SID 1998-99
House of Commons

Publications on the internet
Weekly Information Bulletin
Sessional Information Digest: 1998-99

Section D1

Subject Index to White Papers


CENSUS - 2001 Census - Cm 4253 4.3.99

COMPETITIVENESS - Cm 4176 16.12.98


COPYRIGHT - Future Management of Crown Copyright - Cm 4300 26.3.99

EDUCATION - Post-16 Learning - Cm 4392 30.6.99


EUROPEAN UNION - Developments July - December 1998 - Cm 4352 18.5.99

EUROPEAN UNION - Developments January - June 1999 - Cm 4531 30.11.99

EXPENDITURE PLANS 1999-2000 to 2000-2002

     Cabinet Office, Privy Council Office and Parliament - Cm 4221 25.3.99

     Chancellor of the Exchequer's Departments - Cm 4218 29.3.99

     Customs and Excise - Cm 4219 30.3.99

     Department for Culture, Media and Sport - Cm 4213 29.3.99

     Department for Education and Employment; OFSTED - Cm 4202 24.3.99

     Department for the Environment, Transport and the Regions - Cm 4204 25.3.99

     Department of Health - Cm 4203 23.3.99

     Department for International Development - Cm 4210 30.3.99

     Department of Social Security - Cm 4214 30.3.99

     Department of Trade and Industry - Cm 4211 30.3.99

     Foreign and Commonwealth Office - Cm 4209 31.3.99

     Home Office - Cm 4205 26.3.99

     Inland Revenue - Cm 4220 30.3.99

     Law Officer's Department - Cm 4207 24.3.99

     Lord Chancellor's Department - Cm 4206 30.3.99

     Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food - Cm 4212 26.3.99

     Ministry of Defence - Cm 4208 26.3.99

     Northern Ireland Office - Cm 4217 30.3.99

     Scottish Office - Cm 4215 30.3.99

     Welsh Office - Cm 4205 30.3.99

GOVERNMENT - Modernising Government - Cm 4310 30.3.99     

HEALTH - Our Healthier Nation - Cm 4386 6.7.99

HEALTH (Scotland) -Towards a Healthier Scotland - Cm 4269 17.2.99

HOUSE of LORDS - Reforming the House of Lords - Cm 4183 20.1.99

LEGAL SERVICES - Modernising Justice - Cm 4155 2.12.98

LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Local Leadership, Local Choice - Cm 4298 23.3.99

POLITICAL PARTIES - Funding - Cm 4413 29.7.99

POST OFFICE - Cm 4340 8.7.99

PUBLIC EXPENDITURE - Statistical Analysis - Cm 4201 31.3.99

PUBLIC SERVICES - For the Future - Cm 4181 17.12.98

PUBLIC SERVICES - March Supplement - Cm 4315 31.3.99

REGULATORY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS - July to December 1998 - Cm 4301 26.3.99

REGULATORY IMPACT ASSESSMENTS - January to June 1999 - Cm 4478 22.11.99

SCHOOLS (Scotland) - Targeting Excellence - Cm 4247 27.1.99

SCHOOLS (Wales) - the BEST Programme - Cm 4150 1.2.99

SMOKING - Cm 4177 10.12.98

SOCIAL SERVICES - Modernising - Cm 4169 30.11.99

SOCIAL SERVICES (Scotland) - Modernising Social Work Services - Cm 4288 16.3.99

SOCIAL SERVICES (Wales) - Building for the Future - Cm 4051 31.3.99

STATISTICS - Building Trust - Cm 4412 18.10.99

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - a Better Quality of Life - Cm 4345 17.5.99

VOLUNTARY SECTOR (Northern Ireland) - Cm 4167 14.12.98

WELFARE - Safeguarding Social Security - Cm 4276 23.3.99

WELFARE - Childrens Rights and Parents Responsibilities - Cm 4349 1.7.99

Section D2

Subject Index to Green Papers and Consultation Documents

The following is a list of Green Papers (a term used to cover all consultation documents, discussion papers, and other items which set out proposals which are at a formative or uncomplicated stage and are issued to solicit comment) received by the House of Commons Information Office in the 1998-99 Session. The non-appearance of an item in this list cannot be taken as evidence that such a title does not exist. Most items are published or 'made available' by individual Government departments or agencies, from whom copies should be sought. (Some also appear in the Chadwyck Healey Catalogue of British Official Publications not published by TSO). The few that are TSO published items have a Command Paper number or other reference attached. Details of the consultation period and issuing office address may be found in the edition of the Weekly Information Bulletin next following the date of receipt.



Command PaperITCIndependent Television Commission


Civil Service CollegeLCDLord Chancellor's Department


Department of Culture, Media & SportMAFFMinistry of Agriculture, Fisheries & Food


Department for Education and EmploymentNIONorthern Ireland Office


Department of Environment, Transport & the RegionsOFFEROffice of Electricity Regulation


Department for International DevelopmentOFGASOffice of Gas Supply


Department of HealthOFTELOffice of Telecommunications


Department of Social SecurityOFWATOffice of Water Services


Department of Trade & IndustryONSOffice for National Statistics


Export Credits Guarantee DepartmentRDCRural Development Commission


Financial Services AuthorityTSOThe Stationery Office


House of Commons PaperSOScottish Office


Health and Safety Executive

ACCIDENTS - Reducing Risk, Protecting People. HSE [6.5.99]

ACCOUNTANCY - Framework of Independent Regulation for the Accountancy Profession. DTI [30.11.98]

ADULT EDUCATION - The Learning Age - Information, Advice and Guidance for Adults. DfEE [1.1.99]

ADVERTISING - Control of Misleading Advertisements. DTI [27.7.99]

AGRICULTURE - Agenda 2000: Supporting the Hill Farmer. MAFF [24.4.99]

AGRICULTURE - Consultation on WTO negotiations on Agriculture. MAFF [29.7.99]

