted to hit the
regime rather than the people."[76]
We have sought to elaborate the means by which financial sanctions
are implemented in the UK.
68. In the UK, the Treasury is responsible for implementing
and enforcing sanctions which restrict payments, movements and
change of ownership of capital and exchange. However, in these
matters, the Treasury has appointed the Bank of England to act
as its agent. The Bank is responsible for informing the banking
sector of any financial sanctions that are put in place and for
their enforcement. The identification and seizure of assets relies
on banks enforcing principles of "know your customer",
a point made by Simon Goddard of the National Criminal Intelligence
Service, "If someone in a bank knows that this account relates
to Mr Milosevic and there is in the press a lot of detail about
his criminal activities, his black market activities, then they
should rightly assume that they are the proceeds of crime and
they should be reporting that to the NCIS."[77]
69. The National Criminal Intelligence Service explained
in oral evidence that they did not have a significant role in
Similarly, the Treasury at the time of their oral evidence were
unable to offer any examples of assets being successfully identified
and seized. In a supplementary memorandum to the Committee on
the implementation of the financial sanctions imposed against
UNITA, they told the Committee, "the Bank of England managed
to trace a number of accounts held in the same name as some of
the people designated [in the UN Resolution]. The Bank of England
required further information in order to determine whether these
accounts were held by people on the target list, or whether they
were held by innocent individuals with the same name... The Foreign
and Commonwealth Office, through the Angola Sanctions Committee
at the UN, have asked the Angolan government on a number of occasions
to provide further information regarding those on the target list...
The Angolan government has been unable to provide this information.
Consequently the Bank of England have been unable to verify whether
any of these accounts should be frozen. They remain unfrozen."[79]
Since that time, however, the Committee has received a further
memorandum from the Treasury stating that, as a result of information
received by the Bank of England from the Sanctions Committee on
Angola, financial institutions in the UK had been able identify
and freeze the accounts of two people.
70. The National Criminal Intelligence Service noted
that, whilst they had examined proposals for interdiction software,
no procedures had, as yet, been put in place: "We know the
Americans have a system which allows them to put key words into
... software. For example they could put in the word 'Iraq' or
'Iran' and anything which came through the system would be identified.
We do not have that. In the past we have looked at what the Americans
are doing and we do look at what Australia do, who also have a
similar software package. At the moment our system is based purely
on the know-your customer and the role of the compliance officers."[80]
71. The Government's review of sanctions policy,
made available, in confidence, to the Committee, also contains
very little information on the use of financial sanctions, other
than to assess their impact on UK trade and investment. Crucially,
the review contains no proposals for improving financial sanctions
as a tool of "smarter sanctions." We recommend that,
in its response to this Report, the Government provide the Committee
with details of existing measures taken to implement financial
sanctions and a strategy for the relevant government departments
to improve the effectiveness of such implementation, including
the potential for the use of interdiction software. We are not
convinced that enough effort is being expended by the United Kingdom
Government to introduce effective procedures to implement financial
sanctions. The United Kingdom is a world financial centre and
a permanent member of the UN Security Council. If the United Kingdom
does not take financial sanctions seriously, this fatally weakens
the prospects for effective international action.
The Interlaken Process
72. The Interlaken process has, to date, consisted
of two seminars attended by government officials, academics, and
representatives from the trade, legal and financial sectors seeking
to "develop new options, more targeted and more effective,
driven by finance, rather than trade, and aimed at specific individuals
and entities of the targeted country."[81]
The two seminars, according to the Chairman of the Second Seminar,
"made substantial progress in the discussion of the technical
aspects of financial sanctions and mechanisms that should be in
place to operate a credible targeted financial sanctions regime."[82]
With both the Interlaken seminars now completed, the prospects
for financial sanctions appear mixed.
73. Whilst, in theory, financial sanctions sound
an attractive alternative to the use of conventional 'blunt' trade
sanctions, in practice, they face a number of technical difficulties.
Claude Bruderlein, commenting on Interlaken[83]
in a review of the process noted, "Such sanctions require
blocking not only the movement of assets into and out of the targeted
country, but necessitate also the freezing of all assets managed
for the benefit of the targeted country all over the world. Given
the fungible nature of financial assets, their propensity to be
moved around the world in a matter of seconds, and the various
possibilities to conceal the true identity of the owner, the imposition
of financial sanctions involves a dramatic expansion of the reach
and capacity of sanctions regimes."[84]
Amongst the problems he highlighted were difficulties in gathering
information on the targeted country's economic and financial profile
and an analysis of its vulnerabilities; difficulties in establishing
a list of targeted individuals and entities; the role of money
and off-shore centres; and the institutional requirements for
imposing financial sanctions and the need for technical assistance.
Information Gathering
74. Whereas comprehensive economic sanctions
need only limited knowledge about the target, targeted financial
sanctions significantly increase the need for qualitative information
and analyses of the target's financial and economic profile[85]
a point reiterated by the officials from the UK Treasury, "you
need to be able to identify assets. If somebody has concealed
the identity of those assets, you will not be able to freeze them."[86]
In this respect, targeted financial sanctions face a number of
difficulties. First, the individuals against whom sanctions are
to be targeted have to be identified. This might not only include
key members of the regime in question, but a range of other individuals
working with or for the target including middle-men, front actors
and seemingly unconnected third parties.[87]
Secondly, once the appropriate targets have been identified, there
are a number of ways in which the individuals in question can
seek to hide their assets "In general criminals become
more intelligent or become smarter themselves. There is always
a game whereby the authorities find ways of identifying assets
[and the targeted individuals] find other ways of hiding their
assets. That is always happening."[88]
Similarly, targeted individuals would rarely hold their assets
in their own name. In the case of Angola, the Treasury and the
Bank of England were initially unable to freeze the accounts of
named individuals due to a lack of information. This was because
"the accounts were in the name of the equivalent of John
Smith and the UN did not tell us any more details about John Smith,
that is where he was born, date of birth, anything else. Where
we have in the UK, let us say, 100 accounts in the name of John
Smith, you cannot freeze them all. You have to know which one
to freeze."[89]
Such problems only serve to underline the need for better information-gathering
75. In the course of our inquiry, the Committee has
found that, as a whole, information-gathering procedures to enable
the implementation of financial sanctions are limited. One notable
exception is the US Office of Foreign Assets Control which has
been described as "the best, perhaps only example of a professional
and well resourced administration apparatus."[90]
Aside from this, the Committee has seen very little evidence of
initiatives to improve the ability of states to gather information
on the assets of the elites of sanctioned regimes. Jeremy Carver
attributed this to the "weakness of internationality."
