Information and statistics relating to
the membership, work, and staff of Select Committees
This Return follows the pattern of its predecessors
since the creation of the current Select Committee system by the
House in 1979. Section A lists, in alphabetical order, the Members
who served on Select Committees during the Session. Section B
gives details of each Committee's work, staff, publications and
other statistics. Section C analyses of the staffing of Select
1. Alphabetical List of Members
Names of Members | Committees to which nominated
| |
Abbott, Ms. Diane | Foreign Affairs
Adams, Irene | Chairmen's Panel; Scottish Affairs
Allan, Mr. Richard | Finance and Services; Information; Liaison
Amess, Mr. David | Health |
Anderson, Mr. Donald | Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs; Liaison
Anderson, Janet | Accommodation and Works;
Atherton, Ms. Candy | Education and Employment
Atkins, Charlotte | Education and Employment; Selection
Atkinson, Mr. David | Science and Technology
Atkinson, Mr. Peter | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Scottish Affairs
Austin, Mr. John | Health |
Baker, Mr. Norman | Environmental Audit
Baldry, Mr. Tony | Trade and Industry
Ballard, Mrs. Jackie | Catering
Barnes, Mr. Harry | Northern Ireland Affairs
Barron, Mr. Kevin | Draft Food Standards Bill
Beard, Mr. Nigel | Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee);
| Science and Technology
Beckett, Mrs. Margaret | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Begg, Miss Ann | Scottish Affairs
Beggs, Mr. Roy | Northern Ireland Affairs
Bell, Mr. Martin | Standards and Privileges
Bennett, Mr. Andrew F. | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs; Liaison;
Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
| |
Benton, Mr. Joe | Chairmen's Panel; Education and Employment;
Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee) |
Bercow, Mr. John | Trade and Industry
Beresford, Sir Paul | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee); Procedure
Berry, Mr. Roger | Trade and Industry
Best, Mr. Harold | Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Betts, Mr. Clive | Selection
Blackman, Mrs. Liz | Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee); Treasury
Blizzard, Mr. Bob | Environmental Audit
Blunt, Mr. Crispin | Defence
Bottomley, Mr. Peter | Standards and Privileges
Bottomley, Mrs. Virginia | Foreign Affairs
Bradley, Mr. Keith | Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Selection
Bradley, Mr. Peter | Public Administration
Bradshaw, Mr. Ben | European Scrutiny
Brady, Mr. Graham | Education and Employment
Brake, Mr. Tom | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Brand, Dr. Peter | Draft Food Standards Bill; Health
Brazier, Mr. Julian | Defence
Breed, Mr. Colin | European Scrutiny
Brinton, Mrs. Helen | Environmental Audit
Brooke, Mr. Peter | Liaison; Northern Ireland Affairs
Brown, Mr. Russell | Deregulation; European Scrutiny
Browne, Mr. Desmond | Northern Ireland Affairs; Public Administration
Bruce, Mr. Ian | Information
Bruce, Mr. Malcolm | Standards and Privileges
Buck, Ms. Karen | Selection; Social Security
Burgon, Mr. Colin | Accommodation and Works; Procedure; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Burns, Mr. Simon | Health |
Burstow, Mr. Paul | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee)
Butler, Christine | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Butterfill, Mr John | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees; Trade and Industry
Cable, Mr Vincent | Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee); Treasury
Campbell, Mr. Alan | Public Accounts
Campbell, Mr. Menzies | Defence
Campbell, Mr. Ronnie | Public Administration
Campbell-Savours, Mr. Dale | Standards and Privileges
Canavan, Mr. Dennis | International Development
Cann, Mr. Jamie | Defence |
Caplin, Mr. Ivor | Broadcasting; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Casale, Mr. Roger | European Scrutiny
Cash, Mr. William | European Scrutiny
Caton, Mr. Martin | Welsh Affairs
Chapman, Sir Sydney | Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services; Liaison
Chaytor, Mr. David | Deregulation
Chidgey, Mr. David | Accommodation and Works