AGRICULTURE - Hill Farmer Allowance Scheme. MAFF [10.11.99]

AGRICULTURE - New Direction for Agriculture. MAFF [29.7.99]

AGRICULTURE - Rural Development Regulation. MAFF [24.4.99]

AIR POLLUTION - Draft Regulation on Non-Road Mobile Machinery (Emissions of Gaseous and Particulate Pollutants). DTI [21.1.99]

AIR QUALITY - National Air Quality Strategy. DETR [25.8.99]

AIR TRAFFIC - Application to Raise the Air Transport Movement Limit at Stansted Airport. DETR [31.1.99]

AIR TRAFFIC - Noise Limits at Heathrow, Gatwick and Stansted Airports. DETR [26.3.99]

AIR TRANSPORT - GATS 2000 and Air Transport Services. DETR [13.9.99]

ANIMAL EXPORTS - Revised Pre-export Procedures for Sheep/Pigs destined for other Member States. MAFF [8.4.99]

ANIMAL FEED - Proposed Draft Feeding Stuffs (Enforcement) Regulations 1999. MAFF [ 15.5.99]

ANIMAL HEALTH - Proposed Amendments to BSE (No.2) (Amendment Order). MAFF [14.12.98]

ANIMAL HEALTH (SCOTLAND) - Proposed Amendments to Animal Health Legislation in respect of BSE. Scottish Office [15.12.98]

ANIMAL HEALTH (SCOTLAND) - Proposed Amendments to BSE (No.2) (Amendment) Order . Scottish Office [15.12.98]

ANIMAL WASTE - Air Pollution Standards for Animal Rendering Plants. MAFF [26.8.99]

ANIMAL WELFARE - Review of the Welfare of Animals in Transit. MAFF [12.8.99]

ANIMAL WELFARE - Review of the Welfare of Farm Animals at Slaughter. Farm Animal Welfare Council [6.4.99]

ANIMALS - Charging for Enforcement of Specified Risk Material Controls in Slaughter Houses and Cutting Plants. MAFF [14.1.99]

ANIMALS - Transport of Animals (Cleansing and Disinfection) Order. MAFF [11.1.99]

ASBESTOS - Prohibition of Asbestos in Brick Materials. DETR [12.10.99]

AUDITING - What Public Sector Bodies can Expect from Auditors. Public Audit Forum [28.6.99]

AVIATION - Airport Transport Forums and Airport Surface Strategies. DETR [31.3.99]

AVIATION - Consultation on EUROTOM. DTI [28.6.99]

AVIATION - Galileo: a New Generation of Satellite Navigation Services. DETR [14.4.99]

BBC - The Future Funding of the BBC. DCMS [5.8.99]

BANKING - Independent Review of Banking Services. Treasury [25.1.99]

BUILDING REGULATIONS - Amendment of Building (Approved Inspectors etc) Regulations 1985. DETR [14.6.99]

BUILDING REGULATIONS - Proposed Guidelines for Approved Inspectors. DETR [12.7.99]

CARERS - Caring for Carers: National Strategy. DoH [9.2.99]

CATTLE - Cattle Passport Fees Consultation. MAFF [8.7.99]

CHARITIES - Independence of Charities from the State. Charity Commission [28.10.99]

CHARITIES - Maintenance of Accurate Records. Charity Commission [16.3.99]

CHARITIES - Preservation and Conservation. Charity Commission [28.10.98]

CHARITIES - The Public Character of Charity. Charity Commission [28.10.98]

CHARITIES - Recreational Charities Act 1958. Charity Commission [16.3.99]

CHARITIES - Review of the Register of Charities. Charity Commission [16.3.99]

CHARITIES - Trustee Remuneration. Charity Commission [15.9.99]

CHEMICALS - Proposals for Biocidal Products Regulations. HSE [2.7.99]

CHILDREN - Assessment of Children in Need and their Families. DoH [14.9.99]

CHILDREN - Draft Guidance on the Education of Children looked after by Local Authorities. DfEE [17.6.99]

CHILDREN - New Arrangements for Young People Living in and Leaving Care. DoH [2.7.99]

CIVIL COURTS - Key Principles for a New System of Enforcement in Civil Courts. LCD [2.6.99]

CIVIL JUSTICE - Civil Procedure Rules: Appeals. LCD [14.9.99]

CIVIL JUSTICE - Draft Guidance for Experts under the Civil Procedure Rules 1999. LCD [16.9.99]

CIVIL SERVICE - Staff Transfers in the Public Sector. Cabinet Office. [5.8.99]

CLIMATE CHANGE - UK Climate Change Programme. DETR [3.2.99]

CLIMATE CHANGE LEVY - Consultation on a Climate Change Levy. HM Custom & Excise [9.3.99]

COASTAL DEFENCE - High Level Targets for Flood and Coastal Defence. MAFF [8.6.99]

COMPANIES - Regulations and Guidance for Controlled Foreign Companies. Inland Revenue [10.12.98]

COMPANY LAW - Company Formation and Capital Maintenance. DTI [2.11.99]

COMPANY LAW - Company General Meetings and Shareholder Communication. DTI [2.11.99]

COMPANY LAW - Directors' Remuneration. DTI [1.8.99]

COMPANY LAW - Investment Companies Share Repurchases using Capital Profits. DTI [9.3.99]

COMPANY LAW - Modern Company Law for a Competitive Economy. DTI [25.1.99]

COMPANY LAW - Reforming the Law Concerning Overseas Companies. DTI [2.11.99]

COMPETITION - Competition Act 1998: Appeal Tribunal Rules. DTI [28.10.99]

COMPETITION - Competition Act 1998: Concurrency: Consultation on Regulations. DTI [4.2.99]

COMPETITION - Competition Act 1998: Concurrency: Consultation on Regulations. DTI [28.10.99]