He noted that if you do not have a significant degree of cooperation
between authorities, you are not going to be able to make a substantial
contribution towards making sanctions effective.[91]
Problems involved in the gathering of information, in the context
of the UK, are discussed above.
76. Experts at the Interlaken Seminars noted that
the UN Secretariat does not, at present, have the specialised
expertise, the capacity or mandate to implement such information
a point made again to the Committee by the Treasury in evidence,
"In general the UN does not tend to provide much intelligence.
They do not have much of a function there. It is down to individual
countries to implement the measures using their own resources
or their own authorities."[93]
Jeremy Carver felt that the UN should have an important role to
play, "the UN can and must be expected to deal with sanctions...
if you are going to get financial sanctions working, you have
to have a single source and that is the UN."[94]
77. The Committee recognises the importance of
information gathering in the implementation of sanctions. Financial
sanctions will not be viable in the absence of timely and accurate
information on the targeted states and individuals. In its review
of sanctions, the Government fails to address the issue of information
gathering. We believe that the most appropriate level at which
to coordinate and direct financial sanctions is at the international
78. However, at present, the UN Secretariat lacks
the ability to gather the necessary information and the quality
of national reporting to individual sanctions committees is poor.
We consider it totally unacceptable that there is no individual
or organisation within the United Nations with overall responsibility
for targeting financial sanctions, for example against those who
continue to enrich themselves while their people suffer. We recommend
that the United Kingdom argue and gather support for the establishment
of a properly staffed and financed sanctions unit within the United
Nations to receive and coordinate information on financial sanctions
enforcement and to press national governments to implement such
financial sanctions promptly and effectively, in line with UN
resolutions. In addition, an Office of Foreign Assets Control,
on similar lines to that in the USA, should be set up in the United
The Role of Off-Shore Financial Centres
79. A further problem in gathering information
on financial assets held by targeted groups or individuals is
the culture of secrecy in the banking system and the lack of jurisdiction
of the investigation authorities in some localities. Obviously,
financial sanctions would only apply to assets held outside the
targeted states. Sanctions are primarily instruments of isolation
and the international community would have no jurisdiction to
seize assets held domestically. In practice, assets are more likely
to be held in certain (mainly OECD) countries where they are more
likely to attract competitive rates of interest. As an example,
if Saddam Hussein's assets were held entirely in Iraqi currency,
then its overall value would have been reduced by over 600,000
per cent.[95]
80. In discussion of possible difficulties in the
application of financial sanctions, Switzerland has often been
singled out as it is not a member of the United Nations and is,
therefore, not subject to UN Security Council Resolutions. In
evidence, representatives from the Treasury disagreed: "Although
the Swiss are not members of the UN, they voluntarily introduced
their own legislation to track the UN legislation."[96]
In general, Switzerland has been keen to pursue the idea of financial
sanctions for example by initiating and sponsoring the Interlaken
process. Jeremy Carver said, "My own experience of the Swiss
law is that it is clear, clean; the Department of External Economic
Relations has been very effective in policing it."[97]
Elsewhere, participants at Interlaken noted that whereas some
off-shore centres were being strict in the implementation of financial
sanctions and anti-money-laundering measures, others were not.
They identified a number of factors influencing the ability of
off-shore financial centres to act as loopholes for the evasion
of financial sanctions including the regulatory environment and
the clarity of resolutions in identifying assets.[98]
The experts noted that financial assets were not technically maintained
in the offshore centres themselves, but in corresponding hard
currency bank accounts in a few of the world's major financial
centres, making them accessible for monitoring and control.
81. The Committee recommends that the Government,
in its response, include an assessment of the implication of off-shore
financial centres for the implementation of financial sanctions
Seizing Hidden Assets
82. In the course of its inquiries, the Committee
has heard evidence that a major impediment to the implementation
of financial sanctions has been the identification of specific
individuals involved in a particular regime that is subject to
sanctions. For example, in the case of the sanctions imposed on
Iraq, members of Iraqi opposition groups stated that the regime
had "stashed away money" from a tax imposed on oil production
in the 1970s in various accounts. They had calculated "that
in early 1991 the money with interest would have amounted to $31
billion. This has been disbursed among various companies. We tried
to initiate an investigation into it and lost the thread... We
have monitored the funds going round the world... beginning with
Tunisia, Yemen, Afghanistan and various other places. To give
you a small anecdote, the day before the Iraqi Ambassador to Tunisia
defected two years ago a messenger arrived with a diplomatic bag
in the shape of a black bin bag that contained $3 million which
had arrived from Brussels. Saddam does have funds outside the
country. This goes round in bin bags, diplomatic bags and whatever
other bags he can lay his hands on. We would do very well to try
and trace those funds and freeze them."[99]
83. In the UK, under the Trading with the Enemy Act
1914, the Government has the power to seize enemy assets for the
benefit of national claimants who have suffered loss by reason
of what the enemy has done to them.[100]
In the case of Iraq, a UN resolution was passed enabling the Security
Council to make use of frozen Iraqi assets.[101]
Whilst, to date, the Government has frozen some $739 million in
Iraqi assets, the Committee has heard very little evidence
of any efforts being made to identify and seize hidden Iraqi assets
such as those described by the Iraqi opposition groups.
Institutional Requirements for Imposing Financial
84. Another problem identified by the Interlaken
seminars is the trade-off between transparency and effectiveness.
In the case of UN sanctions, the Security Council never imposes
sanctions immediately; there is always debate that will forewarn
transgressor regimes that sanctions may be applied. There is,
moreover, a feeling among some UN member states that target states
should, as a matter of principle, be warned before sanctions are
The net effect is that regimes under threat of sanctions will
have time to withdraw any assets liable to be frozen before sanctions
are implemented.
85. A further problem is the language of UN sanctions
resolutions. A paper submitted by the Netherlands to the Interlaken
Seminar notes that the language of UN Resolutions is often ambiguous
and unclear due to the understandable process of political compromise.
It gave several examples of cases where the Netherlands had had
difficulty in implementing resolutions as a result of this ambiguity.
In response to this criticism, the Second Interlaken Seminar on
Targeting UN Financial Sanctions has produced a "Draft Model
or Framework Law" designed to "enable immediate implementation
of measures without delay (immediate action often being a prerequisite
for effective financial sanctions)."[103]
86. The Committee welcomes the work of the Interlaken
Seminars in elaborating a model law for the implementation of
UN financial sanctions. In its response, we recommend that the
Government give details of what, if any, aspects of United Kingdom
law need to be changed to bring it into line with the Interlaken
model law on the implementation of UN financial sanctions.
