Sessional Information Digest: 1998-99
Section C1
Departmental Select Committees: their work and reports
The following is a list of the select committees which are set up to examine the work of Government Departments, and which now constitute the main investigatory system by which the House oversees the exercise of Government responsibilities and the development of public policy and expenditure.
The listing of each departmental committee includes its membership as at Prorogation on 11.11.99, the reports issued during the 1998-99 session and of Government observations received.
Clerk: Ms L Gardner
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Peter Luff (Con) (Chairman) |
Mr David Curry (Con) | Mr Alan Hurst (Lab) | Mr Michael Jack (Con) |
Ms Fiona Jones (Lab) | Ms Sally Keeble (Lab) | Mr Richard Livsey (LD) |
Mr Paul Marsden (Lab) | Mr Austin Mitchell (Lab) | Mrs Diana Organ (Lab) |
Mr Mark Todd (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
MAFF/Intervention Board Departmental Report 1998 and the Comprehensive Spending Review |
HC 125 |
HC 312 |
2 |
CAP Reform: Rural Development |
HC 61 |
HC 441 |
3 |
UK Pig Industry |
HC 87 |
HC 573 |
4 |
UK Pig Industry: the Governments response |
HC 367 |
5 |
Badgers and Bovine Tuberculosis |
HC 233 |
HC 612 |
6 |
Genetically Modified Organisms |
HC 427 |
7 |
Outcome of the CAP Reform Negotiations |
HC 442 |
HC 825 |
8 |
Sea Fishing |
HC 141 |
HC 853 |
9 |
MAFF/Intervention Board Departmental Report 1999 |
HC 852 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 312 |
2Sp |
The Committees Work 1997-98 |
HC 313 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 441 |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1998-99 |
HC 573 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Fifth Report 1998-99 |
HC 612 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Seventh Report 1998-99 |
HC 825 |
7 Sp |
Government Response to the Eighth Report 1998-99 |
HC 853 |
Culture, Media and Sport
Clerks: Mr Colin Lee and Mr Richard Cooke
Members (10)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Gerald Kaufman (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr David Faber (Con) | Mr Ronnie Fearn (LD) | Mr Christopher Fraser (Con) |
Mrs Llin Golding (Lab) | Mr Alan Keen (Lab) | Miss Julie Kirkbride (Con) |
Mr John Maxton (Lab) | Ms Claire Ward (Lab) | Mr Derek Wyatt (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Heritage Lottery Fund |
HC 195 |
HC 386 |
2 |
Preservation of HMS Cavalier |
HC 196 |
HC 387 |
3 |
Back to the Dome |
HC 21 |
Cm 4360 |
4 |
Staging International Sporting Events |
HC 124 |
5 |
Performing Rights Society and the Abolition of the Classical Music subsidy |
HC 468 |
6 |
The Department for Culture, Media and Sport and its Quangos |
HC 506 |
HC 888 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Ninth Report 1997-98 |
HC 200 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the Seventh Report 1997-98 |
HC 201 |
3 Sp |
Report and Accounts of the BBC for 1997-98: The BBC's Response to the Eighth Report from the Culture, Media and Sport Committee 1997-98 |
HC 245 |
4 Sp |
Responses by the Government and the Heritage Lottery Fund to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 386 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 387 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1998-99 |
HC 888 |
Clerks: Mr Paul Evans and Ms S McGlashan
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Bruce George (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Crispin Blunt (Con) | Mr Julian Brazier (Con) | Mr Jamie Cann (Lab) | |
Mr Harry Cohen (Lab) | Mr Michael Colvin (Con) | Mr Mike Hancock (LD) |
Mr Jimmy Hood (Lab) | Mr John McWilliam (Lab) | Mrs Laura Moffatt (Lab) |
Ms Dari Taylor (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Strategic Defence Review: Territorial Army Restructuring |
HC 70 |
HC 417 |
2 |
Appointment of the New Head of Defence Export Services |
HC 147 |
HC 512 |
3 |
Future of NATO: The Washington Summit |
HC 39 |
HC 459 |
4 |
Draft Visiting Forces and International Headquarters (Application of Law) Order & the Draft International Headquarters and Defence Organisations (Designations and Privileges) (Amendment) Order |
HC 399 |
5 |
Security of Supply and the Future of Royal Ordnance Factory Bishopton |
HC 274 |
HC 725 |
6 |
Reserves Call-out Order 1999 and progress on Territorial Army Restructuring |
HC 860 |
7 |
Strategic Defence Review: Defence
Medical Services |
HC 447 |
8 |
Major Procurement Projects Survey:
The Common New Generation Frigate
Programme |
HC 544 |
9 |
Defence Research |
HC 616 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Annual Report of the Committee for Session 1997-98 |
HC 273 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99
HC 417 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1998-99
HC 459 |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99
HC 512 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Committee's Inquiry into the 1997-1998 Annual Reports on Strategic Export Controls |
HC 540 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Fifth Report 1998-99 |
HC 725 |
Education and Employment
Clerks: Mr Matthew Hamlyn and Mr Tom Healey
Members (17)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Ms Candy Atherton (Lab) | Charlotte Atkins (Lab) | Mr Graham Brady (Con) |
Yvette Cooper (Lab) | Valerie Davey (Lab) | Caroline Flint (Lab) |
Mr Derek Foster (Lab) | Dr Evan Harris (LD) | Mr John Hayes (Con) |
Mr John Healey (Lab) | Mrs Eleanor Laing (Con) | Judy Mallaber (Lab) |
Mr Gordon Marsden (Lab) | Mr Bill Rammell (Lab) | Mr Nick St Aubyn (Con) |
Mr Malcolm Wicks (Lab) | Mr Phil Willis (LD) |
Education Sub-Committee
Clerk: Mr Matthew Hamlyn
Members (12)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Malcolm Wicks (Lab) Chairman)
Charlotte Atkins (Lab) | Valerie Davey (Lab) | Caroline Flint (Lab) |
Rt Hon Derek Foster (Lab) | Dr Evan Harris (LD) | Mr John Hayes (Con |
Mr John Healey (Lab) | Mr Gordon Marsden (Lab) | Mr Bill Rammell (Lab) |
Mr Nick St Aubyn (Con) | Mr Phil Willis (LD) |
Employment Sub-Committee
Clerk: Mr Tom Healey
Members (8)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Rt Hon Derek Foster (Lab) (Chairman)
Ms Candy Atherton (Lab) | Mr Graham Brady (Con) | Mr John Healey (Lab) |
Mr Paul Keetch (LD) | Mrs Eleanor Laing (Con) | Judy Mallaber (Lab) |
Mr Nick St Aubyn (Con) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Active Labour Market Policies and their Delivery: Lessons from Australia |
HC 163 |
2 |
Part-Time Working |
HC 346 |
HC 609 |
3 |
Highly Able Children |
HC 22 |
HC 610 |
4 |
Work of OFSTED |
HC 62 |
HC 791 |
5 |
Role of School Governors |
HC 509 |
HC 859 |
6 |
The ONE Service Pilots |
HC 412 |
HC 855 |
7 |
The Performance and Future of the Employment Service |
HC 197 |
HC 858 |
8 |
Access for All? A Survey of Post-16 Participation |
HC 57 |
9 |
Opportunities for Disabled People |
HC 111 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1997-98 |
HC 56 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the Ninth Report 1997-98 |
HC 164 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 609 |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1998-99 |
HC 610 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1998-99 |
HC 791 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1998-99 |
HC 855 |
7 Sp |
Government Response to the Seventh Report 1998-99 |
HC 858 |
8 Sp |
Government Response to the Fifth Report 1998-99 |
HC 859 |
Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Clerks: Dr David Harrison, Mr Gavin Devine and Mr Huw Yardley
Members (17)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Andrew F Bennett (Lab) | Mr Tom Brake (LD) | Christine Butler (Lab) | |
Mr John Cummings (Lab) | Mr Brian H Donohoe (Lab) | Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab) | |
Mrs Louise Ellman (Lab) | Mr Clifford Forsythe (UU) | Mrs Teresa Gorman (Con) |
Mr James Gray (Con) | Miss Anne McIntosh (Con) | Mr Bill O'Brien (Lab) | |
Mr Bill Olner (Lab) | Mr John Randall (Con) | Mr George Stevenson (Lab) |
