Title of Bill and Bill No.
at each printing
| Date of 1st reading
| Date of 2nd reading
| Committedto
| Date reported from committee
| Date(s) considered
| Date of 3rd reading
| Date(s)
Lords Amendments
| Date Royal
Assent given
| Notes
DAcademic and Academic-
related Staff Pay and
Conditions [Lords][137]
| 12th July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
CAccess to Environmental
Information [41]
| 8th Feb 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Access to Justice
| 17th March 1999 |
14th April 1999 | SCE
| 13th May 1999
| 22nd June 1999 |
22nd June 1999 | 21st July 1999
| 27th July 1999 |
- |
(Intercountry Aspects)
| 13th Jan 1999 |
23rd April 1999 | SCC, transferred to SCD
| 19th May 1999 |
11th June 1999 | 11th June 1999
| - | 27th July 1999
| - |
AAge Limits on
Health Care [48]
| 16th Feb 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
ABells on
Pedal Cycles [105]
| 19th May 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
DBirths and Deaths
Registration (Amendment)
[Lords] [84]
| 14th April 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BBreeding and Sale
of Dogs (Welfare) [26][87]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
12th March 1999 | SCC
| 21st April 1999 |
7th May 1999 | 7th May 1999
| - | 30th June 1999
| - |
ABroadcasting (Religious
Programming) [138]
| 13th July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BBus Fuel Duty
(Exemptions) [20]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
12th March 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
ACancer Care [82] | 14th Apr 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BCheques (Scotland) [22]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
19th Mar 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
AChildren's Rights
Commissioner [139]
| 14th July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Commonwealth Development
Corporation [Lords] [60][125]
| 10th March 1999 |
24th May 1999 | SCD
| 22nd June 1999 |
14th July 1999 | 14th July 1999
| - | 27th July 1999
| - |
BCompany and Business Names
(Chamber of Commerce, Etc.) [30]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
26th Feb 1999 | SCB
| 10th March 1999 |
7th May 1999 | 7th May 1999
| - | 27th July 1999
| - |
AComputer Millennium
(Contingency Plans) [39]
| 2nd Feb 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AConcessionary Television
Licences for Pensioners [115]
| 9th June 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Consolidated Fund [8] | 10th Dec 1998
| 15th Dec 1998 |
- | -.
| - | 15th Dec 1998
| - | 17th Dec1998
| - |
*Consolidated Fund
(No. 2) [66]
| 18th Mar 1999 |
22nd Mar 1999 | -
| - | -
| 22nd Mar 1999 |
- | 25th Mar1999
| - |
*Consolidated Fund
| 12th July 1999 |
13th July 1999 | -
| - | -
| 13th July 1999 |
- | 15th July1999
| - |
(Rights of Third Parties)
[Lords] [118]
| 14th June 1999 |
5th July 1999 | SCD
| 15th July 1999 |
1st Nov 1999 | 1st Nov 1999
| - | 11th Nov1999
| - |
AControl of Hedgerows in
Residential Areas [152]
| 20th Oct 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
CControl of Residential
Hedgerows [61]
| 11th Mar 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Bill withdrawn,
14th July 1999
ACountry Lanes and Villages [99]
| 12th May 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
DCriminal Cases Review
(Insanity) [Lords] [88]
| 22nd Apr 1999 |
14th May 1999 | CWH
| 14th May 1999 |
- | 23rd July 1999
| - | 27th July 1999
| - |
CCrown Prerogatives
(Parliamentary Control) [55]
| 3rd March 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
ADigital Television
Broadcasting [86]
| 21st Apr 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Disability Rights
Commission [Lords] [73][108]
| 24th March 1999 |
22nd April 1999 | SCF
| 20th May 1999
| 30th June 1999 |
30th June 1999 | -
| 27th July 1999 |
- |
*Employment Relations
| 27th Jan 1999 |
9th Feb 1999 | SCE
| 23rd March 1999 |
30th and 31st March 1999
| 31st March 1999 |
21st and 26th
July 1999
| 27th July 1999 |
- |
CEmployment Rights
(International Obligations) [146]
| 21st July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AEmpty Homes [134] |
7th July 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
CEnergy Conservation
(Housing) [33]
| 18th Jan 1999 |
30th April 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
CEnergy Efficiency [32]
| 18th Jan 1999 |
26th Feb 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
CEnergy Saving
Materials (VAT Relief) [68]
