11. Environment, Transport and Regional
The Committee was nominated on 14 July 1997.
It had 17 Members and held 29 meetings.
Members | Meetings
| attended
Bennett, Mr Andrew | 28
Brake, Mr Tom | 19
Butler, Christine | 22
Cummings, Mr John | 7
Donohoe, Mr Brian | 24
Dunwoody, Mrs Gwyneth | 26
Ellman, Mrs Louise | 23
Forsythe, Mr Clifford | 25
Gorman Mrs Teresa (added 30.11.98) | 13
Gray, Mr James | 22
Laing, Mrs Eleanor (discharged 5.7.99) |
0 |
McIntosh Miss Anne (added 5.7.99) | 5
O'Brien, Mr Bill | 22
Olner, Mr Bill | 23
Pickles, Mr Eric (discharged 30.11.98) |
0 |
Randall, Mr John | 12
Stevenson, Mr George | 18
Stringer, Mr Graham | 26
Whitehead, Dr Alan | 22
Overall attendance: | 68.4 %
Number of Members added: | 2
Number of Members discharged: | 2
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
12 % |
Committee Clerk: Mr David Harrison, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mr Gavin Devine, Senior Clerk (Band A2).
Third Clerk: Mr Huw Yardley, Assistant Clerk (Band A3).
Committee Specialists: Mr Kevin Lee (Band B1), Miss Katie Smith
(Band B1), Dr Dave Taylor (Band B1).
Committee Assistants: Miss Frances Allingham, Higher Executive
Officer (Band B2), Miss Jacqueline Recardo, Chief Office Clerk
(Band C).
Secretaries: Mrs Susan Morrison, Secretary (Band D1), Miss Carolyn
Wilson, Secretary (Band D1) (until 30.10.99), Miss Leslie Young,
Secretary (Band D1) (from 1.11.99).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Mr Richard Bate, Mr Rob Gifford, Professor Peter Jones, Mr Malcolm
Fergusson, Professor Jim Skea and Dr Christine Whitehead.
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 1 |
Other Ministers
| 6 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
| 9 |
other departments
| 8 |
comprising:Home Office
| 1 |
Department of Trade and Industry
| 4 |
HM Treasury | 3
executive agencies
| 0 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 5 |
comprising:HM Customs and Excise
| 1 |
Board of Inland Revenue
| 1 |
Metropolitan Police
| 2 |
Traffic Director for London
| 1 |
Members of Parliament
| 0 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 84 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
| Netherlands and Belgium
| 9 |
4 | Inquiry into Integrated Transport and Environment matters
| £10,521.64
29-30.4 99 | Bonn
| 2* |
1* | Meeting of EU Environment Committees
| £1,807.54
* Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
| Coventry |
| 1* |
Conference on Green Flag Awards
| £72.00
* Travel in a representative capacity
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title |
HC No.(1998-99)
| Date of
| No. of
| Sale price
| Government
First Report: Railway Safety
| 30 |
9.12.98 |
171 | £18.00
| Received 3.3.99: published as First Special Report
Second Report: Millennium Compliance in the Transport Industry
| 90 |
22.12.98 |
43 | £8.00
| Received 22.3.99: published as Second Special Report
Third Report: The Future of National Air Traffic Services
| 122 |
21.1.99 |
84 | £11.50
| Received 27.7.99: published as Fourth Special Report
Fifth Report: Regional Eurostar Services
| 89 |
26.1.99 |
79 | £11.50
| Cm 4314: 6.4.99 |
Fourth Report: The Countryside Agency
| 6 |
28.1.99 |
83 | £11.50
| Cm 4359: 1.6.99 |
Sixth Report: The Maritime and Coastguard Agency
| 31 |
15.3.99 |
107 | £13.60
| Cm 4359: 16.8.99 |
Seventh Report: Meeting with European Commission Officials to Discuss Air Transport
| 272 |
15.3.99 |
12 | £3.30
| Not applicable |
Ninth Report: Integrated Transport White Paper
| 32-I |
28.4.99 |
93 | £12.50
| Received 12.7.99: published as Third Special Report
Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence: Integrated Transport White Paper
| 32-II |
28.4.99 |
444 | £32.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Integrated Transport White Paper
| 32-i |
22.2.99 |
51 | £9.70
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Integrated Transport White Paper
