Sessional Returns Session 1998-99 - Contents


C1. Allocation of Time

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Date of Order
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on divisions)
European Parliamentary Elections Bill 2nd December 1998 Second Reading, Committee of the whole House, Consideration and Third Reading 4 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order 4 hours and 11 minutes
Local Government Bill 24th March 1999Further Consideration and Third Reading 5 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order 4 hours and 42 minutes
     26th July 1999Lords Amendments 3 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order -
Welfare Reform and Pensions Bill 20th May 1999Further Consideration and Third Reading 6 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order 6 hours
     3rd November 1999 Lords Amendments½ day 9 hours and 23 minutes
Health Bill [Lords] 15th June 1999Further Consideration and Third Reading 5 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order 2 hours and 14 minutes
Immigration and Asylum Bill 15th June 1999Consideration and Third Reading 2 days2 hours (first day); 8 hours and 37 minutes (second day)
     9th November 1999 Lords Amendments5 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order 3 hours and 55 minutes
Tax Credits Bill22nd June 1999 Lords Amendments½ day 3 hours and 9 minutes

C1. Allocation of Time (cont.)
Date of Order
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order; including time taken on divisions)
Access to Justice Bill [Lords] 22nd June 1999Ways and Means Motion, Consideration and Third Reading ½ day5 hours and 16 minutes
Youth Justice and Criminal Evidence Bill [Lords] 8th July 1999Consideration and Third Reading ½ day5 hours and 50 minutes
Food Standards Bill 22nd July 1999Consideration and Third Reading 6 hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order 3 hours and 15 minutes
     8th November 1999 Lords Amendments1½ hours from commencement of proceedings on the Order 2 hours and 2 minutes
Employment Relations Bill 22nd July 1999Remaining proceedings on Lords Amendments 3 hours1 hour and 31 minutes
     26th July 1999Proceedings on any further Lords Messages 1 hour10 minutes
Greater London Authority Bill 8th November 1999 Further Consideration of Lords Amendments ½ day6 hours and 9 minutes

In Standing Committee

Date of Order
Period allotted and/or date for report from Standing Committee
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order) and/or date of report from Standing Committee

C2. Allocation of Time (Programme Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Date of Order
Date of Reports of Business Committee (if applicable)
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)
Greater London Authority Bill 13th January 1999; further Programme Motion 30th April 1999
Committee of the whole House 2 days6 hours and 24 minutes (first day); 4 hours and 26 minutes (second day)
               Consideration and Third Reading 2 days7 hours and 55 minutes (first day); 5 hours and 57 minutes (second day)
Northern Ireland Bill 13th July 1999
Second Reading, Committee of the whole House, Consideration and Third Reading ½ day8 hours and 5 minutes
Lords Amendments½ day

In Standing Committee

Date of Order
Date for report from Standing Committee
Dates of reports from Business Sub-committee
Date of report from Standing Committee
Greater London Authority Bill 13th Jan 199930th March 1999 20th Jan 199925th Feb 19994th Mar 1999 30th March 1999

C3. Allocation of Time (Business of the House Motions)

In the House and in Committee of the whole House

Date of Order
Period allotted
Period taken (excluding proceedings on the Order)

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Prepared 21 December 1999