| 18th March 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*European Parliamentary
Elections [4]
| 27th Nov 1998 |
2nd Dec 1998 | CWH
| 2nd Dec 1998 |
- | 2nd Dec 1998
| - | 14th Jan 1999
| Enacted under
Parliament Acts
1911 and 1949
DEuropean Parliamentary
Elections (Gibraltar)
[Lords] [100]
| 12th May 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Finance [62][126] | 15th Mar 1999
| 20th Apr 1999 |
CWH and SCD, transferred to SCB
| 22nd June 1999 |
5th and 6th July 1999
| 6th July 1999 |
- | 27th July 1999
| - |
*Financial Services and
Markets [121]
| 17th June 1999 |
28th June 1999 | SCA
| 9th Nov 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| Reported as so far
amended; proceedings
suspended to
next Session
*Food Standards [117][141][162] |
10th June 1999 | 21st June 1999
| SCB | 15th July 1999
| 22nd July 1999 |
22nd July 1999 | 8th Nov 1999
| 11th Nov 1999 |
- |
BFootball (Offences and Disorder)
| 13th Jan 1999 |
16th April 1999 | SCC, transferred to SCD
| 5th May 1999 |
11th June 1999 | 11th June 1999
| - | 27th July 1999
| - |
BFuel Poverty and Energy
Conservation [31]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Bill withdrawn, 11th May 1999
AFuel Safety [49] | 23rd Feb 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BFur Farming (Prohibition)
| 13th Jan 1999 |
5th March 1999 | SCC, transferred to SCB
| 14th April 1999 |
14th May, 11th June and 23rd July 1999
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
CGenetically Modified
Food and Producer
Liability [128]
| 24th June 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Greater London
Authority [7][79][158]
| 2nd Dec 1998 |
14th and 15th Dec 1998
| CWH and SCA |
30th Mar 1999 | 4th May 1999
| 5th May 1999 |
4th and
8th Nov 1999
| 11th Nov 1999 |
- |
CHare Coursing [53] |
2nd Mar 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Health [Lords] [77][110] |
29th Mar 1999 | 13th April 1999
| SCA | 25th May 1999
| 14th and 15th June 1999
| 15th June 1999 |
- | 30th June 1999
| - |
BHealth Care and Energy
Efficiency [24]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
23rd April 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
BHedges (Control) [28] |
13th Jan 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
AHolocaust Remembrance
Day [131]
| 30th June 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AHouse of Commons
Disqualification (Amendment) [120]
| 16th June 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*House of Lords [34][156] |
19th Jan 1999 | 1st and 2nd Feb 1999
| CWH | 4th March 1999
| - | 16th March 1999
| 10th Nov 1999 |
11th Nov 1999 | -
*Immigration and
Asylum [42][104][161]
| 9th Feb 1999 |
22nd Feb 1999 | SSC
| 18th May 1999 |
15th and 16th June 1999
| 16th June 1999 |
9th Nov 1999 | 11th Nov 1999
| - |
BLicensing (Young Persons) [19]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
16th Apr 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
*Local Government [5][52][143] |
30th Nov 1998 | 12th Jan 1999
| SCB | 25th Feb 1999
| 23rd and 24th March 1999
| 24th March 1999 |
26th July 1999 | 27th July 1999
| - |
BMental Health (Amendment)
(Scotland) [14]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
12th March 1999 | 2SSC
| 19th May 1999 |
23rd July 1999 | 23rd July 1999
| - | 11th Nov 1999
| - |
AMilitary Action Against Iraq
(Parliamentary Approval) [35]
| 26th Jan 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AMisuse of Drugs (Amendment) [50]
| 24th Feb 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AMotor Accident Injury
Compensation [57]
| 3rd March 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Northern Ireland [136] | 12th July 1999
| 13th July 1999 |
CWH | 13th July 1999
| - | 13th July 1999
| - | -
| - |
*Northern Ireland (Location
of Victims' Remains) [92]
| 28th April 1999 |
10th May 1999 | CWH
| 12th May 1999 |
12th May 1999 | 12th May 1999
| - | 26th May 1999
| - |
BNuclear Safeguards [23]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
COrganic Food and Farming
Targets [153]
| 26th Oct 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AParliamentary Control of the
Executive [123]
| 22nd June 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
APensions (Amendment) [72]
| 24th Mar 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BPlanning Appeals [29] |
13th Jan 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Dropped |
*Pollution Prevention and
Control [Lords] [107][124]
| 20th May 1999 |
8th June 1999 | SCA
| 22nd June 1999 |
14th July 1999 | 14th July 1999