Mr Graham Stringer (Lab) | Dr Alan Whitehead (Lab) |
Environment Sub-Committee
Clerk: Dr David Harrison and Mr H Yardley
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Andrew F Bennett (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Tom Brake (Lab) | Mrs Christine Butler (Lab) | Mr John Cummings (Lab |
Mr Brian H Donohoe (Lab) | Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab) | Mrs Louise Ellman (Lab) |
Mr James Gray (Con) | Mr Bill Olner (Lab) | Mr John Randall (Con) |
Dr Alan Whitehead (Lab) |
Transport Sub-Committee
Clerk: Mr Gavin Devine
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab) (Chairman)
| Mr Andrew F Bennett (Lab) | Mr Brian H Donohoe (Lab) | Mr Clifford Forsythe (UU)
| Mrs Teresa Gorman (Con) | Mr James Gray (Con) | Miss Anne McIntosh (Con |
Mr Bill O'Brien (Lab) | Mr Bill Olner (Lab) | Mr George Stevenson (Lab) |
Mr Graham Stringer (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Railway Safety |
HC 30 |
HC 352 |
2 |
Millennium Compliance in the Transport Industry |
HC 90 |
HC 383 |
3 |
Future of National Air Traffic Services |
HC 122 |
HC 794 |
4 |
Countryside Agency |
HC 6 |
Cm 4359 |
5 |
Regional Eurostar Services |
HC 89 |
Cm 4314 |
6 |
Maritime and Coastguard Agency |
HC 31 |
Cm 4433 |
7 |
Meeting with the European Commission Officials to Discuss Air Transport |
HC 272 |
8 |
Local Government Finance |
HC 78 |
Cm 4402 |
9 |
Integrated Transport White Paper |
HC 32 |
HC 708 |
10 |
Regional Development Agencies |
HC 232 |
HC 867 |
11 |
Reducing the Environmental Impact of Consumer Products |
HC 149 |
Cm 4435 |
12 |
Future of the UK Shipping Industry |
HC 172 |
Cm 4423 |
13 |
Operation of the Landfill Tax |
HC 150 |
Cm 4461 |
14 |
Aviation Safety |
HC 275 |
Cm 4539 |
15 |
Departmental Annual Report 1999 and
Expenditure Plans 1999-2002
HC 440 |
Cm 4424 |
16 |
Multilateral Environmental Agreements |
HC 307 |
17 |
Housing: PPG3
HC 490 |
Tendered Bus Services |
HC 429 |
Cm 4519 |
19 |
Young and Newly-Qualified Drivers:
Standards and Training |
HC 515 |
20 |
Town and Country Parks |
HC 477
21 |
Railways Bill |
HC 827 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Health and Safety Commission and
Executive Response to the First Report of
the Committee: Railway Safety
HC 352 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99
HC 383 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Ninth Report 1998-99 |
HC 708
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1998-99
HC 794
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Tenth Report 1998-99 |
HC 867
Foreign Affairs
Clerks: Mr Paul Silk and Ms T Brufal
Members (12)
Nominated 16 July 1997
Mr Donald Anderson (Lab) (Chairman)
Ms Diane Abbott (Lab) | Mr David Chidgey (LD) | Sir Peter Emery (Con) |
Dr Norman Godman (Lab) | Mr Eric Illsley (Lab) | Mr Andrew Mackinlay (Lab) | |
Sir David Madel (Con) | Mr Ted Rowlands (Lab) | Sir John Stanley (Con) | |
Dr Phyllis Starkey (Lab) | Mr David Wilshire (Con) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Foreign Policy and Human Rights |
HC 100 |
Cm 4299 |
2 |
Sierra Leone |
HC 116 |
Cm 4325 |
3 |
European Union Enlargement |
HC 86 |
Cm 4348 |
4 |
Gibraltar |
HC 366 |
Cm 4470 |
5 |
Foreign and Commonwealth Office Resources |
HC 271 |
Cm 4462 |
6 |
South Caucasus and Central Asia
HC 349 |
Cm 4458 |
7 |
Kosovo: Interim Report |
HC 188 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Premature Disclosure of Committee's Report on Sierra Leone |
HC 293 |
2 Sp |
Premature Disclosure of First and Third Reports of Session 1998-99 |
HC 365 |
3 Sp |
Committees' Inquiry into the 1997 and 1998 Annual Reports on Strategic Export Controls |
HC 540 |
Clerks: Dr John Benger and Mr John Whatley
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr David Hinchliffe (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr David Amess (Con) | Mr John Austin (Lab) | Dr Peter Brand (LD) |
Mr Simon Burns (Con) | Ms Julia Drown (Lab) | Mr John Gunnell (Lab) |
Mr Ivan Lewis (Lab) | Dr Howard Stoate (Lab) | Mr Robert Syms (Con) |
Audrey Wise (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
The Relationship Between Health and Social Services |
HC 74 |
Cm 4320 |
2 |
Primary Care Groups |
HC 153 |
Cm 4468 |
3 |
Future NHS Staffing Requirements |
HC 38 |
Cm 4379 |
4 |
Long Term Care of the Elderly |
HC 318 |
Cm 4414 |
5 |
The Regulation of Private and other Independent Healthcare |
HC 281 |
6 |
Procedures Related to Adverse Clinical Incidents and Outcomes in Medical Care |
HC 549 |
Home affairs
Clerks: Mr Crispin Poyser and Mr Martyn Atkins
Members (11)
Nominated 16 July 1997
Mr Robin Corbett (Chairman)
Mrs Janet Dean (Lab) | Mr Michael Fabricant (Con) | Mr Gerald Howarth (Con) |
Mr Martin Linton (Lab) | Mr Humfrey Malins (Con) | Mr Chris Mullin (Lab) | |
Mr Bob Russell (LD) | Mr Marsha Singh (Lab) | Mr Paul Stinchcombe (Lab) |
Mr David Winnick (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
The Work of the Criminal Cases Review Commission |
HC 106 |
HC 569 |
2 |
Freemasonry in Public Life |
HC 467 |
3 |
Accountability of the Security Service |
HC 291 |
4 |
Police Training and Recruitment |
HC 81 |
5 |
Drugs and Prisons |
HC 363 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1997-98 |
HC 80
2 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1997-98 |
HC 137
3 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report
1998-99 |
HC 569
4 Sp |
Further Government Response to the Fourth Report 1997-98 |
HC 856 |
International Development
Clerks: Mr Yusef Azad and Ms J Hughes
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Bowen Wells (Con) (Chairman)
Ann Clwyd (Lab) | Mrs Barbara Follett (Lab) | Mr Bernie Grant (Lab)
| Mr Nigel Jones (LD) | Mr Piara S Khabra (Lab) | Ms Oona King (Lab) |
Mrs Tess Kingham (Lab) | Mr Andrew Robathan (Con) | Mr Andrew Rowe (Con) |
Mr Tony Worthington (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Future of the EC Development Budget |
HC 44 |
HC 391 |
2 |
Provisions of the Commonwealth Development Corporation Bill |
HC 212 |
HC 604 |
3 |
Kosovo: The Humanitarian Crisis |
HC 422 |
HC 795 |
4 |
Debt Relief and the Cologne G8 Summit |
HC 470 |
5 |
Department for International Development: 1999 Departmental Report |
HC 567 |
HC 839 |
6 |
Conflict Prevention and Post-Conflict Reconstruction |
HC 55 |
HC 840 |
7 |
Women and Development |
HC 160 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99
HC 391 |
2 Sp |
Committees' Inquiry into the 1997 and 1998 Annual Reports on Strategic Export Controls |
HC 540 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 604 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1998-99 |
HC 795 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Fifth Report 1998-99 |
HC 839 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1998-99 |
HC 840 |
Northern Ireland Affairs
Clerk: Dr Christopher Ward
Members (13)
Appointed 28 July 1997
Mr Peter Brooke (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Harry Barnes (Lab) | Mr Roy Beggs (UU) | Mr Jeffrey Donaldson (UU) | |
Mr John Grogan (Lab) | Mr Stephen Hesford (Lab) | Mr Andrew Hunter (Con) | |
Mr Steve McCabe (Lab) | Mr Eddie McGrady (SDLP) | Mr Tony McWalter (Lab) |
Mr Stephen Pound (Lab) | Mr Peter Robinson (DU) | Mr Martin Salter (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Public Expenditure in Northern Ireland: Special Needs Education |
HC 33 |
HC 587 |
2 |
Electricity Supplies in Northern Ireland: Impact of the 26 December 1998 Storm |
HC 227 |
HC 923 |
3 |
Impact in Northern Ireland of Cross-Border Road Fuel Price Differentials |
HC 334 |
HC 836 |
4 |
The Operation of the Fair Employment (Northern Ireland) Act 1989: Ten Years On |
HC 95 |
HC 837 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1997-98 |
HC 299 |
2 Sp |
Further Government Response to the Second Report 1997-98 |
HC 484 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 587 |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1998-99 |
HC 836 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1998-99 |
HC 837 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 923 |