Chope, Mr. Christopher | Trade and Industry
Clark, Dr. Lynda | Public Administration
Clark, Dr. Michael | Chairmen's Panel; Liaison; Science and Technology
Clarke, Mr. Charles | Treasury
Clarke, Mr. Eric | Broadcasting; Finance and Services; Liaison; Scottish Affairs
Clarke, Mr. Tony | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee)
Clifton-Brown, Mr. Geoffrey | Public Accounts
Clwyd, Ann | International Development
Coaker, Mr. Vernon | Social Security
Cohen, Mr. Harry | Defence |
Coleman, Mr. Iain | Deregulation
Colvin, Mr. Michael | Defence
Connarty, Mr. Michael | European Scrutiny; Information
Cook, Mr. Frank | Chairmen's Panel
Cooper, Yvette | Education and Employment
Corbett, Mr. Robin | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee); Home Affairs
Cormack, Sir Patrick | Accommodation and Works; Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Cotter, Mr. Brian | Deregulation
Cousins, Mr. Jim | Treasury
Cran, Mr. James | Selection
Cranston, Mr. Ross | Home Affairs
Crausby, Mr. David | Administration
Cryer, Mr. John | Deregulation
Cummings, Mr. John | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Cunningham, Mr. Jim | Chairmen's Panel; Trade and Industry
Curry, Mr. David | Agriculture; Draft Food Standards Bill; Public Accounts
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs. Claire | Science and Technology
Dafis, Mr. Cynog | Environmental Audit
Darvill, Mr. Keith | Procedure
Davey, Valerie | Education and Employment
Davey, Mr. Edward | Procedure
Davidson, Mr. Ian | Public Accounts; Selection
Davies, Mr. Geriant | Public Accounts
Davies, Mr. Quentin | European Scrutiny
Davis, Mr. David | Liaison; Public Accounts
Dawson, Mr. Hilton | Administration
Dean, Mrs. Janet | Catering; Home Affairs
Dismore, Mr. Andrew | Accommodation and Works
Dobbin, Mr. Jim | European Scrutiny
Donaldson, Mr. Jeffrey | Northern Ireland Affairs
Donohoe, Mr. Brian H. | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Drew, Mr. David | Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Drown, Julia | Health |
Dunwoody, Mrs. Gwyneth | Chairmen's Panel; Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs; Liaison
Eagle, Maria | Public Accounts
Edwards, Mr. Huw | Welsh Affairs
Efford, Mr. Clive | Procedure
Ellman, Mrs. Louise | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Emery, Sir Peter | Foreign Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Etherington, Mr. Bill | Court of Referees
Ewing, Mrs. Margaret | European Scrutiny
Faber, Mr. David | Culture, Media and Sport
Fabricant, Mr. Michael | Catering; Culture, Media and Sport; Home Affairs
Fallon, Mr. Michael | Treasury
Fearn, Mr. Ronnie | Culture, Media and Sport
Fitzsimons, Lorna | Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Flight, Mr. Howard | Social Security
Flint, Caroline | Education and Employment
Follett, Ms. Barbara | International Development
Forsythe, Mr. Clifford | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Forth, Mr. Eric | Standards and Privileges
Foster, Mr. Derek | Education and Employment; Liaison
Foster, Mr. Don | Education and Employment
Foster, Mr. Michael Jabez (Hastings & Rye)
| Social Security; Standards and Privileges |
Fraser, Mr. Christopher | Culture, Media and Sport
Gale, Mr. Roger | Broadcasting; Chairmen's Panel
Galloway, Mr. George | Broadcasting
Gardiner, Mr. Barry | Broadcasting; Procedure
George, Mr. Andrew | Agriculture
George, Mr. Bruce | Defence; Liaison
Gerrard, Mr. Neil | Environmental Audit; Information
Gibb, Mr. Nick | Treasury |
Gibson, Dr. Ian | Science and Technology
Gilroy, Mrs. Linda | European Scrutiny
Godman, Mr. Norman A. | Foreign Affairs
Golding, Mrs. Llin | Culture, Media and Sport
Goodlad, Sir Alastair | Standards and Privileges
Gordon, Mrs. Eileen | Broadcasting
Gorman, Mrs. Teresa | Deregulation; Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Grant, Mr. Bernie | International Development
Gray, Mr. James | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards)
| Bill (Joint Committee); Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Grieve, Mr. Dominic | Environmental Audit; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Griffiths, Jane | Public Accounts
