Sessional Returns Session 1998-99 - Contents


B. Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House and in European Standing Committees

Consideration on a Motion on the floor of the House

No. of documents considered on the floor of the House

No. of documents debated on the floor of the House

No. of documents on which the question was put forthwith

25 on 17 Motions

1 on 1 Motion

24 on 16 Motions

Consideration in European Standing Committee


Title of Document

Date considered

Agenda 2000: Reform of the Common Agricultural Policy

15th February 1999

Transport Infrastructure Charging (10778/98)

10th March 1999

Welfare of Laying Hens (6985/98)

17th March 1999

Deliberate Release into the Environment of Genetically Modified Organisms (6378/98)

24th March 1999

Air Transport Competition Rules (8582/97)

21st April 1999

Global Navigation Satellite System (6528/99)

9th June 1999

Incineration of Hazardous and Non-Hazardous Waste (12756/97 and 12791/98)

16th June 1999

Total no. of documents considered: 8

Total no. of meetings: 7

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee A

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee A:

Mr John Butterfill (1), Mr Roger Gale (1), Mr Humfrey Malins (2), Mrs Ray Michie (1), Mrs Marion Roe (1), Mr Bowen Wells (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee A:

Jackie Ballard (2/7), Mr David Chaytor (6/7), Mrs Janet Dean (7/7), Mr Jim Dobbin (6/7), Mr Michael Jabez Foster (Hastings and Rye) (7/7), Dr Ian Gibson (7/7), Mr Christopher Gill (5/7), Mr Owen Paterson (4/7), Mr Lawrie Quinn (4/7), Mr George Stevenson (5/7), Mr William Thompson (5/7), Mr Peter Viggers (4/7), Dr Rudi Vis (5/7)

Overall percentage attendance: 73.6%


Title of Document

Date considered

VAT Fraud in Intra-Community Trade (10786/98)

Independent Fraud Office (14031/98)

Court of Auditors Annual Report for 1997 (OJ C349)

24th February 1999

Assistance to NIS and Mongolia (5263/99)

19th May 1999

2000 Preliminary Draft Budget - Overview (SEC (1999) 600)

Agenda 2000: Inter-Institutional Agreement (7698/99)

2000 Preliminary Draft Budget (COM (99) 200)

7th July 1999

Taxation of Energy Products (6793/97)

27th October 1999

Total no. of documents considered: 8

Total no. of meetings: 4

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee B

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee B:

Mr Jim Cunningham (1), Mr Edward O'Hara (2), Mr George Stevenson (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee B:

Dr Vincent Cable (2/4), Mr Paul Clark (3/4), Mrs Eileen Gordon (2/4), Jane Griffiths (3/4), Mr Fabian Hamilton (1/4), Mr Kelvin Hopkins (4/4), Mr David Lepper (3/4), Dr Nick Palmer (4/4), Mr Bill Rammell (4/4), Mr William Ross (3/4), Mr Robert Walter (2/4), Sir Raymond Whitney (4/4), Mr John Wilkinson (3/4)

Overall percentage attendance: 73.0%


Title of Document

Date considered

End of Life Vehicles (11034/97)

9th March 1999

Unnumbered Explanatory Memoranda submitted by the Department of Trade and Industry on 17th April 1998 relating to (i) Reform of the Structural Funds, and (ii) Agenda 2000: Cohesion Fund Amendment; and European Union Document No. 5480/99 relating to the European Regional Development Fund

23rd March 1999

Sectors and Activities excluded from the Working Time Directive (13526/98), together with Unnumbered Explanatory Memoranda submitted by the Department of Trade and Industry on 18th May 1999 and 21st June 1999

19th July 1999

Harmonisation of copyright (5562/98 and 8723/99)

Electronic commerce in the Single Market (5123/99, 10644/99 and Unnumbered Explanatory Memorandum submitted by the Department of Trade and Industry on 18th October 1999)

27th October 1999

Total no. of documents considered: 12

Total no. of meetings: 4

Chairmen and Members of European Standing Committee C

Chairmen (appointment): The following members of the Chairmen's panel were appointed by the Speaker to chair sittings of European Standing Committee C:

Dr Michael Clark (1), Mr Edward O'Hara (1), Mrs Ray Michie (1), Mr George Stevenson (1)

Members (appointment and attendance): The following Members were appointed by the Committee of Selection to European Standing Committee C:

Mr David Borrow (4/4), Mr David Crausby (3/4), Mr Keith Darvill (3/4), Dr Evan Harris (nominated 31 March 1999) (0/2), Mr Ivan Henderson (1/4), Mr Stephen Hesford (3/4), Mr Michael Jack (3/4), Dr Stephen Ladyman (4/4), Mr Tim Loughton (3/4), Miss Anne McIntosh (1/4), Mr Mark Oaten (1/4), Miss Geraldine Smith (3/4), Mr John Swinney (discharged 31 March 1999) (0/2), Mr Anthony D. Wright (4/4)

Overall percentage attendance: 63.4%

Other Members: the following Members attended meetings of European Standing Committees pursuant to Standing Order No. 119(5):

Mr Peter Atkinson (1), Mr Richard Burden (1), Dr Vincent Cable (1), Mrs Anne Campbell (1), Mr William Cash (1), Mr David Chidgey (1), Mr Christopher Chope (2), Mr Geoffrey Clifton-Brown (1), Mr Vernon Coaker (1), Mr David Curry (1), Mr Alan Duncan (1), Mr Nigel Evans (1), Mr George Foulkes (1), Mr Nick Gibb (1), Mrs Cheryl Gillan (2), Mr Damian Green (1), Mr David Hanson (1), Mr John Hayes (1), Ms Patricia Hewitt (3), Dr Kim Howells (3), Glenda Jackson (3), Mr Bernard Jenkin (2), Dr Lynne Jones (1), Ruth Kelly (1), Jane Kennedy (12), Mr Oliver Letwin (2), Mr Peter Luff (1), Mr David Maclean (6), Mr Michael Meacher (1), Mr Tony McNulty (1), Mr Alan Meale (1), Mr Austin Mitchell (1), Mr Elliot Morley (1), Mr James Paice (2), Mr Greg Pope (1), Bridget Prentice (2), Mr Jeff Rooker (1), Mr Stephen Timms (1), Joan Walley (1), Mr Nigel Waterson (1), Mr John Whittingdale (1), Mr John Wilkinson (1), Mr Brian Wilson (1), Mr Tim Yeo (1)

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Prepared 21 December 1999