COMPETITION - Competition Act 1998: Exclusion of Land Agreement: Consultation on Draft Order. DTI [4.2.99]

COMPETITION - Competition Act 1998: Exclusion of Vertical Agreements: Consultation on a Draft Order. DTI [4.2.99]

COMPETITION - Competition Act 1998: Guidance on Penalties. Office of Fair Trading. [10.8.99]

COMPETITION - Consultation on Reporting Side Procedures and Practices. Competition Commission [5.7.99]

COMPETITION POLICY - Mergers: Consultation Document on Proposals for Reform. DTI [4.8.99]

CONSERVATION - Code of Practice on Conservation, Access and Recreation. DETR [23.4.99]

CONSTRUCTION - Combating Cowboy Builders Consultation Paper. DETR [9.4.99]

CONSUMER PROTECTION - Consultation on Price Indications. DTI [27.1.99]

CONSUMER PROTECTION - Lamp Oils Directive 97/64/EC: Draft Dangerous Substance and Preparations (Safety) (Consultation) (Amendment) Regulations 1999. DTI [8.6.99]

CONSUMER PROTECTION - Marketing and Use of Certain Dangerous Substances and Preparations. DTI [13.9.99]

CONSUMER PROTECTION - Modernising the Law on the Sale of Goods Sold by Quantity. DTI [22.7.99]

COUNTRYSIDE - Access to the Open Countryside in England and Wales. DETR [8.3.99]

COUNTRYSIDE - Consultation on Stewardship Scheme Renewal Plans. MAFF [11.8.99]

COUNTRYSIDE - Improving Rights of Way. DETR [15.7.99]

CRIME - Compensation for Victims of Violent Crime. Home Office [26.3.99]

CRIME PREVENTION - Neighbourhood Wardens. Home Office [3.8.99]

CRIMINAL EVIDENCE - Revising Legislative Measures on Fingerprints, Footprints and DNA Samples. Home Office [30.7.99]

CRIMINAL JUSTICE - Review of the Criminal Justice System Northern Ireland. NIO [16.4.99]

CROFTERS (SCOTLAND) - Improvements to the Crofters Building Grants and Loans Scheme. Scottish Office [9.2.99]

CROWN COURTS - Transforming the Crown Court. LCD [8.9.99]

DEBT - Attachment of Earnings Orders, Charging Orders and Garnishee Orders. LCD [8.10.99]


DEREGULATION - Proposed Amendments to the Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994. Cabinet Office [2.3.99]

DISABILITY - Consultation on Future Development of the Supported Employment Programme. Employment Service [17.8.99].

DISABILITY - Consultation on Public Service Vehicles Accessibility Regulations 1999, Public Service Vehicles (Conditions of Fitness, Equipment, Use and Certification) (Amendment) Regulations 1999, Public Service Vehicles (Conduct of Drivers, Inspectors, Conductors and Passengers) (Amendment) Regulations 1999. DETR [14.9.99]

DIVORCE - Settling Finances on Divorce - Consultation Document. LCD [11.3.99]

EDUCATION - Report by National Advisory Committee on Creative and Cultural Education. [14.5.99]

EDUCATION - Social Inclusion - Pupil Support. DfEE [22.1.99]

EDUCATION (Scotland) - Opportunities and Choice: Post 16 Provision - Consultation Paper. Scottish Office [29.3.99]

ELECTRICITY - Calculation of Annual Licence Fees. OFGEM [30.6.99]

ELECTRICITY - Consultation Paper on Competition in Connection Charges. OFFER [3.12.98]

ELECTRICITY - Distribution Price Control Review. OFGEM [20.5.99]

ELECTRICITY - New Electricity Trading Arrangements. OFGEM [3.8.99]

ELECTRICITY - Pool Price Manipulations Consultation. OFFER [23.2.99]

ELECTRICITY - Reactive Power Uplift Incentive Arrangements from 1999/2000. OFFER [30.12.98]

ELECTRICITY - Regulations for Improving the Safety, Security and Quality of the Distribution Network. DTI [9.6.99]

ELECTRICITY - Separation of PES Businesses - 2nd Consultation Paper. OFFER [30.11.98]

ELECTRICITY - Separation of PES Businesses: Proposals and Consultation. OFFER [19.5.99]

ELECTRICITY (SCOTLAND) - Scottish Transmission Price Controls - Consultation Document. OFFER [15.2.99]

ELECTRICITY SUPPLY - Merger of American Electronic Power Company and Central and South West Corporation. OFFER [5.2.99]

ELECTRICITY SUPPLY - National Power plc bid for Midland Electricity plc. OFFER [2.12.98]

ELECTRICITY SUPPLY - Proposed Acquisition by National Power of Midland Electricity's Supply Business. OFFER [2.2.99]

ELECTRICITY SUPPLY - Proposed Acquisition of Pacificorp by Scottishpower plc and New England Electric by the National Grid Group plc. OFFER [4.2.99]

ELECTRICITY SUPPLY - Review of Domestic and Small Business Electricity Supply Price Regulation. OFFER [10.6.99]

ELECTRICITY SUPPLY (SCOTLAND) - Public Electricity Suppliers 1998 to 2000: Scottish Transmission Price Control Review. OFGEM [7.6.99]

ELECTRICITY SUPPLY (SCOTLAND) - Scottish Power's Application Upgrade Capacity on the Scotland-England Interconnector. OFGEM [10.9.99]

ELECTRONIC COMMERCE - Building Confidence in Electronic Commerce. DTI [5.3.99]

ELECTRONIC COMMERCE - Promoting Electronic Commerce - Consultation on Draft Legislation. Cm 4417. TSO [23.7.99]

ELECTRONIC SURVEILLENCE - Interception of Communications in the UK - A Consultation Paper. Cm 4368. TSO [22.6.99]

EMPLOYMENT - Consultation Paper on Employment Zones. DfEE [2.2.99]