Science and Technology
Clerk: Mrs Jessica Mulley
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Dr Michael Clark (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Nigel Beard (Lab) | Mrs Claire Curtis-Thomas (Lab) | Dr Ian Gibson (Lab) | |
Mr Robert Jackson (Con) | Dr Lynne Jones (Lab) | Mr Nigel Jones (LD) | |
Dr Ashok Kumar (Lab) | Mr Ian Taylor (Con) | Dr Desmond Turner (Lab) | |
Dr Alan W Williams (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Food |
HC 286 |
2 |
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts |
HC 472 |
3 |
Scientific Advisory System: Mobile Phones and Health |
HC 489 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Reply to the Sixth Report 1997-98 |
HC 234 |
2Sp |
Government Reply to the Second Report |
HC 822 |
Scottish Affairs
Clerk: Ms Alda Barry
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr David Marshall (Lab) (Chairman)
Mrs Irene Adams (Lab) | Mr Peter Atkinson (Con) | Miss Anne Begg (Lab) |
Mr Eric Clarke (Lab) | Mr John McAllion (Lab) | Mrs Sandra Osbourne (Lab) |
Sir Robert Smith (LD) | Mr David Stewart (Lab) | Mr Desmond Swayne (Con) |
Mr Andrew Welsh (SNP) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Inward/Outward Investment in Scotland |
HC 84 |
2 |
Tourism in Scotland |
HC 85 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Reply to the Second Report 1997-98 |
HC 331 |
2 Sp |
Committee Membership |
HC 368 |
Social Security
Clerks: Mr Liam Laurence Smyth and Mr Peter Shelley
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Archy Kirkwood (LD) (Chairman)
Ms Karen Buck (Lab) | Mr Andrew Dismore (Lab) | Mrs Joan Humble (Lab) |
Miss Julie Kirkbride (Con) | Mr Edward Leigh (Con) | Kali Mountford (Lab) |
Dr Doug Naysmith (Lab) | Mr Chris Pond (Lab) | Ms Debra Shipley (Lab) |
Mr Desmond Swayne (Con) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Tax and Benefits: Implementation of Tax Credits |
HC 29 |
HC 176 |
2 |
Family Credit Fraud |
HC 217 |
3 |
Disability Living Allowance |
HC 63 |
Cm 4307 |
4 |
Child Benefit |
HC 114 |
5 |
Pension Sharing on Divorce: Parts III and IV of the Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill |
HC 304 |
6 |
War Pensions Agency Business Plan 1999-2000 |
HC 377 |
HC 793 |
7 |
One Service Pilots |
HC 412 |
HC 855 |
8 |
Modernisation of Social Security Appeals |
HC 581 |
9 |
Social Security Implications of Parental Leave |
HC 543 |
10 |
The 1999 Child Support White Paper |
HC 798 |
Cm 4536 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government's Response to the Fifth Report 1997-98 |
HC 146 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 176 |
3 Sp |
Unauthorised Receipt of Draft Report: |
HC 482 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1998-99 |
HC 793 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Seventh Report 1998-99 |
HC 855 |
Trade and Industry
Clerks: Mr David Natzler and Mr Mark Egan
Members (11)
Nominated 9 July 1997
Mr Martin O'Neill (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Tony Baldry (Con) | Mr Roger Berry (Lab) | Mr John Butterfill (Con) |
Mr Christopher Chope (Con) | Mr Jim Cunningham (Lab) | Mr Lindsay Hoyle (Lab) |
Mr Bob Laxton (Lab) | Mr Alasdair Morgan (SNP) | Ms Linda Perham (Lab) |
Ms Helen Southworth (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Vehicle Pricing |
HC 64 |
HC 236 |
2 |
Strategic Export Controls |
HC 65 |
HC 270 |
3 |
Multilateral Agreement on Investment |
HC 112 |
HC 309 |
4 |
Draft Limited Liability Partnership Bill |
HC 59 |
HC 529 |
5 |
Telephone Numbering
HC 139 |
HC 395 |
6 |
Ethical Trading |
HC 235 |
HC 528 |
7 |
Building Confidence in Electronic Commerce The Government's proposals |
HC 187 |
Cm 4417 |
8 |
Trade Marks, Fakes and Consumers |
HC 380 |
HC 797 |
9 |
Impact on Industry of the Climate Change Levy |
HC 678 |
HC 834 |
10 |
Electronic Commerce |
HC 648 |
HC 835 |
11 |
The Horizon Project |
HC 530 |
12 |
The 1999 Post Office White Paper |
HC 94 |
13 |
Small Businesses and Enterprise |
HC 330 |
14 |
Draft Electronic Communications Bill |
HC 862 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Future of the Post Office: Conduct of Inquiry |
HC 113 |
Special Reports |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
2 Sp |
Government's Response to the Twelfth Report 1997-98 |
HC 211 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 236 |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 270 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1998-99 |
HC 309 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Fifth Report 1998-99 |
HC 395 |
7 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1998-99 |
HC 528 |
8 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1998-99 |
HC 529 |
9 Sp |
Committees' Inquiry into the 1997 and 1998 Annual Reports on Strategic Export Controls |
HC 540 |
10 Sp |
Government Response to the Eighth Report 1998-99 |
HC 797 |
11 Sp |
Government Response to the Ninth Report 1998-99 |
HC 834 |
12 Sp |
Government Response to the Tenth Report 1998-99 |
HC 835 |
Clerks: Mr Simon Patrick and Ms J Long
Members (12)
Nominated 16 July 1997
Mr Giles Radice (Lab) (Chairman)
Mrs Liz Blackman (Lab) | Dr Vincent Cable (LD) | Mr Jim Cousins (Lab) |
Mr Michael Fallon (Con) | Mr David Kidney (Lab) | Dr Lewis Moonie (Lab) | |
Mr David Ruffley (Con) | Mr Brian Sedgemore (Lab) | Ms Jacqui Smith (Lab) |
Sir Michael Spicer (Con) | Sir Teddy Taylor (Con) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Office for National Statistics |
HC 43 |
HC 267 |
2 |
World Economy and the Pre-Budget Report |
HC 91 |
HC 339 |
3 |
Financial Services Regulation |
HC 73 |
HC 347 |
4 |
The 1999 Budget |
HC 325 |
HC 536 |
5 |
The Monetary Policy Committee of the Bank of England: Confirmation Hearings |
HC 476 |
6 |
Inland Revenue |
HC 199 |
HC 746 |
7 |
Public Service Agreements |
HC 378 |
HC 849 |
8 |
The Monetary Policy Committee |
HC 505 |
HC 850 |
9 |
Demutualisation |
HC 605 |
HC 880 |
10 |
Valuation Office Agency |
HC 420 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Ninth Report 1997-98 |
HC 140 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 267 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 339 |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1998-99 |
HC 347 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1998-99 |
HC 536 |
6 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1998-99 |
HC 746 |
7 Sp |
Government Response to the Seventh Report 1998-99 |
HC 849 |
8 Sp |
Government Response to the Eighth Report 1998-99 |
HC 850 |
9 Sp |
Government Response to the Ninth Report 1998-99 |
HC 880 |
Welsh Affairs
Clerk: Ms P Helme
Members (11)
Nominated 14 July 1997
Mr Martyn Jones (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Martin Caton (Lab) | Mr Huw Edwards (Lab) | Dr Julian Lewis (Con) |
Mr Richard Livsey (LD) | Mr Elfyn Llwyd (PC) | Ms Julie Morgan (Lab) |
Mr Owen Paterson (Con) | Mr Chris Ruane (Lab) | Mr Gareth Thomas (Lab) |
Mrs Betty Williams (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Closure of the Welsh Industrial and Maritime Museum |
HC 258 |
HC 481 |
2 |
Broadcasting in Wales and the National Assembly |
HC 48 |
HC 774 |
3 |
Childcare in Wales |
HC 156 |
4 |
Health Issues in Wales |
HC 343 |
5 |
Paediatric Cardiac Services in Wales |
HC 608 |
6 |
Denbighshire County Council's Funding Legacy |
HC 340 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1997-98 |
HC 173 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 481 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 774 |
Section C2
Subject Listing of Reports of Departmental Select Committees
The following basic subject guide to the reports of the Departmental Select Committees (excluding, therefore, the Public Accounts Committee) is in an abbreviated form. Special reports and Government Observations are not included. Full details are given in Section C1.
Science and Technology (2) HC 280 means that the subject is covered by the second report, 1998-99 of the Science and Technology Committee, published as House of Commons Paper 280 of the Session.
