Possible Explanations
11. Witnesses each provided different explanations
for the decline in the euro's external value since its launch.
Some of these explanations are summarised below, primarily with
reference to the euro/dollar exchange rate, although some may
equally apply to the euro/sterling and euro/yen exchange rates:
- Overvaluation of the euro at launch:
Commissioner Solbes believed that at the end of 1998 the value
of the ecu, the euro's predecessor, was "too high".[45]
Ms Lea, of the Institute of Directors, added that immediately
prior to launch "there was a lot of enthusiasm ... and it
[the euro] was probably overvalued at launch; so to have it come
off a bit was probably not that unexpected"[46]
- Unrealised expectations of relative euro-area,
US and UK growth: The global financial
crisis in late 1998 caused a lowering of expectations for future
US growth and interest rates, so weakening the US dollar. However,
as 1999 progressed, Ms Barker, of the CBI, said there were "surprises
on growth" that were downward for Europe and upward for the
UK and the US which,[47]
according to a recent OECD working paper, provided a "significant
force underlying the depreciation of the euro over much of 1999"[48]
- Interest rate differentials:
Higher interest rates provide an incentive to hold a currency[49]UK
and US short-term interest rates have been above the euro-area's
rates since the start of 1999. Mr Mervyn King, Deputy Governor
of the Bank of England, has recently said that "changes in
relative interest rates explain only a small part of the rise
in sterling against the euro",[50]
and it is clear that the euro/yen exchange rate has not been driven
by relative interest rate differentials
- Concerns about future inflation:
This could perhaps result from a lack of confidence in the ECB
and could reduce the external value of the euro because inflation
would weaken the internal value of the currency. Mr Bootle noted,
however, that this fear has not been reflected in European bond
and analysis by the CEPS supported this view[52]
- Fiscal laxness by euro-area countries:
Doubts that some euro-area countries would follow fiscally prudent
courses may have undermined the external value of the euro because
of fears of political disharmony and inflation. The June 1999
announcement that the Italian Government was to increase its planned
borrowing level caused the euro's external value to weaken
- Inflexibility of the euro-area economy:
The CBI believed that a lack of structural reform in the euro-area,
and the failure to communicate the progress that had been made,[53]
may have depressed the external value of the euro. The perception
of structural rigidities in the euro-area signalled an "underlying
economic weakness" compared to the US in the view of Professor
Begg and Mr Ardy,[54]
which might serve to constrain growth expectations
- Capital withdrawal from the euro-area:
In 1999 there was a flow of net portfolio investment out of the
euro-area of _29 billion and a similar flow of net direct investment
of _139 billion.[55]
Sir Edward George, Governor of the Bank of England, and Credit
Lyonnais UK believed that these substantial sums had been a factor
behind the decline in the external value of the euro[56]
- Increased borrowing in euros:
Borrowing in euros would affect the external value of the
euro if the sums borrowed were converted into foreign currencies.
Bank for International Settlements data indicate that while in
1999 net issuance of euro-denominated bonds and notes was over
double that in 1998, net issuance to European countries represented
90 per cent of that increase.[57]
The rise in euro-denominated borrowing through bonds and notes
may therefore have had only a limited effect on the external value
of the euro
- The euro has not yet become a reserve currency:
Reserve currency status could enhance the credibility of the euro
so improving its desirability. However, as noted in paragraph
6, additional demand for the euro as a reserve currency beyond
that of its legacy currencies has not occurred to any significant
extent. Professor Buiter has downplayed the significance of this
- Reduced risk diversification leading to less
investment in euro assets: The
replacement of eleven currencies with one reduced investors' diversification
possibilities offered by the different risk characteristics of
the countries' individual monetary policies. Mr Bootle believed
that this had made the euro less attractive to investors than
its legacy currencies[60]
- Increase in the perceived risk of holding
the euro: Mr Mervyn King has argued this
may have been the result of uncertainty about the new currency
and the institutions that would manage it, "leading to a
fall in the [external] value of the euro against all currencies,
including sterling".[61]
However, Professor Portes, of the London Business School, believed
this factor alone could not have been responsible[62]
- Poor communication:
Garbled and conflicting views on the euro may have failed to provide
a clear indication of the views of policy makers about the currency,
and may also have raised fears of conflicting aims amongst policy
makers. Professor Begg and Mr Ardy explained that "discordant
voices from Frankfurt and elsewhere ... have sown uncertainty
... [which] reinforced worries about a new and untried currency".[63]
12. While cyclical economic factors may have influenced
the euro through a number of channels, Professor Begg argued that
"nothing structural changed at the beginning of January 1999
to explain why the euro should suddenly fall ... If there are