Griffiths, Mr. Nigel | Procedure
Grogan, Mr. John | Northern Ireland Affairs
Gunnell, Mr. John | Health |
Hall, Mr. Patrick | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee)
Hamilton, Mr. Fabian | Administration
Hancock, Mr. Mike | Defence; Public Administration
Haselhurst, Sir Alan | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees
Hawkins, Mr. Nick | Home Affairs
Hayes, Mr. John | Agriculture; Education and Employment
Heald, Mr Oliver | Administration
Healey, Mr. John | Education and Employment
Heath, Mr. David | Foreign Affairs
Heathcoat-Amory, Mr. David | Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee)
Henderson, Mr. Ivan | Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Hepburn, Mr. Stephen | Administration
Hesford, Mr. Stephen | Northern Ireland Affairs
Hinchliffe, Mr. David | Health; Liaison
Hood, Mr. Jimmy | Chairmen's Panel; Defence; European Scrutiny; Liaison
Hope, Mr. Phil | Selection |
Hopkins, Mr. Kelvin | Broadcasting
Horam, Mr. John | Environmental Audit; Liaison
Howarth, Mr. Gerald | Home Affairs
Hoyle, Mr. Lindsay | Catering; Trade and Industry
Hughes, Ms. Beverley | Home Affairs
Humble, Mrs. Joan | Social Security
Hunter, Mr. Andrew | Northern Ireland Affairs
Hurst, Mr. Alan | Agriculture
Iddon, Dr. Brian | Environmental Audit
Illsley, Mr. Eric | Foreign Affairs; Procedure
Jack, Mr. Michael | Agriculture
Jackson, Mrs. Helen | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Jackson, Mr. Robert | Science and Technology
Jamieson, Mr. David | Accommodation and Works
Johnson, Miss Melanie | Home Affairs; Public Administration
Jones, Mr. Barry | Chairmen's Panel
Jones, Ms. Fiona | Agriculture
Jones, Helen | Catering; Public Administration
Jones, Ms. Jennifer | European Scrutiny
Jones, Mr. Jon Owen | Information
Jones, Lynne | Science and Technology
Jones, Mr. Martyn | Draft Food Standards Bill; Liaison; Welsh Affairs
Jones, Mr. Nigel | Science and Technology
Kaufman, Mr. Gerald | Culture, Media and Sport; Liaison
Keeble, Ms. Sally | Agriculture; Draft Food Standards Bill
Keen, Mr. Alan | Culture, Media and Sport
Keen, Ann | Health |
Keetch, Mr. Paul | Catering; Education and Employment
Kelly, Ms. Ruth | Treasury |
Kemp, Mr. Fraser | Public Administration; Selection
Kennedy, Mr. Charles | Standards and Privileges
Kennedy, Jane | Administration
Khabra, Mr. Piara S. | International Development
Kidney, Mr. David | Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee); Treasury
King, Mr. Andy | Deregulation
King, Ms. Oona | International Development
Kingham, Mrs. Tess | International Development
Kirkbride, Miss Julie | Catering; Culture, Media and Sport; Social Security
Kirkwood, Mr. Archy | Court of Referees; Liaison; Social Security
Kumar, Dr. Ashok | Deregulation; Science and Technology
Ladyman, Dr. Stephen | Draft Food Standards Bill
Laing, Mrs. Eleanor | Education and Employment; Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Lait, Mrs. Jacqui | Catering; Deregulation; Science and Technology
Lawrence, Jackie | Welsh Affairs
Laxton, Mr. Bob | Trade and Industry
Leigh, Mr. Edward | Social Security
Lepper, Mr. David | Broadcasting
Letwin, Mr. Oliver | Deregulation
Levitt, Mr. Tom | Standards and Privileges
Lewis, Mr. Ivan | Deregulation; Health
Lewis, Dr Julian | Welsh Affairs
Lewis, Mr. Terry | Standards and Privileges
Linton, Mr. Martin | Home Affairs
Livingstone, Mr. Ken | Northern Ireland Affairs
Livsey, Mr. Richard | Agriculture; Welsh Affairs
Lloyd, Sir Peter | Treasury
Llwyd, Mr. Elfyn | Welsh Affairs
Lord, Mr. Michael | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees
Loughton, Mr. Tim | Environmental Audit; Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee)
Love, Mr. Andrew | Deregulation; Public Accounts
Luff, Mr. Peter | Agriculture; Liaison
Mackay, Mr. Andrew | Selection
Mackinlay, Mr. Andrew | Foreign Affairs
Maclennan, Mr. Robert | Public Accounts
Madel, Sir David | Chairmen's Panel; Foreign Affairs
Malins, Mr. Humfrey | Chairmen's Panel; Home Affairs
Mallaber, Judy | Education and Employment
Marek, Dr. John | Catering |
Marsden, Mr. Gordon | Deregulation; Education and Employment
Marsden, Mr. Paul | Agriculture
Marshall, Mr. David | Liaison; Scottish Affairs