EMPLOYMENT - Regulation of the Private Recruitment Industry. DTI [31.5.99]

EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNALS - Consultation on Employment Tribunals Recruitment. DTI [6.4.99]

EMPLOYMENT TRIBUNALS - Consultation on Employment Tribunals Recruitment Funds. DTI [31.3.99]

ENERGY - BG Plc Reconstructing - Consultation Document. OFGEM [31.8.99]

ENERGY - Calculation of Annual Licence Fees. OFGEM [30.6.99]

ENERGY - Edison Mission bid for Powergen Power Stations - Consultation Paper. OFFER [14.5.99]

ENERGY - Energy Efficiency Consultation. OFGEM [26.7.99]

ENERGY - New and Renewable Energy - Prospects for the 21st Century. DTI [30.3.99]

ENERGY - NGC Incentive Schemes for 2000 - consultation. OFGEM [20.8.99]

ENERGY - Proposed Enforcement Actions against Northern Electric plc and Northern Electric & Gas Ltd. OFGEM [31.8.99]

ENVIRONMENT - Environmental Technology Best Practice Programme. DETR [15.12.98]

ENVIRONMENT - Future Habitat Scheme. MAFF [25.5.99]

ENVIRONMENT - Guidance on Roots and Routes. Rural Development Commission. [6.7.99]

ENVIRONMENT (NORTHERN IRELAND) - Policy and Practice for Protection of Groundwater. Environment and Heritage Service [2.3.99]

ENVIRONMENT (SCOTLAND) - Environmental Assessment (Scotland) Regulations - Consultation. Scottish Office [23.11.98]

EUROPEAN SOCIAL FUND - European Social Fund Consultation. DfEE [18.5.99]

EXPORTS - Reinsurance for Exports Sold on Short Term of Credit - Consultation Paper. ECGD [27.4.99]

EXPORTS - Review of ECGD's Mission and Status. ECGD [1.10.99]

FAIR TRADING - Consultation on Improving Transparency in the Operations of the OFT. Office of Fair Trading [7.7.99]

FAMILY LAW - Contact between Children and Violent Parents. LCD [23.6.99]

FARMING - Performance, Organisation and Structure of the Meat and Livestock Commission. MAFF [8.4.99]

FARMING - Towards a New Direction for UK Agriculture - Consultation Document. MAFF [5.1.99]

FINANCE - Qualifying Conditions for Authorisation. FSA [15.3.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Consumer Compensation Further Consultation. FSA [9.6.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Consumer Complaints and the New Ombudsman Scheme. FSA [10.11.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Financial Services and Markets Bill: Investment Exchanges. HM Treasury [2.2.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Financial Services and Markets Bill: Scope of Regulated Activities. HM Treasury [25.2.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - FSA's Approach to Setting Prudential Standards. FSA [4.11.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Future Regulation of Lloyd's. FSA [30.11.98]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Future Regulation of Professional Firms. FSA [28.10.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - New Capital Adequacy Framework. FSA [3.6.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Pensions Review Loss assessment Calculations for Transfers. FSA [10.2.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Proposals for Enforcing the Perimeter. FSA [22.7.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Regulation of Approved Persons Consultation Paper. FSA [16.8.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Regulation: Enforcing the New Regime FSA [16.12.98]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Standards for Regulated Markets. FSA [9.7.99]

FINANCIAL SERVICES - Uncertified Securities Regulations 1995. HM Treasury. [15.7.99]

FISHERIES - Management of the under 10 Metre Fishing Fleet. MAFF [31.3.99]

FISHERIES - Statutory Responsibility for English Fishery Harbours. MAFF [20.8.99]

FOOD - Definition and Determination of Dietary Fibre for Nutrition Labelling Purposes. MAFF [30.8.99]

FOOD - Food Standards Agency. Consultation on Draft Legislation. Cm 4249. TSO [27.1.99]

FOOD - Food Standards Agency: Proposed Scheme for Recovering Food Safety Costs. MAFF [27.1.99]

FOOD (SCOTLAND) - Cereal-based Foods and Baby Foods (Amendment) Regulations. Scottish Office [10.12.98]

FOOD LABELLING - Revision of the Food Labelling Regulations. MAFF [27.10.99]

FOOD SAFETY - Consultation on Meat Hygiene Enforcement and Controls. MAFF [2.12.98]

FOOD SAFETY - Meat Hygiene Appeals Tribunal. MAFF [4.10.99]

FOOD SAFETY - Proposed Amendments to the Meat (Hygiene and Inspection) (Charges) Regulations 1998. MAFF [9.3.99]

FOODSTUFFS (SCOTLAND) - Draft Spreadable Fats (Marketing Standards) (Scotland) Regulations 1999. Scottish Office [23.6.99]

FOODSTUFFS (SCOTLAND) - Final Draft Guidance Notes on QUID Declarations. Scottish Office [18.1.99]

FOODSTUFFS (SCOTLAND) - Sweeteners in Foodstuffs. Scottish Office [2.2.99]

FOOTBALL - Review of Football-related Legislation. Home Office [27.11.98]

FOSSIL FUELS - Mineral Planning Guidance: Shore Oil, Gas and Coalbed Methane Development. DETR [28.10.99]

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION - Consultation on Draft Legislation. Cm 4355 TSO [24.5.99]

FRIENDLY SOCIETIES - Proposed Amendments to the Friendly Societies Act 1992. HM Treasury. [28.5.99]

FUEL POVERTY - Home Energy Efficiency Scheme - Warmer Healthier Homes. DETR [13.5.99]

FUNERALS - Pre-paid Funeral Plans: Protection against Losing your Money. Treasury [14.1.99]

GAS - Calculation of Annual Licence Fees. OFGEM [30.6.99]

GAS - Gas Safety Review: Options for Change. HSE [4.11.99]