long term problems they would manifest themselves over a period
of yearsnot as quickly and as reversibly as the change
in the euro has been".[64]
While cyclical differences in the euro-area and the US were,
in the view of witnesses, a plausible explanation for at least
part of the depreciation of the external value of the euro against
the US dollar, it is difficult to ascribe any particular weight
to this or any of the other factors cited by witnesses. Mrs
Rosewell cautioned that "in the short term, currency rates
respond in a complex way" to a number of pressures, adding
that "there is no simple relationship between the exchange
rate, interest rates and economic performance".[65]
Indeed, the depreciation in the external value of euro experienced
since January 1999 was not unprecedented in the view of many witnesses,[66]
and Mr Bootle argued that "it is simply another example of
exchange markets moving currencies to a considerable degree".[67]
Commissioner Solbes offered assurance that "the volatility
of a currency is something that happens very often".[68]
Consequences and Future Prospects
13. The implications for Stage Three of EMU of the
decline in the external value of the euro were not considered
significant by some witnesses.[69]
Credit Lyonnais UK argued that it was "wrong to judge the
credibility of the ECB and the single currency in terms of the
[external] value of the euro against the [US] dollar", adding
that "Americans do not perceive the dollar in this way".[70]
Mr Bootle said that the depreciation of the external value of
the euro should not be interpreted "as a sign that the currency
is fundamentally flawed".[71]
Professor Begg observed: "internally ... things have worked
well within Euroland; externally we are dominated, especially
in this country, by what we see on the foreign exchange markets
which is that the euro is a complete disaster. I think that is
a false perception".[72]
Nevertheless, as the President of the ECB has observed, "a
persistently lower euro exchange rate may ... undermine the perception
of the euro as a stable currency",[73]
a view shared by Commissioner Solbes, who agreed that the "psychological
effect of [euro] weakening is not positive", although he
hoped this was simply a consequence of a "period of volatility
... which is, of course, not permanent".[74]
He also thought that the external value of the euro mattered insofar
as it had an effect on inflation.[75]
Dr Gros argued that the fall in the euro's external value to date
was not seriously a "menace" to price stability and,
as a consequence, the ECB was unlikely to intervene,[76]
adding that, if it did, intervention would need to be coordinated
with other central banks to be effective.[77]
The ECB has, however, attempted to 'talk up' the euro, most notably
in a statement by Dr Duisenberg in May 2000 in which he said that
the ECB would "monitor the euro exchange rate very closely".[78]
The Institute of Directors concluded that "given the lack
of major labour, tax and social security reforms ... in Euroland
it is difficult to see the euro as a strong currency".[79]
14. Some witnesses predicted that the external
value of the euro would appreciate in due course.[80]
However, as demonstrated at the launch of the euro, expectations
of future exchange rates do not necessarily come to fruition.
A recent IMF working paper calculated that, at end-1998, the euro
was 7.4 per cent undervalued against the US dollar, yet, despite
this apparent misalignment, the currency's deprecation continued
throughout 1999.[81]
Mrs Rosewell wrote that the future course of an exchange rate
could not be predicted on the basis of whether it seemed over-
or under-valued.[82]
This may explain the degree of circumspection in regard to predicting
when and by how much the external value of the euro might appreciate;
while Dr Gros, of the CEPS, was confident that fundamental equilibrium
exchange rate theory would support an appreciation of the external
value of the euro, he was rather unspecific as to when this would
take effect, merely saying that he expected the euro to appreciate
over a ten year period.[83]
8 Those being Austria, Belgium, Finland, France, Germany,
Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Portugal and Spain. Back
The conversion rates into the euro equated to the central bilateral
rates of the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM), and were "consistent
with [euro-area Member States'] economic fundamentals and are
compatible with sustainable convergence" according to the
European Union-see Joint Communiqué on the Determination
of the Irrevocable Conversion Rates for the euro, European
Union, 2 May 98. Back
Presidency Conclusions, Luxembourg European Council, 12
Dec 97, paragraph 41 Back
See, for example, Treasury Committee, Second Report, 1998-99,
The World Economy and the Pre-Budget Report, HC 91-I Back
Q2 Back
Q98 Back
Q573 Back
Q17 Back
Q18; Ev, p11 Back
Ev, p71 Back
App 23, paragragh 2 Back
A recent OECD working paper said that if international reserve
demand for euro was erratic and constituted a relatively large
proportion of total euro demand, this could create volatility
in euro-area monetary aggregates and so "render the monetary
aggregates less useful as a guide to inflationary pressures in
the domestic [euro-area] economy". This may therefore create
instability in euro-area broad money supply, M3 (one of the two
pillars of the ECB's strategy, see paragraph 19), so hampering
the interpretation of the monetary aggregate for future inflation.