Technical Assistance
87. Another difficulty is the lack of capacity
of some member states to implement financial sanctions. This is
a problem compounded by the lack of a legislative base for the
implementation of Security Council Resolutions. Jeremy Carver
said, "It is remarkable how few states have equipped themselves
with this basic "tool" of UN membership; and find themselves
in constitutional difficulty in giving effect to their international
He stated that very few UN member states had put in place "specific
enabling legislation allowing the state concerned to give effect
to decisions of the Security Council by means of secondary legislation"[105];
a point he reiterated in evidence "One of the most
dismaying things I discovered when I started to work on sanctions
in August 1990 was the appalling patchwork of inadequate domestic
laws to translate the international obligations down to domestic
level. We have a United Nations Act, the 1946 Act, which is very
good, clean and simple and it works... There are only twelve other
countries that have comparable legislation... three of the other
European nations that have comparable legislation have done so
in the past eight years as a result of finding that it is impossible
to give effect to these sanctions regimes on the basis of their
supposedly self-executing domestic law."[106]
88. Given the fact that few countries have the necessary
legislation to implement adequately UN sanctions, it is also unsurprising
that very little seems to have been done to develop the capacity
of countries to implement and enforce financial sanctions. The
Committee was told in evidence by the Treasury and Bank of England
that "we have been providing guidance and assistance to our
Crown dependencies and overseas territories to help them implement
the current measures but not to other independent countries."[107]
89. We recommend that there be a concerted international
effort, sponsored by the United Nations, to introduce by a target
date in all countries the necessary legislation for the implementation
of UN sanctions regimes, including financial legislation. For
developing countries, donors should consider how they can assist
in this important aspect of capacity building.
Financial Sanctions The Need for Executive
90. The ODI Seminar on Smarter Sanctions concluded
that, whilst potentially useful, smarter sanctions would not be
sufficient, in their own right, to force governments into compliance
with international demands, but rather that they should be used
as an additional tool of leverage to other targeted goods and
services. Claude Bruderlein agreed, "they offer additional
valuable tools to demonstrate the determination of the international
community and to support a growing sense of individual accountability
of the targeted elite for the unlawful acts of states by seeking
control over their financial assets and transactions. Financial
sanctions are not a stand alone measure. The targeting of sanctions
must be integrated into an overall strategy to induce political
changes within targeted states, and be part of other targeted
measures such as arms embargoes, visa restrictions, travel restrictions
91. The Committee believes that although serious
difficulties remain in the tracking of financial transactions
and location of financial assets, targeted financial sanctions
appear to be workable. It is apparent that major efforts will
need to be expended to ensure that the international community
as a whole, and individual member states in particular, acquire
the necessary technical expertise to implement and enforce such
92. If a state is judged to have violated norms relating
to international peace and security then it stands to reason that
that state should be deprived of the means of waging war. To this
end, arms embargoes have been imposed against a number of countries
by the UN, EU and OSCE in addition to ad-hoc regional arms embargoes
and export controls exercised by individual nation states. Arms
embargoes are now becoming widely used by the Security Council
as a response to crises. In its first 45 years, the UN called
for mandatory arms embargoes only twice: against Rhodesia and
South Africa. In the past decade however, it has done so on ten
occasions. It is not our intention in this Report to examine arms
embargoes in detail. Many of the issues have been discussed in
our previous Report on Conflict Prevention and Post Conflict Reconstruction.
We commented there on the linkages between arms exports and conflict
in developing countries. We have also recommended that the Government
take steps to regulate the activities of arms brokers, to improve
end-use controls and to press for similar measures to be implemented
across the EU.[110]
These issues are also being examined by the Select Committees
on Defence, Foreign Affairs, International Development and Trade
and Industry in the course of their inquiry into the Government's
Reports on Strategic Export Controls.
93. Ambassador Fowler, Chair of the UN Sanctions
Committee on Angola observed, "the UN does many many things,
some of them well, some of them not at all well and those it does
not do well, it does not do well because its member states are
not committed to seeing it do that. Why has the UN not fixed many
of these problems we are talking about in Africa? It is because
we, the member states, have not given it the wherewithal to do
so and because frankly we have not been that interested in seeing
those things occur.[111]
Referring to the case of Angola, he noted "Savimbi has earned
between US$3 and US$4 billion from his diamond marketing
over the past eight years. That buys an awful lot of military
Jonas Savimbi was reported to be receiving between five and seven
supply flights each evening. "His part of Angola is landlocked.
It is not easy to get 50-tonne tanks into that part of Angola,
yet he does that. We might usefully concentrate on how he does
94. The United Nations Association of Great Britain
and Northern Ireland agreed, "if a ban on arms sales to the
offending government is imposed, private dealers and some
governments wittingly and speedily defy the ban. The sophisticated
weapons still possessed by Jonas Savimbi's UNITA group in Angola
is stark evidence of UN sanctions being flouted."[114]
95. Ambassador Fowler stated that "there is
no doubt that these very sophisticated weapons are not made in
Africa. They are being sent to Africa from all kinds of points
with all kinds of middlemen who may have nothing to do with the
country of origin of the equipment. We have to cast the net pretty
widely if we are going to stop Savimbi from being able to wage
96. Ambassador Fowler accepted that it would be nearly
impossible to stop the illegal exports of diamonds and imports
of arms and munitions, "I do not think I can stop, no matter
what we do, no matter what the panels do, no matter how much convincing
we do of governments, I am not going to stop Monsieur Savimbi
from selling diamonds. What we hope we can do is make it more
difficult. Above all we can make it more expensive, in other words
he will get less money for it. We can force him into grey and
black markets. We can force him away from more regulated, more
lucrative markets like London, maybe Antwerp, into more popular
markets which will give him less for his stones... Let us make
it less profitable. Exactly the same thing on the arms side. The
arms trade is such that there will always be people willing to
sell these things to people. The issue is the price: the price
of the arms and the price of the transport to get them in there.
What we hope to do is force both of those up, make him pay much
more for what he gets and make it much more difficult and much
more expensive for him to get it."[116]
97. We reiterate our recommendations made in previous
reports that the Government tighten controls on arms brokers and
introduce end-use controls and push for similar measures to be
adopted throughout the EU.
98. The failure to enforce effectively the sanctions
regime against UNITA is a scandal which must be urgently addressed
by the international community. A number of witnesses have
also commented on the enforcement of sanctions in general. For
each sanctions regime, the Security Council establishes a sanctions
committee. Sanctions committees are composed of representatives
of the 15 members of the Security Council, generally chaired by
a non-permanent member of the Council, and are invested with the
authority to monitor and implement sanctions regimes.