Marshall, Mr. Jim | European Scrutiny
Marshall-Andrews, Mr. Robert | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee)
Martin, Mr. Michael | Chairmen's Panel; Court of Referees
Maxton, Mr. John | Chairmen's Panel; Culture, Media and Sport
May, Mrs. Theresa | Education and Employment
McAllion, Mr. John | Scottish Affairs
McAvoy, Mr. Thomas | Finance and Services
McCabe, Mr. Stephen | Deregulation
McCafferty, Chris | Procedure
McDonnell, Mr. John | Deregulation
McGrady, Mr. Eddie | Northern Ireland Affairs
McIntosh, Miss Anne | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
McIsaac, Shona | Standards and Privileges
McKenna, Rosemary | Catering; European Scrutiny; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
McLoughlin, Mr. Patrick | Finance and Services; Selection
McWalter, Mr. Tony | Northern Ireland Affairs
McWilliam, Mr. John | Chairmen's Panel; Defence; Liaison; Selection
Meacher, Mr. Michael | Environmental Audit
Meale, Mr. Alan | Court of Referees
Merron, Gillian | Trade and Industry
Michie, Mr. Bill | Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Michie, Mrs. Ray | Chairmen's Panel
Miller, Mr. Andrew | Information
Mitchell, Mr. Austin | Agriculture
Moffatt, Laura | Defence |
Moonie, Dr. Lewis | Finance and Services; Draft Food Standards Bill; Liaison
Moore, Mr. Michael | Scottish Affairs
Moran, Ms. Margaret | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee); Public Administration
Morgan, Mr. Alasdair | Trade and Industry
Morgan, Ms. Julie | Welsh Affairs
Morgan, Mr. Rhodri | Liaison; Public Administration
Mountford, Kali | Social Security
Mudie, Mr. George | Accommodation and Works; Finance and Services
Mullin, Mr. Chris | Home Affairs; Liaison
Murphy, Mr. Denis | Deregulation
Naysmith, Dr. Doug | Deregulation; Social Security
O'Hara, Mr. Edward | Chairmen's Panel
O'Brien, Mr. Bill | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
O'Neill, Mr. Martin | Liaison; Trade and Industry
Oaten, Mr. Mark | Public Administration
Olner, Mr. Bill | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Organ, Mrs. Diana | Agriculture; Draft Food Standards Bill; Statutory Instruments;
| Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Osborne, Ms. Sandra | Information; Scottish Affairs
Page, Mr. Richard | Public Accounts
Palmer, Dr. Nick | Administration; European Scrutiny
Paterson, Mr. Owen | European Scrutiny; Draft Food Standards Bill; Welsh Affairs
Perham, Ms. Linda | Accommodation and Works; Trade and Industry
Pickles, Mr. Eric | Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Pike, Mr. Peter L. | Deregulation; Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee); Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Plaskitt, Mr. James | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee); Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee)
Pond, Mr. Chris | Social Security
Pound, Mr. Stephen | Broadcasting; Northern Ireland Affairs
Powell, Sir Raymond | Accommodation and Works
Prentice, Mr. Gordon | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Primarolo, Dawn | Public Accounts
Radice, Mr. Giles | Liaison; Treasury
Rammell, Mr. Bill | Education and Employment; European Scrutiny
Randall, Mr. John | Deregulation; Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Rapson, Mr. Syd | Accommodation and Works
Rendel, Mr. David | Public Accounts
Robathan, Mr. Andrew | International Development
Robertson, Mr. Laurence | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee); Environmental Audit; European Scrutiny
Robinson, Mr. Peter | Northern Ireland Affairs
Roche, Mrs. Barbara | Public Accounts
Roe, Mrs. Marion | Administration; Chairmen's Panel; Finance and Services; Liaison
Ross, Mr. Ernie | Court of Referees; Foreign Affairs
Ross, Mr. William | Administration ; Deregulation; Statutory Instruments;
Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee) |
Rowe, Mr. Andrew | International Development
Rowlands, Mr. Ted | Foreign Affairs
Ruffley, Mr. David | Public Administration; Treasury
Russell, Mr. Bob | Home Affairs
Salter, Mr. Martin | Northern Ireland Affairs
Sanders, Mr. Adrian | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee)
Savidge, Mr. Malcolm | Environmental Audit