See EMU, the Euro and the European Policy Mix, Jonathan
Coppel, Martine Durand and Ignazio Visco, Working Paper 232 (ECO/WKP(2000)5),
Feb 2000, OECD (hereafter Policy Mix), paragraph 21 Back
The International Role of the Euro and the ESCB's Monetary Policy,
speech by Dr Wim Duisenberg, 20 Nov 98 Back
Practical Issues Arising from the Euro,
Bank of England, Jun 99, Chapter 3, paragraphs 24-5 Back
International Banking and Financial Market Developments,
Quarterly Review, Bank for International Settlements, Feb 2000
(hereafter BIS Quarterly), p22 Back
Q2 Back
Ev, p11 Back
Q13 Back
Ev, p2 paragraph 12 Back
App 16, paragraph 12 Back
Quarterly Review of the Use of the Euro,
No 1, European Commission, Dec 99 in Second Outline National
Changeover Plan, HM Treasury, Mar 2000, p55 Back
Third Report on Euro Preparations,
HM Treasury, Nov 99, pp20-2 Back
Pocket Databank, HM Treasury,
7 July 2000 (hereafter Pocket), table 16 Back
Statement on the euro by Dr. Willem F. Duisenberg, President of
the European Central Bank,
Press Release, ECB (hereafter Euro statement), 5 May 2000 Back
Pocket, table 16 Back
Monthly Report, Deutsche Bundesbank, May 2000, p13 Back
Nominal exchange rates do not adjust for inflation or costs and
are those exchange rates quoted in the foreign exchange market.
Adjustment for such factors produces the real exchange rate,
and because euro-area inflation has been lower since January 1999
than US inflation, the extent of the real depreciation of the
euro against the US dollar is less than the nominal depreciation
of the bilateral exchange rate. Back
Monthly Report, European Central Bank, Jul 2000, table
10, p56* and Monthly Report, European Central Bank, Jun
2000, table 10, p56*. Calculated as the percentage change in
the average exchange rate between the months of January 1999 and
June 2000. Back
The effective exchange rate of the euro is calculated by the ECB
on the bilateral euro exchange rates weighted by the average manufactured
goods trade in the period 1995-97 and captures third-market effects.
Monthly Report, European
Central Bank, Jul 2000, table 10, p56* and Monthly Report,
European Central Bank, Jun 2000, table 10, p56*. Calculated as
the percentage change in the average exchange rate between the
months of January 1999 and June 2000. Back
Quo Vadis Euro?-The Cost of Muddling Through,
Daniel Gros, Olivier Davanne, Michael Emerson, Thomas Mayer, Guido
Tabellini and Niels Thygesen, Centre for European Policy Studies,
May 2000 (hereafter Quo Vadis Euro?), p43 Back
App 18 Back
Q2 Back
Quoted in Quo Vadis Euro?, p47 Back
Good start for the euro-what's to come?,
Deutsche Bank Research, 15 Jan 99 Back
Calculated as the percentage change in the average exchange rate
between January 1999 and January 2000. Back
As of 20 July 2000 Back
Q100 Back
Q254 Back
Q258 Back
Policy Mix, paragraph 8 Back
Ev, p4 Back
Monetary Policy and Manufacturing Industry,
speech by Mervyn King, Deputy Governor of the Bank of England
(hereafter King speech), 29 Mar 2000 Back
Ev, p2 paragraph 10 Back
Quo Vadis Euro?, p20 Back
Ev, p71 Back
Ev, p4 Back
Monthly Report, European
Central Bank, Jul 00, Table 8, p44* Back
App 27; Treasury Committee, 1999-2000, Minutes of Evidence, February
Inflation Report, HC 286-i and -ii, Q116 Back
BIS Quarterly, p23 Back
Q18 Back
Six Months in the Life of the Euro-What Have We Learnt?,
Professor Willem H Buiter, 29 Jun 99, (hereafter Six Months),
p6 Back
Ev, p2 paragraph 14 Back
King speech Back
App 30 Back
Ev, p4 Back
Q8 Back
App 18 Back
Q258; Ev, pp3, 4, 11; App 30; Six Months, p3 Back
Q2 Back
Q100 Back
The economic consequences of the decline in the external value
of the euro are discussed in paragraph 24 Back
App 27 Back
Ev, p3 paragraph 18 Back
Q2 Back
Euro statement Back
Q104 Back
Q99 Back
Q22 Back
Q24 Back
Euro statement Back
Ev, p76 Back
Qq254-5, 573; Ev, pp3, 4; App 6, App 15 paragraph 3.1.ii, Apps
19, 22, 30 Back
Global Equilibrium Exchange Rates: Euro, Dollar, "Ins",
"Outs" and Other Major Currencies in a Panel Cointegration
Framework, Enrique Alberola,
Susanna G. Cervero, Humberto Lopez and Angel Ubide, Working Paper
WP/99/175, International Monetary Fund, Dec 99, p26 Back
App 18 Back
Qq26, 28; also see App 19 section 3 Back