Air Traffic Service - Environment (3) HC 122
Aviation Safety - Environment (14) HC 275
Badgers - Agriculture (5) HC 253
Benefits Payments - Trade (11) HC 530
Biotechnology - Science and Technology (4) HC 535
Broadcasting - Welsh Affairs (2) HC 48
Budget - Treasury (4) HC 325
Buses - Environment (18) HC 429
CAP - Agriculture (2) HC 61; (7) HC 442
Child Benefit - Social Security (4) HC 114
Childcare - Welsh Affairs (3) HC 156
Child Support - Social Security (10) HC 798
Climate Change Levy - Trade (9) HC 698
Commonwealth Development Corporation - International development (2) HC 212
Conflict Prevention - International Development (6) HC 55
Countryside Agency - Environment (4) HC 6
Criminal Cases Review Body - Home Affairs (1) HC 106
Culture, Media and Sport Department and its quangos (6) HC 506
Debt - International Development (4) HC 470
Defence Export Services - Defence (2) HC 147
Defence Procurement - Defence (8) HC 544
Defence Research - Defence (9) HC 616
Demutualisation - Treasury (9) HC 605
Denbighshire Council - Welsh Affairs (6) HC 340
Disability Living Allowance - Social Security (3) HC 63
Disabled People - Education and Employment (9) HC 111
Driving - Environment (9) HC 515
EC Air Transport - Environment (7) HC 272
EC Development Budget - International Development (1) HC 44
E-Commerce - Trade (7) HC 187; (10) HC 648
Economy - Treasury (2) HC 91
Education - Northern Ireland Affairs (1) HC 33
Education - Education and Employment (8) HC 57
Electricity - Northern Ireland Affairs (2) HC 227
Electronic Communications Draft Bill - Trade (14) HC 862
Employment - Northern Ireland Affairs (4) HC 95
Employment Service - Education and Employment (7) HC 197
Environment Transport and the Regions Department Report 1999 - Environment (5) HC 440
Environmental Agreements - Environment (16) HC 307
Environmental Protection - Environment (11) HC 149
Ethical Trading - Trade (6) HC 235
EU Enlargement - Foreign Affairs (3) HC 86
Exports - Trade (2) HC 65
Family Credit - Social Security (2) HC 217
Financial Services - Treasury (3) HC 73
Fishing - Agriculture (8) HC 141
Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Foreign Affairs (5) HC 271
Freemasonry - Home Affairs (2) HC 467
Fuel - Northern Ireland Affairs (3) HC 334
Gibraltar - Foreign Affairs (4) HC 366
GM Foods - Science and Technology (2) HC 280
GM Organisms - Agriculture (6) HC 427
Headteachers - Education and Employment (5) HC 509
Health - Welsh Affairs (4) HC 343
Health and Social Services - Health (1) HC 74
Healthcare - Health (5) HC 281
Heritage Lottery Fund - Culture (1) HC 195
Highly Able Children - Education and Employment (3) HC 22
HMS Cavalier - Culture (2) HC 196
Human Rights - Foreign Affairs (1) HC 100
Inland Revenue - Treasury (6) HC 199
International Development Department Annual Report - International Development (5) HC 567
Investment - Scottish Affairs (1) HC 84
Kosovo - Foreign Affairs (7) HC 188; International Development (3) HC 422
Labour Market - Education and Employment (1) HC 163
Landfill Tax - Environment (13) HC 150
Limited Liability Partnerships Draft Bill - Trade (4) HC 59
Local Government Finance - Environment (8) HC 78
Long Term Care - Health (4) HC 318
MAFF Departmental Reports - Agriculture (1) HC 125; (9) HC 852
Maritime and Coastguard Agency (6) HC 31
Millennium Compliance - Environment (2) HC 90
Millennium Dome - Culture (3) HC 21
Mobile Phones - Science and Technology (3) HC 489
Monetary Policy Committee - Treasury (5) HC 476
Multilateral Agreement on Investment - Trade (3) HC 112
Museum Closures - Welsh Affairs (1) HC 258
Music - Culture (5) HC 468
NATO - Defence (3) HC 39
NHS - Health (3) HC 38
Office of National Statistics -Treasury (1) HC 43
OFSTED - Education (4) HC 62
Paediatrics - Welsh Affairs (5) HC 608
Parental Leave - Social Security (9) HC 543
Parks - Environment (20) HC 477
Part-Time Working - Education and Employment (2) HC 346
Pensions and Divorce - Social Security (5) HC 304
Pigs - Agriculture (3) HC 87
Planning - Environment (17) HC 490
Police - Home Affairs (4) HC 81
Post Office - Trade (12) HC 94
Primary Care - Health (2) HC 153
Prisons - Home Affairs (5) HC 363
Public Service Agreements - Treasury (7) 378
Railway Safety - Environment (1) HC 30
Railways - Environment (5) HC 89
Railways Bill - Environment (21) HC 827
Regional Development Agencies - Environment (10) HC 232
Reserves - Defence (6) HC 860
Royal Ordnance - Defence (5) HC 274
School Governors - Education and Employment (5) HC 509
Science, Technology and Arts - Science and Technology (2) HC 472
Security Service - Home Affairs (3) HC 291
Shipping - Environment (12) HC 172
Sierra Leone - Foreign Affairs (2) HC 116
Small Businesses - Trade (13) HC 330
Social Security - Social Security (7); Education and Employment (6) HC 412
Social Security Appeals - Social Security (8) HC 581
South Caucasus and Central Asia - Foreign Affairs (6) HC 349
Sport - Culture (4) HC 124
Strategic Defence Review - Defence (1) HC 70
Tax Credits - Social Security (1) HC 29
Telephone Numbering - Trade (5) HC 139
Tourism - Scottish Affairs (2) HC 85
Trade Marks - Trade (8) HC 380
Transport - Environment (9) HC 32
Valuation Office Agency - (10) HC 420
Vehicles - Trade (1) HC 64
Visiting Forces - Defence (4) HC 399
War Pensions Agency - Social Security (6) HC 377
Women - International Development (7) HC 160
Section C3
Other Select Committees
This section lists Select Committees, other than those set up under Standing Order No 121 to monitor the work of Government Departments (see Section B1) and those connected with private legislation.
The reports of these Committees are given below. For those which publish numerous reports of a periodical nature, an indication of the numbers involved is given, but further details are available from the House of Commons Information Office if required. Membership given is as at Prorogation on 11 November 1999.
Accommodation and Works
Clerk: Mr P G Moon
Members (9)
Appointed 28 July 1997
Sir Sydney Chapman (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Keith Bradley (Lab) | Mr Colin Burgon (Lab) | Mr David Chidgey (LD) |
Sir Patrick Cormack (Con) | Mr David Jamieson (Lab) | Ms Linda Perham (Lab) |
Sir Raymond Powell (Lab) | Mr Syd Rapson (Lab) | |
Clerk: Mr M Clark
Members (9)
Appointed 28 July 1997
Mrs Marion Roe (Con) (Chairman)
Mr David Crausby (Lab) | Mr Hilton Dawson (Lab) | Mr Fabian Hamilton (Lab) |
Mr Oliver Heald (Con) | Mr Stephen Hepburn (Lab) | Jane Kennedy (Lab) |
Dr Nick Palmer (Lab) | Mr William Ross (UU) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Proposal to re-open the Line of Route During the Summer Adjournment |
HC 394 |
2 |
Record Copies of Acts |
HC 539 |
Clerk: Mr M Clark
Members (11)
Appointed 28 July 1997
Mr Eric Clarke (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Roger Gale (Con) | Mr George Galloway (Lab) | Mr Barry Gardiner (Lab) |
Mrs Eileen Gordon (Lab) | Mr Kelvin Hopkins (Lab) | Mr David Lepper (Lab) |
Mr Stephen Pound (Lab) | Mr Jonathan Sayeed (Con) | Mr Andrew Stunell (LD) |
Mr Shaun Woodward (Lab) |
Clerk: Mr M Clark
Members (9)
Appointed 28 July 1997
Mr Dennis Turner (Lab) (Chairman)
Mrs Janet Dean (Lab) | Mr Michael Fabricant (Con) | Mr Lindsay Hoyle (Lab) |
Mr Paul Keetch (LD) | Miss Julie Kirkbride (Con) | Mrs Rosemary McKenna (Lab |
Dr John Marek (Lab) | Mr Gerry Steinberg (Lab) |
Consolidation Etc. Bills (Joint Committee)
Clerk: Mr Kenneth Fox
Members (9)
Nominated 29 July 1997
House of Lords
Appointed 14 January 1998
Lord Clyde (Chairman) (CB)
Earl Alexander of Tunis (Con) | Viscount Colville of Culross (CB) | Viscount Dilhorn (Con) |
Lord Hacking (Lab) | Lord Janner of Braunston (Lab) | Baroness Mallalieu (Lab) |
Lord Meston (LD) | Lord Saville of Newdigate (CB) | Lord Stragboli (Lab) |
Lord Wigoder (LD) |
House of Commons
Appointed 29 July 1997
Mr Tony Clarke (Lab) | Mr Patrick Hall (Lab) | Mr Robert Marshall-Andrews (Lab) |
Mr James Plaskitt (Lab) | Mr Laurence Robertson (Con) | Mr Adrian Sanders (LD) |
Dr George Turner (Lab) | Mr Andrew Tyrie (Con) | Mr Brian White (Lab) |
Clerk: Mr J.D.W. Rhys
Members (18)
Nominated 29 July 1997
Mr Peter Pike (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Russell Brown (Lab) | Mr David Chaytor (Lab) | Mr Brian Cotter (LD) |
Mr John Cryer (Lab) | Mrs Teresa Gorman (Con) | Mr Andy King (Lab) |
Dr Ashok Kumar (Lab) | Mrs Jacqui Lait (Con) | Mr Andrew Love (Lab) |
Dr John McDonnell (Lab) | Mr Denis Murphy (Lab) | Dr Doug Naysmith (Lab) |
Mr John Randall (Con) | Mr William Ross (UU) | Mr Anthony Steen (Con) |
Mr Ian Stewart (Lab) | Mr Brian White (Lab) |
Environmental Audit
Clerk: Mr Fergus Reid
Members (16)
Nominated 12 November 1997
Mr John Horam (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Norman Baker (LD) | Mr Bob Blizzard (Lab) | Mrs Helen Brinton (Lab) |
Mr Neil Gerrard (Lab) | Mr Dominic Grieve (Con) | Dr Brian Iddon (Lab) |
Mr Tim Loughton (Con) | Mr Michael Meacher (Lab) | Mr Laurence Robertson (Con) |
Mr Malcolm Savidge (Lab) | Mr Gareth R Thomas (Lab) | Mr Paul Truswell (Con) |
Mr Jonathan R Shaw (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Multilateral Agreement on Investment |
HC 58 |
2 |
Climate Change: Government Response and Follow-up |
HC 88 |
3 |
Comprehensive Spending Review and the Public Service |
HC 92 |
4 |
Pre-Budget Report 1998 |
HC 93 |
5 |
Genetically Modified Organisms and the Environment: Coordination of Government Policy |
HC 384 |
6 |
Greening Government Initiative 1999 |
HC 426 |
7 |
Energy Efficiency |
HC 426 |
8 |
Budget 1999: Environmental Implications |
HC 326 |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Draft Deregulation (Pipe-Lines) Order 1999 |
HC 79 |
2 |
Draft Deregulation (Weights and Measures) Order 1999 |
HC 135 |
3 |
Proposal for the Deregulation (New Year Licensing) Order 1999 & the Proposal for Deregulation (Casinos) Order 1999 |
HC 532 |
4 |
Draft Deregulation (Millennium Licensing) Order & the Draft Deregulation (Casinos) Order 1999
HC 710 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Future of the Deregulation Procedure |
HC 324 |
European Legislation
Clerk: Mrs E Flood and Ms Craig
Members (16)
Nominated 17 November 1998
Mr Jimmy Hood (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Ben Bradshaw (Lab) | Mr Colin Breed (LD) | Mr Roger Casale (Lab) |
Mr William Cash (Con) | Mr Michael Connarty (Lab) | Mr Jim Dobbin (Lab) |
Mrs Margaret Ewing (SNP) | Ms Jennifer Jones (Lab) | Mr Jim Marshall (Lab) |
Mrs Rosemary McKenna (Lab) | Dr Nick Palmer (Lab) | Mr Owen Paterson (Con) |
Mr Bill Rammell (Lab) | Mr Laurence Robertson (Con) | Mr Anthony Steen (Con) |
The Committee considers European Legislation and reports on a large number of items each year. Thirty- one reports in Session 1998 - 1999 were published as serial parts of HC 34. Details are available from the House of Commons Information Office.