Sawford, Mr. Phil | Information
Sayeed, Mr. Jonathan | Broadcasting
Sedgemore, Mr. Brian | Treasury
Shaw, Mr. Jonathan R. | Environmental Audit
Sheerman, Mr. Barry | Financial Services and Markets (Joint Committee)
Sheldon, Mr. Robert | Liaison; Standards and Privileges
Shepherd, Mr. Richard | Modernisation of the House of Commons; Public Administration
Shipley, Mrs. Debra | Social Security
Singh, Mr. Marsha | Home Affairs
Smith, Miss Geraldine | Deregulation
Smith, Mr. John | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee)
Smyth, Reverend Martin | Draft Food Standards Bill
Soames, Mr. Nicholas | Public Administration
Soley, Mr. Clive | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Southworth, Helen | Procedure
Spicer, Sir Michael | Treasury
Squire, Rachel | Modernisation of the House of Commons
St. Aubyn, Mr. Nick | Education and Employment
Stanley, Sir John | Foreign Affairs
Starkey, Dr. Phyllis | Foreign Affairs; Modernisation of the House of Commons
Steen, Mr. Anthony | Deregulation; European Scrutiny
Steinberg, Mr. Gerry | Catering; Public Accounts
Stevenson, Mr. George | Chairmen's Panel; Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Stewart, Mr. David | Scottish Affairs
Stewart, Mr. Ian | Deregulation; Information
Stinchcombe, Mr. Paul | Procedure
Stoate, Dr. Howard | Draft Food Standards Bill; Health
Stott, Mr. Roger (deceased) | Culture, Media and Sport
Stringer, Mr. Graham | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee); Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Stunell, Mr. Andrew | Broadcasting; Modernisation of the House of Commons;
Procedure | |
Swayne, Mr. Desmond | Scottish Affairs; Social Security
Syms, Mr. Robert | Health; Procedure
Taylor, Mrs. Ann | Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee)
Taylor, Ms. Dari | Defence |
Taylor, Mr. Ian | Science and Technology
Taylor, Sir Teddy | Treasury
Thomas, Mr. Gareth (Clwyd West) | Welsh Affairs
Thomas, Mr. Gareth R. (Harrow West) | Environmental Audit
Timms, Mr. Stephen | Public Accounts
Todd, Mr. Mark | Agriculture
Tonge, Dr. Jenny | International Development
Tredinnick, Mr. David | Liaison; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Truswell, Mr. Paul | Environmental Audit
Turner, Mr. Dennis | Catering; Court of Referees; Finance and Services; Liaison
Turner, Mr. Desmond | Science and Technology
Turner, Dr. George | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee)
Twigg, Mr. Derek | Public Accounts
Twigg, Mr. Stephen | Modernisation of the House of Commons
Tyler, Mr. Paul | Finance and Services; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee); Selection
Tyrie, Mr. Andrew | Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee); Public Administration
Walley, Joan | Environmental Audit
Walter, Mr. Robert | European Scrutiny; Draft Food Standards Bill; Health
Ward, Ms. Claire | Culture, Media and Sport
Wardle, Mr. Charles | Public Accounts
Watts, Mr. Dave | Finance and Services
Wells, Mr. Bowen | Chairmen's Panel; International Development; Liaison
Welsh, Mr. Andrew | Chairmen's Panel; Scottish Affairs
White, Mr. Brian | Deregulation; Consolidation, &c, Bills (Joint Committee); Public Administration; Statutory Instruments; Statutory Instruments (Joint Committee)
Whitehead, Dr. Alan | Draft Local Government (Organisation and Standards) Bill (Joint Committee); Environment, Transport and Regional Affairs
Whittingdale, Mr. John | Information
Wicks, Mr. Malcolm | Education and Employment; Liaison
Williams, Mr. Alan | Parliamentary Privilege (Joint Committee); Public Accounts
Standards and Privileges |
Williams, Mr. Alan W. | Science and Technology
Williams, Mrs. Betty | Welsh Affairs
Willis, Mr. Phil | Education and Employment
Wilshire, Mr. David | Foreign Affairs
Winnick, Mr. David | Home Affairs
Winterton, Mr. Nicholas | Chairmen's Panel; Liaison; Modernisation of the House of Commons; Procedure
Wise, Audrey | Draft Food Standards Bill; Health
Woodward, Mr. Shaun | Broadcasting; European Scrutiny; Foreign Affairs
Worthington, Mr.Tony | International Development
Wright, Dr. Tony | Public Administration
Wyatt, Mr. Derek | Culture, Media and Sport
Young, Sir George | Modernisation of the House of Commons