| - | 27th July 1999
| - |
APoverty and Social Exclusion
(National Strategy) [45]
| 10th Feb 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
APrescription Charges
(Hormone Replacement Therapy)
| 31st Mar 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
APrevention of Delay in Trials [64]
| 16th Mar 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AProphylactic Mastectomy
Registry [37]
| 27th Jan 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BProtection of Children [12][75]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
26th Feb 1999 | SCC
| 24th March 1999 |
30th April 1999 | 30th April 1999
| - | 15th July 1999
| - |
BPublic House Names [27]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Railways [133] | 7th July 1999
| 19th July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| Reported on by a
Select Committee,
4th Nov 1999;
*Rating (Valuation) [2] | 26th Nov 1998
| 11th Jan 1999 |
SCA | 19th Jan 1999
| 24th Feb 1999 |
24th Feb 1999 | -
| 26th May 1999 |
CRecycled Content of
Newsprint [76]
| 25th Mar 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
CRecycling of Household
Waste [90]
| 27th Apr 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BReferendums [15][101] | 13th Jan 1999
| 19th Mar 1999 |
SCC | 13th May 1999
| 21st May 1999 |
- | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
ARegulations on Small
Businesses (Reduction) [89]
| 27th Apr 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
ARestraining and
Protection Orders [93]
| 28th Apr 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BRight to Roam [16]
| 13th Jan 1999 |
26th Mar 1999 | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Debate adjourned; dropped
DRoad Traffic
(Enforcement Powers)
[Lords] [144]
| 19th July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Order for 2nd
Reading discharged
*Road Traffic
(NHS Charges) [3][11]
| 27th Nov 1998 |
8th Dec 1998 | SCB
| 12th Jan 1999 |
21st Jan 1999 | 21st Jan 1999
| 8th March 1999 |
10th March 1999 | -
DRoad Traffic Regulation
(Cycle Parking) [Lords] [109]
| 24th May 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
BRoad Traffic (Vehicle Testing)
| 13th Jan 1999 |
5th Mar 1999 | SCC
| 14th April 1999 |
21st May 1999 | 21st May 1999
| - | 30th June 1999
| - |
CRoyal Parks (Trading) [116]
| 10th June 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
AScottish Adjacent Waters
Boundaries (Amendment) [145]
| 20th July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Scottish Enterprise [6] | 2nd Dec 1998
| 21st Jan 1999 |
1SSC | 3rd Feb 1999
| 1st March 1999 |
1st March 1999 | -
| 26th May 1999 |
- |
DSea Fisheries (Shellfish)
(Amendment) [Lords] [51]
| 24th Feb 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Sexual Offences (Amendment)
| 16th Dec 1998 |
25th Jan 1999 | CWH and SCE
| 11th Feb 1999 |
1st March 1999 | 1st March 1999
| - | -
| - |
ASexual Offences (Anonymity
of Defendants) [78]
| 30th March 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Social Security Contributions
(Transfer of Functions, etc.)
[Lords] [38]
| 1st Feb 1999 |
8th Feb 1999 | SCD
| 22nd Feb 1999 |
24th Feb 1999 | 24th Feb 1999
| - | 25th Feb 1999
| - |
BStreetworks [21] | 12th Mar 1999
| - | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Tax Credits [9][46][114] | 10th Dec 1998
| 26th Jan 1999 |
SCD | 11th Feb 1999
| 17th March 1999 |
17th March 1999 | 22nd June 1999
| 30th June 1999 |
- |
ATransport of Farm Animals [43]
| 9th Feb 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Trustee Delegation [Lords] [58]
| 9th Mar 1999 |
14th June 1999 | SCF
| 22nd June 1999 |
14th July 1999 | 14th July 1999
| - | 15th July 1999
| |
AWaiting Times
(National Health Service) [111]
| 25th May 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
CWarm Homes and Energy
(Fifteen Year Programme) [149]
| 27th July 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Water Industry [1] | 25th Nov 1998
| 7th Dec 1998 |
SCA | 14th Jan 1999
| 10th Feb 1999 |
10th Feb 1999 | -
| 30th June 1999 |
- |
*Welfare Reform and
Pensions [44][91][157] [163]
| 10th Feb 1999 |
23rd Feb 1999
| SCD | 27th April 1999
| 17th and 20th May 1999
| 20th May 1999 |
3rd and
9th Nov 1999
| 11th Nov 1999 |
- |
CWildlife and Countryside
(Amendment) [71]
| 24th Mar 1999 |
- | -
| - | -
| - | -
| - | Dropped
*Youth Justice and
Criminal Evidence [Lords] [74][130]
| 24th Mar 1999 |
15th April 1999 | SCB, transferred to SCE
| 29th June 1999 |
8th July 1999 | 8th July 1999
| - | 27th July 1999
| - |