GAS - Reform of Gas Trading Arrangement. OFGAS [1.3.99]

GAS - Review of BG plc's Liquefied Natural Gas Storage Facilities. OFGEM [24.6.99]

GAS - Safety Review : Options for Change. HSE [8.11.99]

GAS - Social Action plan Discussion Paper. OFGEM [17.5.99]

GAS SUPPLY - British Gas Trading's Domestic Supply Price Regulation Review. OFGAS [2.6.99]

GENETICALLY MODIFIED ORGANISMS - Proposals for Revised GMO (Contained Use) Regulations. HSE [6.5.99]

HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES - Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 1999. HSE [16.7.99]

HEALTH (SCOTLAND) - A Scottish Health Technology Assessment Centre. Scottish Office [20.1.99]

HEALTHCARE - Regulating Private and Voluntary Healthcare. DoH [15.6.99]

HEALTH AND SAFETY - Revitalising Health and Safety. DETR [1.7.99]

HERITAGE - Joint Consultation on London Heritage Notifications. DETR/DCMS [1.3.99]

HOLOCAUST - Proposals for a Holocaust Remembrance Day. Home Office 15.10.99

HOUSING - Best Value in Housing Framework. DETR [21.1.99]

HOUSING - Calculation of Major Repairs Allowance. DETR [9.11.99]

HOUSING - Consultation on Development of the Needs Indices used in the Allocation of Housing Capital Resources to Local authorities and Registered Social Landlords. DETR [8.7.99]

HOUSING - Draft Housing, Social Landlords (Additional Purposes or Objects) Order. DETR [15.2.99]

HOUSING - Investing in Modernisation: An Agenda for Scotland's Housing. Cm 4272. TSO [22.2.99]

HOUSING - The Key to Easier Home Buying and Selling. DETR [7.12.98]

HOUSING - Licensing of Houses in Multiple Occupation. DETR [25.3.99]

HOUSING - Proposal to Change the Administration of the House Transfer Programme. DETR [10.8.99]

HOUSING - Resource Accounting in the Housing Revenue Account. DETR [7.12.98]

HOUSING - Tenant Participation Compacts. DETR [25.1.99]

HOUSING BENEFIT - Draft Housing Benefit (General) Amendment Regulations. Social Security Advisory Committee [4.6.99]

HOUSING BENEFIT - Supporting People - a New Policy and Funding Framework for Support Services. DSS [10.12.98]

IMMIGRATION - Asylum Seekers Support. Home Office [23.8.99]

IMMIGRATION - Integration of Recognised Refugees in the UK. Home Office [5.11.99]

IMMIGRATION - New National Framework of Advice for Refugees. Home Office [2.11.99]

IMMIGRATION - Review of Appeals Consultation Paper. Home Office [30.7.99]

IMPORT DUTIES - Customs Tariffs in the Industrial Sector - Future Liberalisation. DTI [20.5.99]

INSURANCE - Draft Regulations on Overseas Insurers (Tax Representatives). Inland Revenue [8.12.98]

INTERNATIONAL LAW - Draft Convention on the Protection of Adults. LCD [7.4.99]

INTERNET - BT's Public Institutions Internet Caller Service. OFTEL [2.11.99]

JOBSEEKERS ALLOWANCE - Draft Regulations. Social Security Advisory Committee [1.10.99]

LAW COMMISSION - The Effect of Illegality on Contracts and Trusts. Consultation Paper 154. TSO [21.1.99]

LEASEHOLD REFORM - Residential Leasehold Reform in England and Wales. DETR [26.11.98]

LEGAL COSTS - Conditional Fees - Sharing the Risks of Litigation. LCD [23.9.99]

LEGAL COSTS - Controlling Costs and the Indemnity Principle - Consultation Paper. LCD [14.5.99]

LEGAL SERVICES - Community Legal Services. LCD [24.5.99]

LEGIONELLA - Revision of the Approved Code of Practice and Associated Guidance. HSE [6.4.99]


LICENSING - Review of the Adventure Activities Licensing Scheme. DfEE [21.1.99]

LIMITED LIABILITY - Partnerships Draft Regulations. DTI [26.7.99]

LISTED BUILDINGS - Listing of Selected Modern Buildings. DCMS [10.6.99]

LISTED BUILDINGS - Proposed Listing of the Unitarian Chapel, Stand Bury. DCMS [16.3.99]

LISTED BUILDINGS - Proposed Listing of the Yellow Bus Garage, Mallard Road, Bournemouth and the Station Guildhouse, Gloucestershire. DCMS [4.3.99]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Application of Best Value to Town and Parish Councils. DETR [5.8.99]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Beacon Council Scheme Prospectus - Improving Local Services. DETR [9.2.99]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Best Value: Performance Indicators Index. Consultation Document. Audit Commission/DETR [1.9.99]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT - Draft Guidance on Implementing Best Value. DETR [21.9.99]

LOCAL GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND) - It Pays to Collect. Scottish Office [30.11.99]

LONDON - Ethical Standards for the Greater London Authority. Government Office for London [11.10.99]

LONDON - Initial Organisation of the Greater London Authority. Government Office for London [13.8.99]

LOTTERIES - Consultation on Draft Invitation to Apply and Draft Licence. National Lottery Commission [29.7.99]

LOTTERIES - New Links for the Lottery - Proposals for the New Opportunities Fund. Cm 4166. TSO [27.11.98]

MAGISTRATES COURTS - Greater London Magistrates Courts Authority - Consultation. LCD [15.2.99]

MEAT HYGIENE - Proposed Amendments to Poultry Meat Hygiene Regulations. MAFF [7.4.99]

MEDICINES - Consultation on Proposals for Viagra Prescriptions. DoH [21.1.99]

MEDICINES - Proposed Regulations for Retailers Records for Veterinary Products. Veterinary Medicines Directorate [16.3.99]

MENTAL HEALTH - Community-based and Mental Health Services in East London. East London City Health Authority [24.9.99].