99. The Committee has heard that, by and large, the
committees have remained somewhat passive in the monitoring and
enforcement of arms embargoes, being content to receive information
on violations provided by governments on a voluntary basis. For
example, the summary of an April 1997 meeting by the chairs of
the Security Council sanctions committees noted that "certain
committees" were "practically non-operational and certainly
inefficient...In fact...four are not deploying any substantial
A major problem faced by sanctions committees is a lack of administrative
capacity. Ambassador Fowler, chair of the Sanctions Committee
on Angola, told the Committee, "I have about one third of
a person in the UN Secretariat who helps me arrange meetings.
My own expenses are paid by the Canadian Government."[118]
A further problem is a reluctance on the part of national governments
to provide timely and accurate information to sanctions committees
on breaches of sanctions regimes. Ambassador Fowler accepted that
the quality of national reporting to UN sanctions committees was
a point reiterated by Peter Hain, who noted that Ambassador Fowler
was "extremely frustrated not just with the question of UN
resources behind him but more with the lethargy there has been
internationally on behalf of the very same governments who vote
for Security Council resolutions empowering him, amongst others,
to take action against UNITA actually to come forward with the
intelligence, the action to stop supplies coming in and the diamonds
going out... until I actually asked the Foreign Office for a real
priority to be given to this I think that there was a sense that
life is moving along, we are getting what we can and I know Ambassador
Fowler felt that he had not had the cooperation of neighbouring
African governments who I think on the one hand vote for resolutions
and on the other hand some of their officials and their business
and their transport operators are meanwhile providing the very
fuels and munitions which Savimbi depends upon."[120]
Since that time, the Minister has provided further details on
this issue. In the House of Commons on 18 January 2000, Peter
Hain stated, "It is vital that private individuals and companies
engaged in breaking the law by deliberately breaching UN sanctions
on UNITA are stopped. I can inform the house that we are referring
to the UN sanctions committee today, and its expert panels, the
details of three such individuals, which we hope that they will
be able to follow up."[121]
100. We are concerned that, as a whole, the quality
of national reporting to sanctions committees remains low, thereby
reducing the effectiveness of sanctions regimes. We welcome the
Minister's assurances that the Government will be giving an extra
priority to intelligence gathering in regard to sanctions regimes
imposed by organisations of which the UK is a member. We
request details of the further action, procedures and resources
dedicated to intelligence gathering with regard to sanctions regimes.
The UK, as a permanent member of the UN Security Council, has
an important role to play in encouraging other member states to
be more active in the monitoring and enforcement of UN sanctions
101. In an effort to combat sanctions-busting, Ambassador
Fowler had, on the authorisation of the Security Council, established
two expert panels, "The first focussing on where Savimbi
gets his money, looking principally at financial transactions,
diamonds and how he gets his oil. The second panel of four experts
to look at where he gets his war materiel and how he gets it into
his country."[122]
The Government, in evidence, was very supportive of the initiative,
as Tony Faint, Director, Balkans Division, DFID, explained, "From
the point of view of DFID, I think this is quite an interesting
sort of test case for us, of the ability to design smarter sanctions
which are well targeted and do not have adverse humanitarian effects."[123]
Since that time, the Committee has heard that, at a meeting on
26-27 August, it was decided that, for administrative purposes,
the two panels would, in effect, operate as one panel under the
chairmanship of Ambassador Mollander of Sweden. The UK was, at
the time of writing, in the process of authorising the payment
of $200,000 towards the establishment and running costs of the
The Committee very much welcomes the initiative of Ambassador
Fowler in establishing the expert studies and commends the Government
for supporting the initiative. This does not address, however,
the more general problem of the lack of capacity of the sanctions
committees to monitor and enforce sanctions regimes effectively.
The UN must provide the human and financial resources necessary
for the sanctions committees to do their jobs properly. We also
ask the Government, in its response, to spell out what proposals
it is putting to the UN to improve the capacity of sanctions committees.
In addition to improving the capacity of sanctions committees,
there is also a need to improve the capacity of countries surrounding
a targeted state to monitor and restrict cross border trade in
prohibited goods and services.
102. The German Government has recently taken an
initiative in examining the potential for arms embargoes and travel
sanctions by sponsoring an expert conference on the issues organised
by the Bonn International Centre for Conversion.[125]
Whilst the initiative is still in its early days, we trust
that the Government will actively support and participate in the
German Government's attempt to elaborate what has been described
as "the next step" of smarter sanctions: arms embargoes
and travel sanctions.
103. Whilst the focus of this Report is on the future
of sanctions in the sense of instruments of isolation as set out
under Article 41 of the UN Charter, the Committee has, in previous
reports addressed other issues which relate more broadly to sanctions
policy. One such issue is the concept of individual responsibility.
In our Report on Conflict Prevention and Post Conflict Reconstruction
we noted that "in reducing the risks of conflict an important
factor must be removing the culture of impunity which allows war
lords, political leaders and their followers to believe that they
can get away with human rights abuses and the breaking of humanitarian
law. Punishment for such war crimes is also a necessary component
of a post-conflict society coming to terms with its recent past."[126]
We also lamented the Government's failure to ratify the Statute
of the International Criminal Court, recommending that legislation
be brought forward in the current session to ensure its ratification.
Since that time, the Government has announced the publication
of a draft Bill to "give effect to Britain's support for
an international criminal court."[127]
We welcome the publication of the draft Bill to ratify the
United Kingdom's commitment to the international criminal court.
We trust that the Bill will be included in the legislative programme
of the next session to ensure that the United Kingdom is one of
the first 60 states to ratify the agreement so as to bring it
into force.
104. Another possible sanction (in the broader sense
of the term) is the withdrawal or suspension of development assistance.
Claude Bruderlein stated in evidence that "the restriction
of bilateral aid is not a sanction per se. Every country
is free to decide to whom it will give its assistance and aid.