Finance and Services
Clerk: Dr Malcolm Jack
Members (11)
Nominated 14 November 1997
Dr Lewis Moonie (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Richard Allan (LD) | Mr Keith Bradley (Lab) | Sir Sydney Chapman (Con) |
Mr Eric Clarke (Lab) | Mr Thomas McAvoy (Lab) | Mr Patrick McLoughlin (Con) |
Mrs Marion Roe (Con) | Mr Dennis Turner (Lab) | Mr Paul Tyler (LD) |
Mr Dave Watts (Lab) |
Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee)
Clerks: Mr Makower and Mrs Sharpe
Members (16)
Nominated by the House of Lords 2 March 1999
Lords Burns (CB) (Chairman)
Lord Eatwell (Lab) | Lord Fraser of Carmyllie (Con) | Lord Haskel (Lab) |
Lord Montague of Oxford (Lab) | Lord Poole (Con) | Lord Taverne (LD) |
Viscount Trenchard (Con) |
Nominated by the House of Commons 26 February 1999
Mr Nigel Beard (Lab) | Mrs Liz Blackman (Lab) | Dr Vincent Cable (LD) |
Mr David Heathcoat-Amory (Con) | Mr David Kidney (Lab) | Mr Tim Loughton (Con) |
Mr James Plaskitt (Lab) | Mr Barry Sheerman (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Draft Financial Services and Markets Bill |
HC 328 |
2 |
Draft Financial Services and Markets Bill: Parts V, VI and XII - European Convention on Human Rights |
HC 465 |
Food Standards
Clerks: Dr John Benger and Mr Mike Hennessy
Members (13)
Nominated 8 February 1999
Mr Kevin Barron (Lab) (Chairman)
Dr Peter Brand (LD) | Mr David Curry (Con) | Mr Martyn Jones (Lab) |
Ms Sally Keeble (Lab) | Dr Stephen Ladyman (Lab) | Dr Lewis Moonie (Lab) |
Mrs Diana Organ (Lab) | Mr Owen Paterson (Con) | Rev Martin Smyth (UU) |
Dr Howard Stoate (Lab) | Mr Robert Walter (Con) | Audrey Wise (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Draft Food Standards Bill |
HC 276 |
Cm 4377 |
Clerk: Mr P. G. Moon (until 30.10.99), Mrs Sarah Davies (from 1.11.99)
Members (9)
Nominated 28 July 1997
Mr Richard Allan (LD) (Chairman)
Mr Ian Bruce (Con) | Mr Tim Collins (Con) | Mr Michael Connarty (Lab) |
Mr Neil Gerrard (Lab) | Mr Andrew Miller (Lab) | Mrs Sandra Osborne (Lab) |
Mr Phil Sawford (Lab) | Mr Ian Stewart (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Supply of Members Information Technology Equipment, Software and Associated Services |
HC 76 |
Clerk: Mr C B Winnifrith, CB
Members (33)
Nominated 25 July 1997
Mr Robert Sheldon (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Richard Allan (LD) | Mr Donald Anderson (Lab) | Mr Andrew F Bennett (Lab) |
Mr Peter Brooke (Con) | Sir Sydney Chapman (Con) | Dr Michael Clark (Con) |
Mr Eric Clarke (Lab) | Mr David Davis (Con) | Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab) |
Mr Derek Foster (Lab) | Mr Bruce George (Lab) | Mr David Hinchliffe (Lab) |
Mr Jimmy Hood (Lab) | Mr John Horam (Con) | Mr Martyn Jones (Lab) |
Mr Gerald Kaufman (Lab) | Mr Archy Kirkwood (LD) | Mr Peter Luff (Con) |
Mr David Marshall (Lab) | Mr John McWilliam (Lab) | Dr Lewis Moonie (Lab) |
Mr Chris Mullin (Lab) | Mr Martin O'Neill (Lab) | Mr Peter Pike (Lab) |
Mr Giles Radice (Lab) | Mrs Marion Roe (Con) | Mr David Tredinnick (Con) |
Mr Dennis Turner (Lab) | Mr Bowen Wells (Con) | Mr Malcolm Wicks (Lab) |
Mr Nicholas Winterton (Con) | Dr Tony Wright (Lab) |
Local Government (Organisation and Standards) (Joint Committee)
Clerk: Ms A Barry
Members (16)
Nominated by the House of Lords 27 May 1999
Lord Bowness (Chairman)
Lord Bassam of Brighton | Lord Carnarvon | Baroness Hamwee |
Lord Marlesford | Lord Pilkington of Oxenford | Lord Ponsonby of Shulbrede |
Baroness Thornton |
Nominated by the House of Commons 26 May 1999
Sir Paul Beresford (Con) | Mr Paul Burstow (LD) | Mr James Gray (Con) |
Ms Margaret Moran (Lab) | Mr Peter Pike (Lab) | Mr John Smith (Lab) |
Mr Graham Stringer (Lab) | Dr Alan Whitehead (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Draft Bill |
HC 524 |
Cm 4529 |
Modernisation of the House of Commons
Clerks: Mr C B Winnifrith, CB and Mr A Sandall
Members (15)
Appointed 4 June 1998
Mrs Margaret Beckett (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Ivor Caplin (Lab) | Mr David Drew (Lab) | Sir Peter Emery (Con) |
Ms Lorna Fitzsimons (Lab) | Mrs Helen Jackson (Lab) | Mr Peter Pike (Lab) |
Mr Gordon Prentice (Lab) | Mr Richard Shepherd (Con) | Mr Clive Soley (Lab) |
Mr Andrew Stunell (LD) | Mr Stephen Twigg (Lab) | Mr Paul Tyler (LD) |
Mr Nicholas Winterton (Con) | Sir George Young (Con) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Parliamentary Calendar: Initial Proposals |
HC 60 |
2 |
Sittings in Westminster Hall |
HC 194 |
3 |
Thursday Sittings |
HC 719 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Work of the Committee: Second Progress Report |
HC 865 |
Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Clerk: Mr A J Hastings
Members (12)
Appointed 25 November 1998
Nominated by the House of Lords
Lord Nicholls of Birkenhead (CB) (Chairman)
Lord Archer of Sandwell (Lab) | Lord Mayhew of Twysden (Con) | Lord Merlyn-Rees (Lab) |
Lord Waddington (Con) | Lord Wigoder (LD) |
Nominated by the House of Commons
Mr Joe Benton (Lab) | Sir Patrick Cormack (Con) | Mr Bill Michie (Lab) |
Mrs Ann Taylor (Lab) | Mr Paul Tyler (LD) | Mr Alan Williams (Lab) |
| | (Swansea West) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Report and Proceedings of the Committee |
HC 214 |
Clerk: Miss E C Samson and Mr Mark Steven
Members (14)
Appointed 31 July 1997
Mr Nicholas Winterton (Con) (Chairman)
Sir Paul Beresford (Con) | Mr Colin Burgon (Lab) | Mr Keith Darvill (Lab) |
Mr Edward Davey (LD) | Mr David Drew (Lab) | Mr Clive Efford (Lab) |
Ms Lorna Fitzsimons (Lab) | Mr Barry Gardiner (Lab) | Mr Nigel Griffiths (Lab |
Mr Eric Illsley (Lab) | Chris McCafferty Lab) | Mr Andrew Stunell (LD) |
Mr Robert Syms (Con) | |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Procedural Consequences of Devolution: First Interim Report |
HC 148 |
2 |
Procedural Consequences of Devolution: Second Interim Report |
HC 376 |
3 |
Names Added to Early Day Motions |
HC 466 |
4 |
Procedural Consequences of Devolution |
HC 185 |
HC 814 |
5 |
Ministerial Statements on Fridays |
HC 588 |
6 |
Procedure for Debate on the Government's Expenditure Plan
HC 295 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Fourth Report 1998-99 |
HC 814 |
Public Accounts
Clerk: Mr Ken Brown
Members (15)
Appointed 25 July 1997
Mr David Davis (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Alan Campbell (Lab) | Mr David Curry (Con) | Mr Ian Davidson (Lab) |
Mr Geraint Davies (Lab) | Ms Maria Eagle (Lab) | Mr Barry Gardiner (Lab) |
Mr Nigel Griffiths (Lab) | Mr Andrew Love (Lab) | Mr Richard Page (Con) |
Mr David Rendel (LD) | Mr Gerry Steinberg (Lab) | Mr Steven Timms (Lab) |
Mr Charles Wardle (Con) | Mr Alan Williams (Lab) | |
| (Swansea West) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 1997 |
HC 101 |
Cm 4285 |
2 |
National Health Service (Scotland) Summarised Accounts (1996-97) |
HC 102 |
Cm 4285 |
3 |
Obtaining Benefit for Electricity Customers from the Flotation of the National Grid |
