Oral Evidence |
| 6 February 2001 |
| HC 238-viii |
ISBN 010 277900 7 |
£7.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 15 November 2000 Making Government Work: Mr William McKay and Mr Archie Cameron; Mr Brian Taylor, Mr Robert Blair and Mr Robert Ward; Ms Margaret McDonagh and Professor Keith Ewing; Mr David Prior and Mr Stuart Harris; Mr Nigel Bliss and Mr Ben Williams |
| 29 January 2001 |
| HC 238-vii |
ISBN 010 277800 0 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 8 November 2000 Making Government Work: Mr Jonathan Baume and Mr Chris Dunabin |
| 29 January 2001 |
| HC 727-ii |
ISBN 010 277700 4 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 22 November 2000 Special Advisers: Lord Blackwell and Dr William Plowden |
| 19 December 2000 |
| HC 238-vi |
ISBN 010 273700 2 |
£3.40 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 1 November 2000 Making Government Work: Sir Richard Wilson, KCB |
| 20 October 2000 |
| HC 821-ii |
ISBN 010 264000 9 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 26 July 2000 The Ministerial Code: Ms Amy Baker, Professor Peter Hennessy, Mr Peter Riddell and Lord Butler of Brockwell |
| 20 October 2000 |
| HC 727-i |
ISBN 010 263800 4 |
£3.40 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 12 July 2000 Special Advisers: Lord Lipsey and Professor Anthony King |
| 19 October 2000 |
| HC 238-v |
ISBN 010 263700 8 |
£4.75 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 14 June 2000 Making Government Work: Professor C Pollitt and Professor R Rhodes |
| 19 October 2000 |
| HC 238-iv |
ISBN 010 263900 0 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 7 June 2000 Making Government Work: Lord Neill of Bladen, QC |
| 19 October 2000 |
| HC 238-iii |
ISBN 010 263600 1 |
£4.75 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 24 May 2000 Making Government Work: Professor Robert Hazell, Professor Peter Hennessy and Sir Peter Kemp, KCB |
| 17 October 2000 |
| HC 79-x |
ISBN 010 263500 5 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 12 April 2000 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Mr I McCartney MP, Mr J Rees and Mr A Whysall |
| 17 October 2000 |
| HC 79-ix |
ISBN 010 263400 9 |
£7.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 29 March 2000 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Sir Michael Lyons, Councillor Andy Howell; Dr Sue Goss; Professor Gerry Stoker |
| 7 September 2000 |
| HC 821-i |
ISBN 010 262200 0 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 18 July 2000 The Ministerial Code: Rt Hon John Major, MP |
| 16 August 2000 |
| HC 511 |
ISBN 010 260200 X |
£4.75 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 17 May 2000 The Government Information and Communication Service: Mr M Granatt and Mrs N Oppenheimer |
| 16 August 2000 |
| HC 238-ii |
ISBN 010 260100 3 |
£4.75 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 22 March 2000 Making Government Work: Professor Vernon Bogdanor and Kate Jenkins |
| 16 August 2000 |
| HC 79-viii |
ISBN 010 260500 9 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 15 March 2000 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Professor Patrick Dunleavy and Professor John Durant |
| 16 August 2000 |
| HC 79-vii |
ISBN 010 260400 2 |
£7.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 15 February 2000 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Dr Marion Barnes, Ms Sophia Christie, Dr Sue Brownill, Mr Neil McInroy and Mr Daniel Dobson-Mouawad |
| 26 June 2000 |
| HC 79-vi |
ISBN 010 241800 4 |
£8.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 18 January 2000 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Mr Robin Wales, Ms Ruth Coleman, Mr Derek Whittaker and Ms Laura McGillivray; Mr Peter Wilkinson and Ms Amanda Ariss |
| 26 June 2000 |
| HC 238-i |
ISBN 010 242000 9 |
£6.20 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 9 February 2000 Making Government Work: Sir Richard Wilson, KCB |
| 12 June 2000 |
| HC 107-i |
ISBN 010 235500 2 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Thursday 9 December 1999 Report of the Health Service Commissioner for 1998-99: Mr M Buckley and Ms H Scott |
| 5 June 2000 |
| HC 107-ii |
ISBN 010 234200 8 |
£6.20 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Wednesday 1 March 2000 Report of the Health Service Commissioner 1998-99: Mr M Kerin, Mrs J Rodin and Mr A Burgess; Mr M Ellis and Mr R Humphries |
| 17 May 2000 |
| HC 79-v |
ISBN 010 231100 5 |
£4.75 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 11 January 2000 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Dr Helen Margetts, Professor Christine Bellamy and Dr Stephen Coleman |
| 17 May 2000 |
| HC 79-iv |
ISBN 010 230800 4 |
£6.20 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 11 January 2000 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Dr Stephen Coleman and Dr Peter Batt |
| 15 May 2000 |
| HC 79-iii |
ISBN 010 230000 3 |
£7.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 7 December 1999 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Mr J Rees and Mr B Page |
| 11 May 2000 |
| HC 79-ii |
ISBN 010 229500 X |
£5.50 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 30 November 1999 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Vivien Lowndes, Stephen Leach and Lawrence Pratchett |
| 11 May 2000 |
| HC 79-i |
ISBN 010 229600 6 |
£6.20 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Tuesday 30 November 1999 Innovations in Citizen Participation in Government: Professor J Stewart, Ms J Lenaghan, Ms J Steele, Ms A Coote and Professor S Harrison |
| 6 January 2000 |
| HC 40-i |
ISBN 010 204400 7 |
£4.00 |
| | Minutes of Evidence for Thursday 23 November 1999 The Modernising Government Initiative: Dr Mo Mowlam MP and Mr Andrew Wells |
Reports |
30 November 2000 |
Fourth Report |
HC 106 |
ISBN 0 10 271000 7 |
£9.70 |
| | Report of the Parliamentary Ombudsman for 1998-1999: Report, Proceedings of the Committee and the Minutes of Evidence |
23 November 2000 |
Fifth Report |
HC 433 |
ISBN 0 10 270200 4 |
£11.50 |
| | Administrative Failure: Inherited SERPS: Report, Proceedings of the Committee and the Minutes of Evidence |
8 August 2000 |
Third Report |
HC 612 |
ISBN 0 10 258200 9 |
£9.70 |
| | Review of Public Sector Ombudsmen in England: Report, Proceedings of the Committee and the Minutes of Evidence |
19 July 2000 |
Second Report |
HC 410 |
ISBN 0 10 249000 4 |
£10.60 |
| | Appointments to NHS Bodies: Report of the Commissioner for Public Appointments: Report, Proceedings of the Committee and the Minutes of Evidence |
14 March 2000 |
First Special Report |
HC 317 |
ISBN 0 10 219200 6 |
£4.00 |
| | Responses to the Sixth Report from the Select Committee on Public Administration (Session 1998-99) on Quangos |
3 December 1999 |
First Report |
HC 78 |
ISBN 0 10 201000 5 |
£4.30 |
| | The Freedom of Information Bill: Report and Proceedings of the Committee |
Session 1998-99 |