MENTAL HEALTH - Managing Dangerous People with Severe Personality Disorders. DoH [19.7.99]

MINK - Proposed Tightening of Security Requirements on Mink Farms. MAFF [23.1.99]

MOBILE PHONES - Competition in the Mobile Market. OFTEL [4.2.99]

MOBILE PHONES - Customer Choice: Indirect Access for Mobile Networks. OFTEL [4.2.99]

MOBILE PHONES - Mobile Price Monitoring. OFTEL [25.8.99]

MORTGAGES - Regulation of Mortgages. HM Treasury [19.7.99]

MOTOR CYCLING - Safer Motorcycling. DETR [17.5.99]

OFFENDERS - Rehabilitation of Offenders -Cautions, Reprimands and Final Warning. Home Office [19.8.99]

OIL AND GAS - Decommissioning Offshore Installations and Pipelines under the Petroleum Act 1999 Guidance. DTI [28.6.99]

PACKAGING - Consultation on Changes to the Percentage Activity Obligations. DETR [6.8.99]

PARENTAL LEAVE - Parental and Maternity Leave - Public Consultation. DTI [1.8.99]

PENSIONS - Free-standing Additional Voluntary Contributions - Consultation Paper. FSA [16.8.99]

PENSIONS - A New Contract for Welfare: Partnership in Pensions Cm 4179. TSO. [15.12.98]

PENSIONS - A New Investment Vehicle for Pensions. HM Treasury. [3.2.99]

PENSIONS - Pension Transfers and opt outs Review phase 2. FSA [24.3.99]

PENSIONS - Stakeholder Pensions: Governance - the Government's Proposals. DSS [2.8.99]

PENSIONS - Stakeholder Pensions Minimum Standards - the Government's Proposals. DSS [2.6.99]

PENSIONS - Stakeholder Pensions: Regulation, Advice and Information. DSS [2.8.99]

PENSIONS - Stakeholder Pensions: Tax Regime - the Government's Proposals. Inland Revenue [16.9.99]

PENSIONS - Strengthening the Pensions Framework - Consultation Document. DSS [11.3.99]

PENSIONS - Winding Up Occupational Pensions Schemes - Speeding up the Process. DSS [28.5.99]

PESTICIDES - Draft Pesticides Regulations. Pesticides Safety Directorate [24.2.99]

PESTICIDES - Old Pesticide Active Substances Regulation. Pesticides Safety Directorate [17.5.99]

PLANNING - Draft Circular on Land-use Planning and Electro-Magnetic Fields. Scottish Office [29.12.98]

PLANNING (SCOTLAND) - Draft National Planning Policy Guideline: Planning and the Historic Environment. Scottish Office [30.11.98]

PLANNING - Planning Policy Guidance Note 3: Housing. DETR [23.3.99]

PLANNING - Planning Policy Guidance Note 11: Regional Planning. DETR [15.2.99]

PLANNING - Planning Policy Guidance Note 11: Regional Planning. DETR [8.3.99]

PLANNING - Proposals to Update Advertisement Planning Controls. DETR [14.7.99

PLANNING - Revision of Planning Policy Guidance Note 12: Development Plans. DETR [17.2.99]

POLITICAL DONATIONS - Political Donations by Companies. DTI [25.3.99]

POLLUTION - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive. DETR [18.1.99]

POLLUTION - Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive. DETR [18.8.99]

PORTS - Draft Port Marine Safety Code. DETR [9.11.99]

PORTS - Ports Policy Paper - Draft Outline. DETR [16.2.99]

PORTS - Review of Trust Ports. DETR [8.12.98]

POULTRY - Policy on Salmonella Infected Parent Broiler Breeder Flocks. MAFF [21.1.99]

PREGNANCY - Teenage Pregnancy - Report of the Social Exclusion Unit. Cm 4342. TSO [14.6.99]

PRIVATE SECURITY INDUSTRY - The Governments Proposals for Regulation. Cm 4254. TSO [26.3.99]

PROSTITUTION - Controlling Prostitutes Cards in Phone Boxes. Home Office [18.5.99]

PROSTITUTION - Draft Guidance on Children Involved in Prostitution. Home Office/DoH [29.12.98]

RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES - Implementing Revised Basic Safety Standards Directive. DETR [29.3.99]

RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS - Consultation on Restrictions on Participation in Bodies Corporate in Possession of a Licence to Provide Local Radio Multiplex. DCMS [27.11.98]

RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS - Local Area Networks at 5ghz. Radio Communications Agency [28.10.99]


RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS - Roaming and Spectrum Packaging. DTI [9.2.99]

RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS - Spectrum - Asset Tracking Mobile Data Networks. Radiocommunications Agency [26.5.99]

RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS - Wireless in the Information Age. Radiocommunications Agency [5.7.99]

RADIOCOMMUNICATIONS - Wireless Telegraphy (Third Generation Licences) Regulations. DTI [20.10.99]

RATES - Consultation on Decapitalisation Rates used in Valuation. DETR [11.8.99]

REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT - Future Role of Central Government at Regional and Local Level. Cabinet Office [29.3.99]

REGISTRATION - Registration: Modernising a Vital service. ONS [8.9.99]

RESIDENTIAL CARE - Fit for the Future? National Required Standards for Residential and Nursing Homes. DoH [8.9.99]

RURAL ENGLAND - A Discussion Document. DETR/MAFF [17.2.99]

SCHOOLS - Review of Desirable Learning Outcomes for Children's Learning. Qualifications and Curriculum Authority [19.2.99]

SCHOOLS - Schools Capital Strategy. DfEE [26.1.99]

SCHOOLS - School Sixth Form Funding Consultation. DfEE [30.6.99]

SECURITIES - Modernising Securities Settlements. HM Treasury [15.7.99]

SHARE SCHEMES - Consultation on Employee Share Ownership. HM Treasury [18.12.98]

SHARE SCHEMES - A New All-Employee Share Scheme - Consultation. Inland Revenue [9.3.99]

SMALL BUSINESS - Addressing SME Equity Gap, Support for Regional Venture Capital Funds. DTI [7.7.99]

SMALL BUSINESS - Developing a Payroll Service for Small Businesses Consultation. DTI [17.6.99]

SMALL BUSINESS - Financial Promotion - Consultation. HM Treasury [28.10.99].