HC 103 |
Cm 4285 |
4 |
Treasury Controls |
HC 157 |
Cm 4312 |
5 |
The Sale of British Energy |
HC 242 |
Cm 4335 |
6 |
Excess Votes: Class I Vote 4 and Class IV Vote 3 (1997-98) |
HC 255 |
7 |
Forensic Science Service |
HC 321 |
Cm 4380 |
8 |
Ministry of Defence: Sales of the Royal Dockyards |
HC 96 |
Cm 4380 |
9 |
Inland Revenue Special Compliance Office: Prevention of Corruption |
HC 77 |
Cm 4380 |
10 |
Ministry of Defence: Identifying and Selling Surplus Property |
HC 104 |
Cm 4381 |
11 |
Northern Ireland: Controls to Prevent and Detect Fraud in Family Practitioner Service Payments |
HC 123 |
Cm 4394 |
12 |
Office of Electricity Regulation: Improving Energy Efficiency Financed by a Charge on Customers |
HC 174 |
Cm 4381 |
13 |
Final Accounts of: the Chessington Computer Centre, Recruitment Assessment Services, and the Occupational Health and Safety Agency |
HC 231 |
Cm 4381 |
14 |
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions: Grants to Voluntary Bodies |
HC 158 |
Cm 4381 |
15 |
HM Customs and Excise: Prevention of Drug Smuggling |
HC 35 |
Cm 4408 |
16 |
National Savings: Developments in Financial Reporting |
HC 243 |
Cm 4408 |
17 |
Ministry of Defence: Major Equipment Storage |
HC 266 |
Cm 4408 |
18 |
Ministry of Defence: Appropriation Accounts 1997-98 |
HC 207 |
Cm 4456 |
19 |
BBC World Service: New Financial Arrangements |
HC 219 |
Cm 4456 |
20 |
Home Office: Handgun Surrender and Compensation |
HC 354 |
Cm 4456 |
Reports |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
21 |
Council for the Central Laboratory of the Research Councils: Accounts 1997-98 |
HC 322 |
Cm 4456 |
22 |
Delays to the New National Insurance Recording System |
HC 182 |
Cm 4456 |
23 |
Getting Better Value for Money from the Private Finance Initiative |
HC 583 |
Cm 4469 |
24 |
Flotation of Railtrack |
HC 256 |
Cm 4515 |
25 |
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food: Arable Area Payments Scheme |
HC 306 |
Cm 4469 |
26 |
Overseas Operations, Governance and Management at Southampton Institute |
HC 345 |
Cm 4469 |
27 |
HM Customs and Excise: the Red Channel |
HC 439 |
Cm 4469 |
28 |
Department of Health: Cost Over-Runs, Funding Problems and Delays on Guy's Hospital Phase III Development |
HC 289 |
Cm 4471 |
29 |
Financial Management and Control in the European Union |
HC 690 |
Cm 4471 |
30 |
How the Utility Regulators are Addressing the Year 2000 Problem in the Utilities |
HC 449 |
Cm 4469 |
31 |
Sale of Residual Loans to Housing Associations |
HC 431 |
Cm 4471 |
32 |
Ministry of Defence: Modifying Defence Equipment |
HC 300 |
Cm 4471 |
33 |
Managing Sickness Absence in the Prison Service |
HC 453 |
Cm 4471 |
34 |
BSE: The Cost of a Crisis |
HC 790 |
Cm 4471 |
35 |
Public Trust Office: Protecting the Financial Welfare of People with Mental Incapacity |
HC 278 |
Cm 4515 |
36 |
The Millennium Threat |
HC 517 |
Cm 4515 |
37 |
Investigation of Alleged Irregularities at Halton College |
HC 413 |
Cm 4515 |
38 |
Inheritance Tax: a Progress Report |
HC 474 |
Cm 4515 |
39 |
NHS in Scotland: Making the Most of the Estate and Other Issues |
HC 323 |
40 |
Sale of Railfreight Distribution |
HC 601 |
41 |
The PRIME Project: The Transfer of the Department of Social Security to the Private Sector |
HC 548 |
Public Administration
Clerk: Dr Paul Seaward
Members (11)
Nominated 16 July 1997
Dr Tony Wright (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Peter Bradley (Lab) | Mr Desmond Browne (Lab) | Mr Ronnie Campbell (Lab) |
Helen Jones (Lab) | Ms Margaret Moran (Lab) | Mr Mark Oaten (LD) |
Mr Richard Shepherd (Con) | Mr Nicholas Soames (Con) | Mr Andrew Tyrie (Con) |
Mr Brian White (Lab) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
Govt reply |
1 |
Report of the Parliamentary Ombudsman for 1997-98 |
HC 136 |
HC 817 |
2 |
Annual Report of the Health Service Ombudsman for 1997-98 |
HC 54 |
HC 816 |
3 |
Freedom of Information draft Bill |
HC 570 |
HC 831 |
4 |
Ministerial Accountability and Parliamentary Questions |
HC 821 |
5 |
Freedom of Information Draft Bill: The Committee's Response to the Home Office Reply |
HC 925 |
6 |
Quangos |
HC 209 |
Special Reports
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 Sp |
Government Response to the Fifth Report 1997-98 |
HC 53 |
2 Sp |
Government Response to the Sixth Report 1997-98 |
HC 162 |
3 Sp |
Government Response to the Second Report 1998-99 |
HC 816 |
4 Sp |
Government Response to the First Report 1998-99 |
HC 817 |
5 Sp |
Government Response to the Third Report 1997-98
HC 831 |
Standards and Privileges
Clerks: Mr Alan Sandall and Mr Mark
Members (11)
Nominated 25 June 1997
Mr Robert Sheldon (Lab) (Chairman)
Mr Martin Bell (Ind) | Mr Peter Bottomley (Con) | Mr Malcolm Bruce (LD) |
Mr Dale Campbell-Savours (Lab) | Mr Eric Forth (Con) | Mr Michael Jabez Foster (Lab) |
Mr Tom Levitt (Lab) | Mr Terry Lewis (Lab) | Shona McIsaac (Lab) |
Mr Alan Williams (Lab) (Swansea West) |
No |
Title |
Paper No |
1 |
Advocacy and Declaration |
HC 257 |
2 |
Complaints against Mr Geoffrey Robinson |
HC 292 |
3 |
Complaints against Mr Francis Maude |
HC 308 |
4 |
Complaints against Sir Edward Heath |
HC 348 |
5 |
Complaint against Mr Geoffrey Robinson (No. 2) |
HC 362 |
6 |
Complaint against Mr Edward Leigh |
HC 374 |
7 |
Complaint against Mrs Teresa Gorman |
HC 458 |
8 |
Premature Disclosure of Reports of the Foreign Affairs Committee |
HC 607 |
9 |
Complaints against Mr Peter Mandelson |
HC 611 |
10 & 11 |
Unauthorised Receipt of a Draft Report of the Social Security Committee |
HC 747 |
12 |
Remunerated Employment as a Member of another Elected Body
HC 929 |
Standing Orders
Clerk: Mr Hennessy
Members: (11)
Nominated 28 January 1998
Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con) (Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Martin (Lab) (1st Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Lord (Con) (2nd Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Clive Efford (Lab) | Mrs Llin Golding (Lab) | Mr Brian Jenkins (Lab) |
Helen Jones (Lab) | Mr Bill O'Brien (Lab) | Mr Ernie Ross (Lab) | |
Mr Andrew Stunnell (LD) | Mr Nicholas Winterton (Con) |
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Clerk: Mr Hennessy (from 1.10.99), ( Mr Stanton until 30.9.99) and Mr Burton, Mr Vaughan (Lords)
Members (14)
Nominated by the House of Lords 5 June 1997
Viscount Addison (Con) | Viscount Exmouth (CB) | | Lord Hardy (Lab) |
Lord Meston (LD) | Lord Skelmersdale (Con) | | Lord Vivian (Con) |
Lord Walker of Doncaster (Lab) |
Nominated by the House of Commons 4 June 1997
Mr David Tredinnick (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Andrew Bennett (Lab) | Mr Harold Best (Lab) | Mr Dominic Grieve (Con) |
Mr Ivan Henderson (Lab) | Mr William Ross (UU) | Mr Brian White (Lab) |
The Committee produced thirty reports in Session 1998-99, published as serial parts of HC 50. Details are available from the House of Commons Information Office.