Therefore it is not clearly under the sanctions or the collective
response to the threat to international peace and security."[128]
At the same time, developing countries often depend on development
assistance for a considerable proportion of their budgets and,
whilst development assistance is obviously discretionary, its
unanticipated withdrawal can often have a similar or greater impact
to sanctions proper as was the case in Burundi. Gregory Salter,
commissioned to write a report on the sanctions imposed on Burundi,
noted that "the sanctions against Burundi had their major
economic impact through the resulting de facto freeze on
donor financing in the country, and the consequent escalation
in internal debt and external debt arrears. Indeed... Burundi
has suffered more from reduced access to international funds than
from the embargo itself."[129]
105. In evidence, Save the Children also expressed
concern about the use of aid as a sanction, drawing the Committee's
attention to aid embargoes on Zanzibar and Sudan, which had experienced
problems "tantamount to sanctions."[130]
106. In its White Paper on International Development,
DFID states that "there will be some circumstances under
which a government-to-government partnership is impossible, because
the government concerned is not committed to the elimination of
poverty, is not pursuing sound economic policies or is embroiled
in conflict." It goes on to state that "where poor countries
are ruled by governments with no commitment to helping the poor
realise their human rights, we will help where we can
do so through alternative channels. These will include
the institutions of civil society, voluntary agencies and local
government. In such cases our assistance will be tightly focussed
on the victims of neglect and oppression."[131]
107. Since the Committee announced its inquiry into
the future of sanctions, the Department for International Development
has suspended development assistance to both Serbia and Pakistan.
In the case of Pakistan it stated, "We are deeply concerned
at the situation in Pakistan: widespread corruption, economic
mismanagement, increasing poverty and now military rule... Obviously,
we cannot provide development assistance to the military authorities
in Pakistan. No new funds for programmes linked to governmental
institutions will be made available and all our specialists who
have been advising the Government have stopped work."[132]
108. In the context of another inquiry, the Committee
has taken the opportunity to question the Secretary of State for
International Development on the suspension of aid to Pakistan.
She acknowledged that decisions to suspend aid programmes were
fraught with difficulties, "it is quite popular for people
to call for a cutting off of aid when something oppressive happens,
but by and large I think that is the wrong response. It is to
punish the poor for the misbehaviour of their government... I
do not think the assumption should be that when people are suffering
even greater oppression you pull away from them... because of
course the people with bad governments are the most oppressed
of the earth... I think it is wrong to see aid as the weapon of
political punishment. It is funds that belong to the poor of the
earth and that should be used whenever possible to relieve and
improve their condition and there are other sanctions that are
available to governments. But it is popular with those not engaged
in development to say: "Oh, stop aid", because that
is painless for commerce, painless for other kinds of sales, because
the poor get hurt."
109. The sudden withdrawal of development assistance
can often have a similar or greater impact to the use of traditional
sanctions. Full consideration should be given to the humanitarian/developmental
impact of withdrawing government-to-government development assistance.
110. The Committee requests that the Government
provide the Committee with details of all countries to whom it
has suspended development assistance for political reasons. This
list should be updated annually in the Department for International
Development's Departmental Annual Report.
111. Development assistance can also be used strategically
as an incentive to improve governance, human rights and the pro-poor
policies of a given government. This is an approach that has been
developed by the Department for International Development in its
use of 'development partnerships'. The White Paper states, "Where
low income countries are committed to the elimination of poverty
and pursuing sensible policies to bring that about, the Government
will be ready to enter a deeper, long-term partnership and to
provide: a longer term commitment; an enhanced level of resources;
and greater flexibility in the use of resources."[133]
Partner governments are expected to "pursue policies which
promote responsive and accountable government, recognising that
governments have obligations to all their people; promote the
enjoyment of civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights;
and which encourage transparency and bear down on corruption."[134]
112. The Committee welcomes DFID's use of development
partnerships to encourage good governance, respect for human rights
and the elimination of corruption.
Humanitarian exemptions
113. The second strand to the concept of smarter
sanctions is to improve the means by which humanitarian goods
and service are exempted from sanctions regimes so as to minimise
the human cost of sanctions. At present, all UN sanctions resolutions
contain provisions to exempt certain goods such as food and medicine
though these are not always clearly defined. However, in the course
of this inquiry, witnesses have drawn attention to a number of
weaknesses in the current system of humanitarian exemptions. These
include: decisions relating to dual-use goods that is
to say, goods that could have both a civilian and a military application;
the means by which humanitarian exemptions to sanctions are processed;
and the scope and definition of humanitarian exemptions.
114. The question of the definition of humanitarian
assistance was raised by Peter Hain in evidence to the Committee
in relation to the Oil Embargo imposed on the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia. On 23 April 1999, the Council of the European Union
adopted Common Position 1999/273/CFSP imposing a ban on "the
sale of petroleum and certain products to the Federal Republic
of Yugoslavia." A revised Council Regulation of 1 October
1999 stated that "the competent authorities may authorise
on a case-by-case basis... the sale, supply or export of [certain]
products if conclusive evidence is given to these authorities
that the sale, supply or export serves strictly humanitarian purposes."[135]
Since that time, a further Council Regulation[136]
has allowed for the sale of petroleum and petroleum products to
two municipalities in the Republic of Serbia under the "Energy
for Democracy Programme" the cities of Nis and Pirot.
The Committee raised this issue with the Minister of State who
stated that the exemption was "specifically to provide heating
oil and energy assistance because we are very well aware of the
freezing winter setting in and also of the fact that those areas
are opposed to Milosevic's brutal rule. That is a clear example
where we are able to address humanitarian relief where we can
but also there is, as it were, an advantage in being opposed to
a dictator's brutal policies."[137]
He went on, "It is a humanitarian effort but we are able
to deliver it because of the added opportunity of a political
bonus and a political factor too in that we are not giving support
to Milosevic and the regime that surrounds him; we are actually
rewarding those who are opposed to his brutal rule."[138]
He later accepted that "the world is a messy place and sanctions
need to be applied and exemptions organised in a way that allows
us to maximise humanitarian relief whilst at the same time achieve
the change which ultimately will be for the benefit of people
in humanitarian terms of getting rid of oppressive policies or
changing them in some final way, then that is something to be
115. Dennis McNamara, UNHCR Special Representative
to the Balkans, was in no doubt as to the humanitarian importance
of heating oil when questioned by the Committee, "If we are
going to get these refugees and displaced persons through the
winter they have got to have heating both in Kosovo and maybe
even more so in Serbia in view of the damage to infrastructure
so for us the humanitarian consequences will be the same whatever
label is used and our plea has been do not let us have another
humanitarian catastrophe in this region by denying essential utilities
and services that particularly the vulnerable displaced populations
are going to need."[140]
This view was reinforced by an OCHA assessment of energy needs
in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and of predicted winter
shortages and recommended humanitarian measures.[141]
Similarly, in the case of Iraq, it has been argued that health
requirements should go beyond medicines to include improved infrastructure
in the areas of water and sanitation and electricity for healthcare
116. The Committee has, in a previous report, remarked
on the importance of the distinction between humanitarian and
development assistance. In that report, we stated that "It
is accepted that a government might not want to give funds to
a certain country because it considers the politics of that country
to be unacceptable or its practices corrupt. Humanitarian assistance,
however, is meant to find its way, when required, even to such
places. It is a response to abject human suffering and, as we
have emphasised above, it is provided neutrally and impartially."[142]
117. We believe that the provision of oil
described as humanitarian by the Minister solely to municipalities
controlled by opponents of Milosevic serves to undermine fatally
the impartiality and neutrality of humanitarian assistance. It
is one thing to support principled humanitarian aid but quite
another to use the risk of diversion as an excuse to supply such
assistance solely to one's political allies.