SMALL BUSINESS - Small Business Service Public Consultation. DTI [30.6.99]

SMOKING - Consultation on Smoking in Taxis. DETR [10.8.99]

SMOKING - Proposal for an Approved Code of Practice on Passive Smoking at Work. HSE [29.7.99]

SOCIAL SERVICES - Performance Assessment Framework - a New Approach. DoH [23.2.99]

SOCIAL SERVICES - You and Your Services - Consultation on Draft Charter and Guidance. DoH [26.5.99]

SUNDAY OBSERVANCE - Proposed Changes to Law on Music, Dancing and Liquor Licensing. Home Office [1.5.99]

SURROGACY - Consultations on the Recommendations of the Report of the Review of Surrogacy Arrangements. DoH [26.1.99]

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT - Sustainability Counts - a Consultation Paper on Headline Indicators. DETR [23.11.98]

TAX - Advance Pricing Agreements - Draft Legislation and Statement of Practice. Inland Revenue [7.12.98]

TAX - Capital Allowance: Part 2. Inland Revenue [30.4.99]

TAX - Corporate Venturing Relief - a Technical note. Inland Revenue [10.3.99]

TAX - Draft Legislation for Aggregates Tax. HM Customs and Excise [30.4.99]

TAX - Draft Legislation and Statement of Practice on Advance Pricing Agreements (APAs). Inland Revenue [17.12.98]

TAX - Enterprise Management Incentive - a Technical Note. Inland Revenue [10.3.99]

TAX - Reform of Taxation of Intellectual Property. Inland Revenue [10.3.99]

TAX - Research and Development: Tax Incentives for Small and Medium Sized Companies. Inland Revenue [10.3.99]

TAX - Review of Charity Taxation Consultation Document. Inland Revenue [9.3.99]

TAX - Tax Law Rewrite: Employment Income. Inland Revenue [2.6.99]

TAX - Tax Treatment of Research and Development - a Technical Note. Inland Revenue [18.1.99]

TAX CREDITS - Draft Tax Credits Regulations. Inland Revenue [5.7.99]

TAXIS - Private Hire Vehicles (London) Act 1998. DETR [25.5.99]

TEACHERS - General Teaching Council: the Register of Teachers. DFEE [11.4.99]

TEACHERS - Meeting the Challenge of Change. Cm 4164. TSO [3.12.98]

TEACHERS - Meeting the Challenge of Change. DFEE [2.2.99]

TEACHING (WALES) - The BEST for Teaching and Learning in Wales. Cm 4150 TSO [1.2.99]

TELECOMMUNICATION - Access to Bandwidth - Bringing Higher Bandwidth Services to the consumer. OFTEL [10.12.98]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Access to Second Generation Mobile Networks. OFTEL [7.5.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - BT/AT&T Proposed Joint venture. OFTEL [4.6.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Consultation on the Regulation of Premium Rate Services. OFTEL [25.8.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Mobile Virtual Network Operators. OFFER [24.6.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Notice of Determination that Vodaphone and Cellnet have Market Influence. OFTEL [2.11.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Ownership of BT Cellnet by BT - Accounting Separation and Competition. OFTEL [5.11.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Proposed New Dispute Resolution Procedures for fixed Telecommunications. OFTEL [16.9.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Retail Prices and Interconnection Charges for Number Translation Services. OFTEL [10.3.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Review of the Telecommunication Licence Fees. OFTEL [27.11.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Universal Telecommunications Services Consultation Paper. OFTEL [27.8.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Regulating Communications: the Way Ahead. DCMS [17.6.99]

TELECOMMUNICATIONS - Rollover of Retail Price and Network Charge Controls. OFTEL [19.4.99]

TERRORISM - Legislation Against Terrorism: a Consultation Paper. Cm 4178 TSO [17.12.98]

TOBACCO - Draft Tobacco (Prohibition of Advertising and Promotion) Regulations 1999. DoH [17.6.99]

TRANSPORT - Bus Stop Clearways - Consultation. DETR [18.5.99]

TRANSPORT - Fighting Traffic Congestion and Pollution through Road User and Workplace Parking Charges. DETR [8.12.98]

TRANSPORT- From Workhorse to Thoroughbred: A Better Role for Bus Travel. DETR [23.3.99]


TRANSPORT SAFETY - Consultation Paper. DETR [31.1.99]

TRUANCY - Tackling Truancy Together. DfEE [1.11.99]

URBAN PLANNING (SCOTLAND) - Review of the Urban Programme. Scottish Office [30.11.98]

UTILITIES - Modernising the Framework for Utility Regulation - the Government's Proposals. DTI [14.10.99]

VAT - Implementation of the Special Scheme for Investment Gold. HM Customs and Excise [29.7.99]

VEHICLES - Proposed New Regulations on Number Plates. DETR [10.8.99]

VEHICLES - Review of Single Vehicle Approval. DETR [9.11.99]

WASTE - Limiting Landfill to meet the EC Landfill Directive's Targets. DETR [13.10.99]

WASTE - A Way with Waste - Draft Waste Strategy for England and Wales. DETR [30.6.99]

WASTE MANAGEMENT - Waste Management Licensing, Risk Assessment Inspection. DETR [8.4.99]

WATER - Application of the Competition Act in the Water and Sewage Sector. OFWAT [20.7.99]