Statutory Instruments (Select Committee)
Clerk: Mr Hennessy
Members (7)
Nominated 4 June 1997
Mr David Tredinnick (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Andrew Bennett (Lab) | Mr Harold Best (Lab) | Mr Dominic Grieve (Con) |
Mr Ivan Henderson (Lab) | Mr William Ross (UU) | Mr Brian White (Lab) |
The Committee produced one report in Session 1998-99 ( HC 456-i).
Section C4
National Audit Office and Northern Ireland Audit Office
National Audit Office and Northern Ireland Audit Office (NIAO) reports are, in many cases, the forerunners of Public Accounts Committee inquiries. Their publication is noted in the Weekly Information Bulletin and a list of titles and House of Commons Paper numbers of all reports published during 1998-99 Session are listed here. Copies are available from the Stationery Office.
Title |
Paper No |
Public Accounts
Cttee Report No |
Modifying Defence Equipment |
HC 24 |
32 |
Overseas Operations, Governance and Management at the Southampton Institute |
HC 23 |
26 |
Flotation of Railtrack |
HC 25 |
24 |
BBC World Service: New Financial Arrangements |
HC 26 |
19 |
MOD: Management of Office Space |
HC 105 |
Final Accounts of Chessington Computer Centre, Recruitment and Assessment Services and the Occupational Health and Safety Agency |
HC 154 |
13 |
Sales of Residual loans to Housing Associations |
HC 192 |
31 |
Public Trust Office. Protecting the Financial Welfare of People with Mental Incapacity |
HC 206 |
35 |
How the Utility Regulators are Addressing Year 2000 Problem in the Utilities |
HC 222 |
30 |
Scottish Office: NHS in Scotland - Making the Most of the Estate |
HC 224 |
39 |
Arable Area Payment Scheme |
HC 223 |
25 |
Home Office: Handgun Surrender and Compensation |
HC 225 |
20 |
Inheritance Tax: a Progress Report |
HC 251 |
38 |
NHS Executive: Royal Brompton Hospital - sale of North block site |
HC 252 |
Audit of the Unemployment Assumption for the March 1999 Budget Projections |
HC 294 |
Financial Management and Governance at Gwent Tertiary College |
HC 253 |
Audit of the General Budget of the European Union for 1997 and Related Developments |
HC 279 |
Immigration and Nationality Directorates Casework Programme |
HC 277 |
DETR : the Sale of Railfreight Distribution |
HC 280 |
40 |
DSS: Progress on Measures to Combat Housing Benefit Fraud |
HC 319 |
Scottish Office: Private Finance Initiative: the Contract to Complete and Operate the A74(M)/M74 Motorway in Scotland |
HC 356 |
Investigation of Alleged Irregularities at Halton College |
HC 357 |
37 |
HM Customs and Excise: the Red Channel |
HC 358 |
27 |
DTI: the Sale of CINMan by British Coal |
HC 359 |
The PRIME project: Transfer of the Department of Social Security Estate to the Private Sector |
HC 370 |
41 |
The 1992 and 1998 Information Management and Technology Strategies of the NHS Executive |
HC 371 |
Managing Sickness Absence in the Prison Service |
HC 372 |
33 |
Vehicle Emissions Testing |
HC 402 |
(NIAO) Northern Ireland Transport Holding Company |
HC 390 |
Office of Gas Supply. Giving Customers a Choice: the Introduction of Competition into the Domestic Gas Market |
HC 403 |
Arts Council of England: Monitoring Major Capital Projects Funded by the National Lottery |
HC 404 |
The PFI Contract for the New Dartford and Gravesham Hospital |
HC 423 |
Insolvency service Executive Agency: Company Director Disqualification |
HC 424 |
Procurement in the English Higher Education Sector |
HC 437 |
Cabinet Office: the Millennium Threat |
HC 436 |
36 |
NHS Executive: Management of Medical Equipment in NHS Acute Trusts in England |
HC 475 |
Scottish Office: Scottish Further Education Colleges - managing Costs |
HC 493 |
Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council: Procurement of Equipment from Research Grants |
HC 494 |
Ministry of Defence: Major Projects Report 1998 |
HC 519 |
Further Education in Wales |
HC 641 |
English Partnerships: Assisting Local Regeneration |
HC 642 |
(NIAO) School inspection in Northern Ireland |
HC 636 |
MOD: Procurement of non-combat Vehicles for the Royal Air Force |
HC 738 |
Examining the Value for Money of Deals under the Private Finance Initiative |
HC 739 |
Modernising Procurement |
HC 808 |
United Kingdom Passport Agency: Passport Delays Summer 1999 |
HC 812 |
Court Funds Office: Funds in Court - Unclaimed Balances |
HC 833 |
Audit of Future Oil Price Convention for November Pre-budget Report |
HC 873 |
The Millennium Threat |
HC 871 |
The Year 2000 Problem in the Utilities |
HC 843 |
(NIAO) Department of the Environment: Improving Winter Driving Conditions |
HC 933 |
Section C5
Other Committees
Advisory Committee of Works of Art
Members: (8)
Appointed 5 November 1997
Sir Patrick Cormack (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Frank Cook (Lab) | Mr Robert Maclennan (LD) | Mr Gordon Marsden (Lab) |
Mr Robert Jackson (Con) | Mr Michael Trend (Con) | |
Mr John Maxton (Lab) | Mr Ross Cranston (Lab) |
Chairmen's (Panel)
Secretary: Mr William Proctor
Members (28)
Nominated 25 November 1998
Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con) (Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Martin (Lab) (1st Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Lord (Con) (2nd Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mrs Irene Adams (Lab) | Mr Donald Anderson (Lab) | Mr Peter Atkinson (Con) |
Mr Joe Benton (Lab) | Mr John Butterfill (Con) | Dr Michael Clark (Con) |
Mr Frank Cook (Lab) | Mr Jim Cunningham (Lab) | Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab) |
Mr Roger Gale (Con) | Mr Jimmy Hood (Lab) | Mr Barry Jones (Lab) |
Mr John McWilliam (Lab) | Sir David Madel (Con) | Mr Humphrey Malins (Con) |
Mr John Maxton (Lab) | Mrs Ray Michie (LD) | Mr Bill O'Brien (Lab) |
Mr Edward O'Hara (Lab) | Mr Bill Olner (Lab) | Mrs Marion Roe (Con) |
Mr George Stevenson (Lab) | Mr Bowen Wells (Con) | Mr Andrew Welsh (SNP) |
Mr Nicholas Winterton (Con) |
Ecclesiastical Committee
Nominated in pursuance of Section 2(2) of the Church of England Assembly (Powers) Act 1919
Clerks: Mr Hugh Yardley (Commons), Mr E Ollard (Lords)
Members: (30)
Nominated: 12 November 1997 (Commons); 25 March 1998 (Lords)
House of Lords
Lord Beaumont of Whitley (LD) | Viscount Brentford (Con) | Lord Brightman (CB) |
Viscount Calecote (Con) | Lord Glenamara (Lab) | Lord Hardy of Wath (Lab) |
Lord Pilkington of Oxenford (Con) | Lord Robertson of Oakridge (CB) | Lord Strabolgi (Lab) |
Lord Templeman (CB) | Lord Teviot (Con) | Lord Wallace of Saltaire (LD) |
Lord Westbury (Con) | Baroness Wilcox (Con) | Lord Williams of Elvel (Lab) |
House of Commons
Mr Nigel Beard (Lab) | Mr Martin Bell (Ind) | Mr Stuart Bell (Lab) |
Mr Peter Bottomley (Con) | Mr Ben Bradshaw (Lab) | Sir Sydney Chapman (Con) |
Sir Patrick Cormack (Con) | Mr David Drew (Lab) | Mrs Gwyneth Dunwoody (Lab) |
Mr Frank Field (Lab) | Mr Derek Foster (Lab) | Mr John Gummer (Con) |
Mr Simon Hughes (LD) | Mr Gordon Marsden (Lab) | Mr Peter Pike (Lab) |
Intelligence and Security
Clerks: Mr J Alden, Mr R Curry
Members (9)
Appointed 31 July 1997
Mr Tom King (Con) (Chairman)
Mr Kevin Barron (Lab) | Mr Alan Beith (LD) | Mr Dale Campbell-Savours (Lab) |
Ms Yvette Cooper (Lab) | Mr Barry Jones (Lab) | Mr Michael Mates (Con) |
Mr Allan Rogers (Lab) | Lady Ramsay of Cartvale (Lab) |
Private Bills: Court of Referees
Clerk: Mr Proctor
Members (10)
Nominated 10 July 1997
Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con) (Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Martin (Lab) (1st Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Lord (Con) (2nd Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Peter Atkinson (Con) | Mr John Butterfill (Con) | Mr Bill Etherington (Lab) |
Mr Archy Kirkwood (LD) | Mr Alan Meale (Lab) | Mr Ernie Ross (Lab) |
Mr Dennis Turner (Lab) |
Private Bills: Unopposed Bills (Panel)
Clerk: Mr Stanton
Members (21)
Appointed 2 July 1997
Sir Alan Haselhurst (Con) (Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Martin (Lab) (1st Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr Michael Lord (Con) (2nd Deputy Chairman of Ways and Means)
Mr John Austin (Lab) | Mr Nigel Beard (Lab) | Mr Peter Bottomley (Con) |
Mrs Helen Brinton (Lab) | Mr John Butterfill (Con) | Mr Phillip Hammond (Con) |
Mr Brian Jenkins (Lab) | Mr Andrew Mackinlay (Lab) | Mr David Marshall (Lab) |
Mr John McDonnell (Lab) | Mr Syd Rapson (Lab) | Mr Nick St Aubyn (Con) |
Mr Andrew Stunell (LD) | Mr Gerry Sutcliffe (Lab) | Mr Jon Trickett (Lab) |
Mr Robert Walter (Con) | Mrs Ann Winterton (Con) | Mrs Audrey Wise (Lab) |
Clerk: Ms Payne
Members (9)
Nominated 4 June 1997
Mr John McWilliam (Lab) (Chairman)
Ms Charlotte Atkins (Lab) | Mr Clive Betts (Lab) | Mr Keith Bradley (Lab) |
Ms Karen Buck (Con) | Mr James Cran (Con) | Mr Phil Hope (Lab) |
Mr Patrick McLoughlin (Con) | Mr Paul Tyler (LD) |
Section C6
'Matters' Discussed by Standing Committees
Scottish Grand Committee
Since its establishment in 1957 the powers and functions of this committee have changed. New current arrangements were agreed by the House in 1994 and enhanced in December 1995. To reflect these arrangements this Section now includes the full details of the business dealt with at each sitting. Further information can be found in Factsheet 65 Scottish and Welsh Business in the House of Commons.