118. More generally, we agree with the views of
Dennis MacNamara and others on the danger that the definition
of humanitarian, as opposed to developmental, assistance is too
tightly drawn. The result is an effective embargo on what are
in fact humanitarian requirements.
119. However, just as too narrow a definition of
humanitarian assistance can have dire humanitarian consequences,
so too can inappropriate humanitarian assistance. For example,
a report commissioned by Save the Children discovered that the
universal food ration, introduced in Iraq as part of the Oil for
Food Programme, had had a negative impact on certain enterprising
groups, especially farmers. The report states, "the ration
has resulted in the dramatic collapse of prices of key agricultural
products, which were the mainstay of the economy. The prices of
all ration items (flour, rice oil, chickpeas, lentils, sugar,
tea and soap) have dramatically fallen. By far the most critical
repercussions concern the extremely low price of wheat which is
now selling at well below the cost of production."[143]
This point was raised again in oral evidence. Chris Saunders,
Programme Officer, Middle East, for Save the Children noted, "If
we could see local purchase of foodstuffs in the north [of Iraq]
we would see a burgeoning agricultural sector. As it is because
foodstuffs are imported under [Resolution] 986 the agricultural
sector has declined because it is not worth growing."[144]
120. The "dumping" of humanitarian assistance
which undermines local production, is unacceptable and should
have been avoided through prior impact assessments. In previous
reports, we have underlined the importance of local procurement
and employment in the provision of both humanitarian and development
The humanitarian response to the imposition of sanctions must
take account of local procurement and of the local economy in
the provision of humanitarian assistance.
121. One of the conclusions of the ODI seminar on
smarter sanctions was that the success or otherwise of humanitarian
exemptions will depend on a more specific vulnerability analysis.[146]
The Committee agrees (and had already noted in the case
of the South/Centre of Iraq) that a lack of information is a major
impediment to the development of a successful regime of humanitarian
exemptions. Whilst recognising that there may be political imperatives
for the swift imposition of sanctions, impact assessments should
be undertaken as soon as is practicable after any sanctions regime
is fully implemented by those with relevant expertise from UN
agencies and non-governmental organisations. Sanctions regimes
must take account of issues such as the level of economic development
in the country targeted and groups that are likely to be disproportionately
affected by the imposition of sanctions. Furthermore, sanctions
regimes should be sufficiently flexible so as to allow for fine-tuning
in response to any unforeseen adverse humanitarian consequences.
122. We have commented previously (paras 99-102)
on the role of sanctions committees in enforcing sanctions. The
Committee has also heard a number of criticisms of the role of
sanctions committees in processing humanitarian exemptions to
sanctions both in general and in relation to specific
123. A number of these criticisms were summarised
at the ODI seminar on smarter sanctions, "The current Ad
Hoc sanctions committees are staffed by diplomats, not always
with the required technical expertise. The staff also rotates
as a function of the governments sitting on the Security Council.
There is no institutional memory of sanctions policy and practice.
The deliberations are not transparent, the sanctions committees
not accountable. It is held that sanctions committees focus too
much on humanitarian exemptions as a potential threat to the effectiveness
of sanctions."[147]
A similar point was made in evidence by Rita Bhatia of Save the
Children, "[Sanctions committees] are made up of representatives
of the 15 members of the Security Council. One of the problems
is that... these individuals are often diplomats, they are not
technical people, and also there are difficulties in using experience
from one sanctions committee and transplanting that to another
one, so there is loss of the institutional learning... one of
the clear criticisms with the Sanctions Committee on Iraq is that
a lot of the processes have become politicised... Earlier on in
the programme, 46 per cent of all items were put on hold and only
that committee member [that put the item on hold] can release
that item."[148]
124. The Secretary-General of the United Nations,
Kofi Annan has also expressed concern about delays in the approval
of applications by the Sanctions Committee on Iraq. In particular,
he referred to "the growing number of holds placed upon applications
and the resultant serious implications for the implementation
of the humanitarian programme."[149]
According to a recent UN report, 23.7 per cent of applications
for the import of goods under Phase V of the Oil for Food Programme
had been placed on hold, including 100 per cent of applications
for telecommunications, 65.5 per cent for electricity, 53.4 per
cent for water and sanitation and 43 per cent for oil spare parts
and equipment.
125. One set of practical proposals for improving
the efficiency and effectiveness of sanctions committees was made
by Ambassador Amorim from Brazil, in a note by the President of
the Security Council entitled "Work of the Sanctions Committees."[150]
A number of witnesses have referred to this document and, broadly
speaking, have concurred with its recommendations. Whilst the
document contains some 20 recommendations, witnesses have, in
particular, pointed to the recommendations aimed at improving
the effectiveness of sanctions (discussed above under arms embargoes)
and measures for streamlining humanitarian exemptions.
Streamlining Humanitarian Exemptions
126. The note by Ambassador Amorim makes three
proposals for streamlining the exemption process for humanitarian
(a) "UN Agencies
as well as humanitarian organisations and other relevant organisations
should benefit from special, simplified procedures in requesting
humanitarian exemptions, in order to facilitate the implementation
of their humanitarian programmes;
(b) "Consideration
should be given to how humanitarian organisations could have the
possibility to apply for humanitarian exemptions directly to the
sanctions committees; and
(c) "Foodstuffs,
pharmaceuticals and medical supplies should be exempted from UN
sanctions regimes. Basic or standard medical and agricultural
equipment and basic or standard educational items should also
be exempted. Consideration should be given to the drawing up of
lists for that purpose. Other essential humanitarian goods should
be considered for exemption. In this regard, it is recognised
that efforts should be made to allow the population of the targeted
country to have access to appropriate resources and procedures
for financing humanitarian imports."[151]
127. The Committee endorses the findings of the
Note by the President of the Security Council on the Work of the
Sanctions Committees and recommends that a standing list of life-saving
supplies be agreed, in consultation with national, international
and non-governmental providers of humanitarian aid, for exemption
from sanctions regimes.