WATER - Approval of Companies Charges Schemes. OFWAT [30.6.99]

WATER - Draft Guidance to the Director General of Water Services. DETR [11.8.99]

WATER - Making a Water Resale Order - a Consultation Paper. OFWAT [14.1.99]

WATER - 1999-2000 Report of Tariff Structure and Charges. OFWAT [19.5.99]

WATER - Proposals for Hartlepool Water to Supply Kodak. OFWAT [10.11.99]

WATER - Review of the Guaranteed Standards Scheme. OFWAT [19.3.99]

WATER - Water Industry Act 1999 - Consultation on Regulations. DETR [13.10.99]

WATERWAYS - Partnership with the People Consultation. British Waterways [17.6.99]

WELFARE REORM - Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill: Draft Regulations. LCD [20.8.99]

WITNESSES (NORTHERN IRELAND) - Vulnerable or Intimidated Witnesses. NIO [26.1.99]

YOUNG OFFENDERS - Detention in a Young Offender Institution - Consultation Paper. Home Office [31.8.99]

YOUNG PEOPLE - Bridging the Gap: New Opportunities for 16-18 year olds not in Education. Cm 4405 TSO [13.7.99]

ZOOS - Consultation on New Zoo Standards. DETR [12.7.99]

Miscellaneous Papers

A collection of miscellaneous papers that were laid before the House.


    Report of the Committee of Inquiry into the Personality Disorder Unit at Ashworth Special Hospital:

    Vol I Report Cm 4194 TSO [12.1.99]

    Vol II Expert Evidence Cm 4195 TSO [16.2.99]

    The Stephen Lawrence Inquiry [MacPherson Report]:

    Vol I: Report Cm 4262 TSO [24.2.99]

    Vol II Appendices

    Command and Control: Review of Salvage and Intervention and their Command Control (Donaldson Report):

    Vol I Report Cm 4193 TSO [15.3.99]

    Vol II Research

    With Respect to Old Age: Long Term Care - Rights and Responsibilities. A Report by the Royal Commission on Long Term Care

    Vol I: Report Cm 4192 I TSO [6.3.99]

    Vol.II: Research Cm 4192-II TSO [6.3.99]

    Government's Annual Report 1998/99. Cm 4410 TSO [29.7.99]

Section D3

Regulatory Impact Assessments

Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs) are prepared and published by the Government for all primary legislation introduced into and secondary legislation laid before Parliament. In the case of most Government Bills, a RIA forms part of the Explanatory Memoranda to the Bill: in other cases, a separate document is issued. RIAs are an assessment for the business sector of the costs involved in complying with the legislation. The Department of Trade and Industry issues a six monthly list of RIAs as a Command Paper. The publication of this paper is noted in the White Papers section of the Digest.

Section D4

House of Commons Information Office Factsheets


No 1

The Parliamentary Stages of a Government Bill

No 2

The Outlawries Bill

No 3


No 4

Private Members' Bills Procedure

No 5

Women in the House of Commons

No 6

The Post 1979 Departmental Select Committee Structure

No 7


No 8

The Glorious Revolution

No 9

The Procedural Changes agreed on 30 October 1980

No 10

A Selective Booklist on the House of Commons for the Non-Specialist Reader

No 11

The Norman Shaw Buildings

No 12

The Portcullis

No 13

House of Commons Green

No 14

Statutory Instruments and Deregulation Orders

No 15

Northern Ireland Legislation

No 16

Statistical Digest of By-Election Results 1979-1983

No 17

Members' Pay and Allowances

No 18

The Procedural Changes of 19 July 1982, 23 May 1985, and Supply Procedure of the House

No 19

Command Papers

No 20

House of Commons Papers

No 21

The Speaker

No 22

General Election Results 9 June 1983

No 23

The Guillotine in the House of Commons

No 24

The Father of the House

No 25

Church of England Measures

No 26

User's Guide to the Vote Bundle

No 27

By-Election Results since the General Election of June 1983

No 28

Sittings of the House

No 29

The Weekly Information Bulletin: A User's Guide

No 30

Early Day Motions

No 31

Ministerial Salaries

No 32

Public Petitions in the House of Commons

No 33

Private Bills

No 34

The Chiltern Hundreds

No 35

Hybrid Bills

No 36

The Procedural Changes of 27 February 1986

No 37

Order Confirmation & Provisional Order Bills, Special Procedure Orders and Bills to Confirm Special Procedure Orders

No 38

House of Commons Library Deposited Papers and other Unpublished Papers

No 39

A Brief Chronology of the House of Commons

No 40

Broadcasting Proceedings of the House of Commons

No 41

You and Your MP

No 42

The Official Report, House of Commons

No 43

Standing Committees

No 44

Tracing Acts of Parliament

No 45


No 46


No 47

General Election Results, 11 June 1987

No 48

The Palace of Westminster

No 49

The House of Commons and the Raising of Taxation Budgets and Financial Documents

No 50

The House of Commons Library Department

No 51

The Clerk of the House

No 52

Some Traditions and Customs of the House of Commons

No 53

The House of Commons Refreshment Department

No 54

Parliamentary Elections and the House of Commons

No 55

The House of Commons Service

No 56

House of Commons and European Communities Legislation

No 57

Treaties and the House of Commons

No 58

Statistical Digest of the 1987-1992 Parliament

No 59

The Gunpowder Plot

No 60

House of Commons Post Office

No 61

General Election Results, 9 April 1992

No 62

Disciplinary and Penal Powers of the House of Commons

No 63

The Parliament Street Building

No 64

Statistical Digest of By-Election Results since April 1992

No 65

Scottish and Welsh Business in the House of Commons

No 66

Restoration of the External Facades of the Palace of Westminster

No 67

The Success of Private Members' Bills

No 68

General Election Results, 1 May 1997



© Parliamentary copyright 2000
Prepared February 2000