Date and
Location |
Chairman |
Business |
18.1.1999 |
Mr John Maxton |
Scottish enterprise (statement) |
New Parliament House, Edinburgh |
Health in Scotland (debate) |
Deprivation in Glasgow (adjournment) |
1.2.1999 |
Mr John Maxton |
Land reform in Scotland (debate) |
New Parliament House, Edinburgh |
Petrol pricing in rural areas (adjournment) |
New Parliament House, Edinburgh |
Mr John Maxton |
Role of the Law Officers after Devolution (statement) |
Education and the enterprise economy in Scotland (debate) |
Equal opportunities for women in Scotland (adjournment) |
New Parliament House, Edinburgh |
Mrs Ray Michie |
Budget and the Scottish economy (debate)
Renal dialysis in Tayside Health area (adjournment) |
Welsh Grand Committee
Since its establishment in 1959/60 the functions of the committee have changed. The current arrangements were agreed by the House in March 1996. This Section will reflect these changes. Further information can be found in Factsheet 65 Scottish and Welsh Business in the House of Commons.
Date and
Location |
Chairman |
Business |
Westminster |
Mr Barry Jones |
Government expenditure in Wales 1999-2000 to 2001-2002 (debate) |
22.2.1999 |
Mr Barry Jones |
Transport policy in Wales (debate) |
Aberavon |
Northern Ireland Grand Committee
Established in 1975, the Committee's powers and functions were enhanced in March 1997 and brought into line with the Scottish and Welsh Grand Committees. See House of Commons Standing Orders 109-116.
Date and
Location |
Chairman |
Business |
Westminster |
Mr Peter Atkinson |
Comprehensive spending review in Northern Ireland (debate) |
Acute hospital services in Northern Ireland (adjournment) |
Westminster |
Mr Peter Atkinson |
Hospital services in Northern Ireland (debate) |
Pig industry in Northern Ireland (adjournment) |
Westminster |
Mr Frank Cook |
Draft Appropriation (Northern Ireland) Order 1999 |
Westminster |
Mr Peter Atkinson |
Draft Report of the Department of Economic Development's Economic Strategy Review (debate) |
Human Rights in Northern Ireland (adjournment) |
Westminster |
Mr Peter Atkinson |
Consultation Paper Lifelong Learning - A New Learning Culture for All (debate) |
Problems over locating terrorist victim's bodies (adjournment) |
Westminster |
Mr Peter Atkinson |
Review of the criminal justice system in Northern Ireland (debate)
Agriculture (adjournment) |
Section C7
European Documents Standing Committees
The European Standing Committees (ESC) lettered A, B and C, are constituted for the duration of a Session and consider matters referred to them by the House. Their composition appears in the Weekly Information Bulletin. Chairmen are appointed for consideration of individual documents. Any Member may attend and speak. For further details see Factsheet 56 available from the House of Commons Information Office. Committees A, B and C deal with matters within the responsibilities of different Departments. The list is as follows:
ESC A: Agriculture, Fisheries and Food; Environment, Transport and the Regions; Forestry Commission (and analogous) responsibilities of Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland Offices)
ESC B: HM Treasury (including Customs and Excise); Social Security; Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Lord Chancellor's Department; together with any matters not otherwise allocated by SO No 119
ESC C: Trade and Industry; Education and Employment; Culture, Media and Sport
ESC A (Membership as set up on 17 December 1998)
Jackie Ballard | Mr David Chaytor | Mrs Jean Dean |
Mr Jim Dobbin | Mr Michael Jabez Foster | Dr Ian Gibson |
Mr Christopher Gill | Mr Owen Paterson | Mr Lawrie Quinn |
Mr George Stevenson | Mr William Thompson | Mr Peter Viggers |
Dr Rudi Vis |
Documents Discussed
Date |
Chairman |
Document No and Subject |
15.2.99 |
Mr John Butterfill |
Agenda 2000: reform of the Common Agricultural Policy |
10.3.99 |
Mr Roger Gale |
No 10778/98 relating to transport infrastructure charging |
17.3.99 |
Mrs Marion Roe |
No 6985/98 relating to welfare of laying hens |
24.3.99 |
Mrs Ray Michie |
No 6378/98 relating to deliberate release into the environment of genetically modified organisms |
21.4.99 |
Mr Bowen Wells |
No 8582/97 relating to air transport competition rules |
9.6.99 |
Mr Humfrey Malins |
No 6528/99 relating to global navigation satellite system |
16.6.99 |
Mr Humfrey Malins |
No 12791/98 & 12756/97 relating to incineration of waste |
ESC B (Membership as set up on 17 December 1998)
Dr Vincent Cable | Mr Paul Clark | Mrs Eileen Gordon |
Jane Griffiths | Mr Fabian Hamilton | Mr Kelvin Hopkins |
Mr David Lepper | Dr Nick Palmer | Mr Bill Rammell |
Mr William Ross | Mr Robert Walter | Sir Raymond Whitney |
Mr John Wilkinson |
Documents Discussed
Date |
Chairman |
Document No and Subject |
24.2.99 |
Mr George Stevenson |
No 10786/98 relating to VAT fraud, No 14031/98, relating to Independent Fraud Office, and Court of Auditors annual report 1997 (OJ No C349) |
19.5.99 |
Mr Edward O'Hara |
No 5263/99 relating to assistance to Mongolia |
7.7.99 |
Mr Edward O'Hara |
Com (99) 200, Sec (99) 600 and No 7698/99 relating to 2000 preliminary draft budget and Agenda 2000 |
27.10.99 |
Mr Jim Cunningham |
No 6793 relating to taxation of energy products |
ESC C (Membership as set up on 10 February 1999)
Mr David Borrow | Mr David Crausby | Mr Keith Darvill |
Mr Ewan Harris | Mr Ivan Henderson | Mr Stephen Hesford |
Mr Michael Jack | Dr Steven Ladyman | Mr Tim Loughton |
Miss Anne McIntosh | Mr Mark Oaten | Miss Geraldine Smith |
Mr Anthony D Wright |
Documents Discussed
Date |
Chairman |
Document No and Subject |
9.3.99 |
Mrs Ray Michie |
No 11034/97 relating to treatment of end of life vehicles |
23.3.99 |
Mr Bill O'Brien |
Unnumbered explanatory memorandum relating to reform of structural funds and No 5480/97 relating to European Regional Fund |
19.7.99 |
Mr Edward O'Hara |
No 13526/98 and unnumbered explanatory memorandum relating to extension of the Working Time Directive |
27.10.99 |
Dr Michael Clark |
No 5562/98 & 8723/99 relating to harmonisation of copyright, No 5123/99 and No 10644/99 relating to electronic commerce in the single market |