128. Save the Children confirmed that they had experienced
problems with the Sanctions Committee on Iraq. Whilst they agreed
with the note by Ambassador Amorim, they argued that "this
note perhaps does not go far enough. It does not make humanitarian
assessments mandatory."[152]
129. Throughout the course of this inquiry, the Committee
has heard a great deal of evidence on the inadequacies of the
existing procedures for exempting humanitarian goods and services
from sanctions regimes. The UK Government has, in part, acknowledged
this and, in a draft UN Resolution (which was adopted by the Security
Council on 17 December 1999) has allowed for a list of humanitarian
items, including foodstuffs and medicines, that will no longer
require to be submitted to the Sanctions Committee for approval.
130. Claude Bruderlein, in his memorandum to the
Committee, made a number of recommendations to ensure an integrated
approach to exemption mechanisms. He reflected the recommendations
of Ambassador Amorim by suggesting that the Chair of the sanctions
committee should visit the region in question to gain a first
hand perspective on the humanitarian situation and also recommended
that committees should request regular updates of the assessment
provided by the Secretariat in order to ensure the adequacy of
its approach on exemptions. Moreover he stated that "Sanctions
committees should decide on institution and country specific items
which should be exempted from the sanctions regime...humanitarian
organisations that should benefit from institution-based exemptions
include members of the UN system, their non-governmental implementing
partners, and international members of the ICRC and IFRC. Country
specific exemptions should take into account the specific nature
of each crisis and country and include foodstuffs that are staples
of vulnerable groups."[153]
131. The Committee further recommends that other
means of expediting the delivery of humanitarian goods and services
be considered including institutional exemptions for members of
the UN system, their non-governmental implementing partners, and
international members of the ICRC and IFRC, coupled with increased
end-use monitoring.
132. Another major concern is the long term humanitarian/developmental
consequences of sanctions. As the ODI Seminar on Smarter Sanctions
found, "The transformation of a legal economy into a black-market
economy and the social [and intellectual] costs resulting from
sanctions are not simply reversible when sanctions are lifted."[154]
Furthermore, sanctions can undermine the domestic opposition to
the target regime and the longer-term foundations for a more democratic
133. The Quakers stated in evidence to the Committee
"that whenever sanctions are imposed, serious thought must
also be given to, and preparations made for a future in which
they have been lifted. The end goal of sanctions, as with any
enforcement measure, must be the return of the people in question
to the international community, and the building of trust and
relationships strong enough to prevent the recurrence of destructive
behaviour or violent conflict in the long term."[155]
The Committee agrees that whenever sanctions are imposed, serious
thought must also be given to, and preparations made for, a future
in which they have been lifted.
134. The long term impact of sanctions is particularly
serious in developing countries. ActionAid stated that "The
Burundi experience raises important but interesting questions
about the assistance role of the major donors and official creditors
where regional sanctions have been imposed against a poor country...
the sanctions on Burundi had their major economic impact through
the resulting de facto freeze on donor financing in the
country, and the consequent escalation in internal debt and external
debt arrears... Burundi has suffered more from reduced access
to international funds than from the embargo itself. Yet, since
the suspension of sanctions, there has been only a small increase
in international aid to Burundi."[156]
Save the Children were particularly concerned about the effects
of conditional assistance in the post-sanctions period as donors
were seeing to channel their assistance through non-governmental
sources asking, in the case of Burundi, whether it was "realistic
to attempt to restore functional infrastructure in areas such
as health and education if the Government of Burundi does not
have the resources to make this work?"[157]
135. The impact of sanctions on society and on infrastructure
can be as devastating as the impact of conflict or natural disasters
and the international community should be equally prepared to
assist in reconstruction. Whilst natural disasters can obviously
not be anticipated, the international community will often be
able to anticipate the lifting of sanctions either as a result
of a change of policy on the part of the targeted regime or as
a result of the sanctioning states taking the decision to lift
them. Hans von Sponeck, for example, felt that it was important
that the international community should prepare for the post-sanctions
period in Iraq in advance of sanctions being lifted .
136. The Committee believes that sanctioning organisations
have an obligation to ensure that targeted states are adequately
reintegrated into the international community once sanctions have
been lifted to ensure that the long term humanitarian impact on
the population is minimised. We recommend that once sanctions
have been lifted donors bilateral and multilateral
should agree a coordinated strategy for post-sanctions reconstruction
similar to strategies developed in the wake of conflicts or
natural disasters. We invite the Government, in its response
to this Report, to provide the Committee with details of any preparations
it is making for the eventual lifting of existing sanctions regimes
such as those imposed against Iraq.
Improving the Effectiveness of Sanctions
137. Whilst it is important to ensure that sanctioning
states have sufficient information as to the vulnerabilities and
humanitarian needs of any targeted state prior to the imposition
of sanctions, it is equally important to ensure that there are
adequate procedures for monitoring the impact (humanitarian and
otherwise) of sanctions once they have been imposed. Mikael Barfod
of ECHO noted that there was a lack of effective procedures for
monitoring the impact of sanctions, "I think very often these
[monitoring] mechanisms are not in place... The monitoring is
something that we only hear about second or third hand and that
is not satisfactory... ECHO itself has a monitoring system. In
fact, we have 70 of our own experts in place in all the various
humanitarian crises of the world. These experts monitor very precisely
what happens in a sanctions system, whether the humanitarian items
get through, whether the needs are covered with what gets through,
whether more is needed... I think that system works well for us...but
I would like to go a bit further.. I would like our experts to
be involved directly in the mechanisms in place, even someone
from ECHO head office could go to the Sanctions Committee in New
York, why not? We know where the shoe pinches I would have thought
so why should we not be involved. Certainly we can also help when
it comes to designing sanctions, as has been said many times now."[158]
Moreover, major reports commissioned by the UN Department of Humanitarian
Affairs published in 1995 and 1997 recommended that humanitarian
assessments be conducted before, during and after sanctions have
been imposed.[159]
138. The Committee is concerned that, in many
cases, existing mechanisms for monitoring the humanitarian/developmental
impact of sanctions are inadequate. We recommend that all sanctions
regimes should have provision for an ongoing system of monitoring
their impact. To this end, use should be made of existing expertise
in the field from UN organisations, ECHO and other governmental
and non-governmental organisations.
139. A further suggestion for improving the effectiveness
of sanctions is that sanctions should have explicit criteria for
determining when they should be lifted. Save the Children stated
in evidence, "for sanctions to be justifiable there must
be reasonable prospect that their aims can be achieved. There
is also a case for laying down precisely defined objectives and
termination criteria in future sanctions regimes."[160]
At present, UN sanctions remain in force until a decision is taken
to lift them. This means, in essence, that a single Permanent
Member can prevent their being lifted by vetoing any resolution
to that effect. A number of witnesses, including Save the Children,
have suggested that sanctions should be time-limited, requiring
a "green light" for renewal beyond a specified point.
140. This is especially important given that, according
to the United Nations Association, "the member states of
the United Nations are very capable of tiring of a crisis and
of losing the will adequately to continue supporting those unintended
victims as fully as they should. Iraq is one such example. The
civilian population has not been adequately supported throughout
the eight years during which the post-Gulf sanctions have been
in operation."[161]
The UNA agreed with other witnesses that "sanctions should
only ever be imposed for a limited period, even if they need to
be extended. Full and proper review should be undertaken regularly
and the type of sanctions used should change if a particular situation
demands this." The UN General Assembly, in 1997, called for
the progressive lifting of sanctions as an inducement to compliance.[162]
141. The Committee agrees that serious thought
must be given to exit strategies from sanctions regimes. The Committee
requests that, in its response to this Report, the Government
provides an assessment of the merits of placing a time limit on
the application of sanctions regimes.
67 Back
Ev p.1 Back
Q.15 Back
Ev p.180 Back
See, for example, Ev p.79 Back
Ev p.79 Back
UN Sanctions: How effective? How Necessary, Andrew Mack and Asif
Khan, Strategic Planning Unit, Executive Office of the Secretary-General,
United Nations, April 1999 Back
Can Sanctions be Smarter?: The Current Debate, Report of a Conference
held in London, 16-17 December 1998, p.18 Back
Ev p.107 Back
Ev p.1 Back
Q.454 Back
Q.389 Back
Ev p.107 Back
Q.455 Back
Ev p.79 Back
Executive Summary of the Chairman's Report of the Second Interlaken
Seminar on Targeting United Nations Financial Sanctions, Ambassador
Rolf Jeker, Director, Swiss Federal Office for Foreign Economic
Affairs Back
Claude Bruderlein was Special Assistant to Ambassador Rolf Jeker,
Chairman of the 2nd Interlaken Seminar on Targeting Financial
Sanctions Back
Ev p.80 Back
Ev p.80 Back
Q.386 Back
Can Sanctions be Smarter?: The Current Debate, Report of a Conference
held in London, 16-17 December 1998, p.18 Back
Q.429 Back
Q.418 Back
Can Sanctions be Smarter?: The Current Debate, Report of a Conference
held in London, 16-17 December 1998, p.20 Back
Q.729 Back
Ev p.80 Back
Q.434 Back
Q.734 Back
As mentioned above, the UNDP has calculated that, whereas prior
to the imposition of sanctions, 1ID was equivalent to £3.33,
the current private exchange rate was 1ID for $0.0005 Back
Q382 Back
Q.726 Back
Ev p.81 Back
Q. 576 Back
Q.720 Back
Q.725 Back
UN Sanctions: How effective? How Necessary, Andrew Mack and Asif
Khan, Strategic Planning Unit, Executive Office of the Secretary-General,
United Nations, April 1999 Back
Report of the Second Interlaken Seminar on Targeting UN Financial
Sanctions, p.62. See also Annex1 Back
Ev p.129 Back
Making Financial Sanctions Work: Preconditions for Successful
Implementation of Sanctions by the Implementing State, Paper for
the Second Interlaken Seminar, March 29-31 1999 Back
Q.718 Back
Q.460 Back
Ev p.80 Back
Ev p.81 Back
Sixth Report of the International Development Committee, Session
1998-99, Conflict Prevention and Post Conflict Reconstruction,
HC55-I, para.159 Back
Q. 485 Back
Q.476 Back
Q.470 Back
Ev p.179 Back
Q.477 Back
Q.510 Back
Sanctions Regimes and Sanctions Committees: summation of points
discussed during informal lunch of chairpersons of sanctions committees,
April 1997. The report also called for better coordination between
the various committees and between committees of the Security
Council Back
Q.510 Back
Q.514 Back
Q.756 Back
Hansard, 18 January 2000, Col.679 Back
Q.489 Back
Q.49 Back
Ev p.154 Back
BICC First Expert Seminar. Smart Sanctions, The Next Step: Arms
Embargoes and Travel Sanctions, 21-23 November 1999, Bonn Back
Sixth Report of the International Development Committee: Conflict
Prevention and Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Session 1998-99,
HC55-1, para.83 Back
Hansard, 22 November 1999, Col.361 Back
Q.327 Back
Ev p.38 Back
Q.137 Back
White Paper on International Development, para. 2.24 Back
Press Notice from DFID, 15 October 1999 Back
White Paper on International Development, para.2.21 Back
White Paper on International Development, Panel 14 Back
PESC 305, p.4 Back
2421/1999 Back
Q.762 Back
Q.767 Back
Q.770 Back
Minutes of Evidence taken before the International Development
Committee, Dennis McNamara, HC 422-i, Q.90 Back
Electricity and Heating in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia,
Executive Summary of Predicted Winter Shortages and Recommended
Humanitarian Measures, OCHA 20 September 1999 Back
Sixth Report of the International Development Committee, Session
1998-99, Conflict Prevention and Post Conflict Reconstruction,
HC55-1, Para.87 Back
Ev p.34 Back
Q.206 Back
For example, see Third Report of the International Development
Committee, Session 1998-99, HC 422, para.59 Back
Can Sanctions Be Smarter? Key Questions, General Conclusions.
ODI Sanctions Seminar, p.5 Back
Multilateral Economic Sanctions to Enhance Global Governance and
Respect for International Norms, Topics for Debate, Research...and
Reform? A Brief Overview, ODI Sanctions Seminar, p. 7 Back
Q.155 Back
Letter dated 22 October 1999 from the Secretary-General addressed
to the President of the Security Council, S/1999/1086 Back
The Note is included as an Annex to the Report Back
Note by the President of the Security Council: Work of the Sanctions
Committees, S/1999/92, 29 January 1999 Back
Q.155 Back
Ev p.78 Back
Can Sanctions Be Smarter? Key Questions, General Conclusions.
ODI Sanctions Seminar, p.4 Back
Ev p.167 Back
Ev p.38 Back
Ev p.36 Back
Q.294-5. Back
UN Sanctions: How effective? How Necessary, Andrew Mack and Asif
Khan, Strategic Planning Unit, Executive Office of the Secretary-General,
United Nations, April 1999 Back
Ev p.37 Back
Ev p.180 Back
UN Sanctions: How effective? How Necessary, Andrew Mack and Asif
Khan, Strategic Planning Unit, Executive Office of the Secretary-General,
United Nations, April 1999, p.14 Back