| 32-ii |
3.3.99 |
78 | £11.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Integrated Transport White Paper
| 32-iii
| 5.3.99
| 26 |
£7.00 |
Not applicable |
Eighth Report: Local Government Finance
| 78-I |
11.5.99 |
37 | £8.00
| Cm 4402: 13.7.99 |
Tenth Report: Regional Development Agencies
| 232-I |
25.5.99 |
29 | £6.70
| Received 28.7.99: published as Fifth Special Report
Twelfth Report: The Future of the UK Shipping Industry
| 172 |
8.6.99 |
264 | £22.00
| Cm 4432: 27.7.99 |
Eleventh Report: Reducing the Environmental Impact of Consumer Products
| 149-I |
9.6.99 |
26 | £6.20
| Cm 4435: 25.8.99 |
Thirteenth Report: The Operation of the Landfill Tax
| 150-I |
14.7.99 |
30 | £7.00
| Cm 4461: 26.10.99 |
Fourteenth Report: Aviation Safety
| 275 |
21.7.99 |
312 | £23.00
| Cm 4539: 30.11.99 |
Fifteenth Report: Departmental Annual Report 1999 and Expenditure Plans 1999-2002
| 440 |
27.7.99 |
89 | £12.50
| Cm 4424: 10.8.99 |
Sixteenth Report: Multilateral Environmental Agreements
| 307-I |
4.8.99 |
63 | £11.10
| Reply awaited |
Eighteenth Report: Tendered Bus Services
| 429 |
3.8.99 |
194 | £19.50
| Cm 4519: 18.11.99 |
Seventeenth Report: Housing PPG3
| 490-I |
1.9.99 |
115 | £14.70
| Reply awaited |
Memoranda of Evidence: Housing PPG 3
| 490-II
| 16.6.99
| 81 |
| Not applicable |
Twentieth Report: Town and Country Parks
| 477-I |
6.11.99 |
50 | £10.20
| Reply awaited |
Nineteenth Report: Young and Newly Qualified Drivers: Standards and Training
| 515 |
8.11.99 |
158 | £17.00
| Reply awaited |
Twenty-first Report: Railways Bill
| 827 |
10.11.99 |
198 | £19.50
| Reply awaited |
First Special Report: HSC Response to the First Report
| 352 |
12.4.99 |
10 | £3.40
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Government Response to the First Report
| 383 |
6.5.99 |
8 | £2.25
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Government Response to the Ninth Report
| 708 |
13.7.99 |
27 | £6.20
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Government Response to the Third Report
| 794 |
29.7.99 |
10 | £3.40
| Not applicable |
Fifth Special Report: Government Response to the Tenth Report
| 867 |
3.11.99 |
16 | £4.00
| Not applicable |
Memoranda of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-II
| 18.2.99
| 104 |
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-i |
25.3.99 |
26 | £6.20
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-ii
| 16.4.99
| 23 |
£6.20 |
Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-iii
| 24.5.99
| 35 |
£8.00 |
Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-iv
| 24.5.99
| 28 |
£7.00 |
Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-v |
27.5.99 |
27 | £7.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-vi
| 2.7.99
| 30 |
£7.00 |
Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-vii
| 2.7.99
| 9 |
£3.40 |
Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-viii
| 8.7.99
| 28 |
£7.00 |
Not applicable |
Appendices to the Minutes of Evidence: UK Climate Change Programme
| 171-ix
| 8.11.99
| 23 |
£6.20 |
Not applicable |
Memoranda of Evidence: Rural White Paper
| 887 |
24.11.99 |
117 | £18.00
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Environmental Impact of Supermarket Competition
| 841-i, ii and iii
| to be published
| Not applicable |
Government replies to Reports for Session 1997-98
Reply to the Committee's Thirteenth Report:
The Protection of Field Boundaries, published as Cm 2587 (25.1.99);
Reply to the Committee's Eighth Report: Regional Air Services,
published as Cm 2587 (1.2.99).
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1997-98
were published as HC1162, Session 1997-98. The Minutes of Proceedings
of the Committee for Session 1998-99 will be published as HC 899,
Session 1998-99.
Date | Subject
24 .3.99 | One, on Question, That the Report be the Eighth Report of the Committee to the House.
31..3.99 | One, on an amendment proposed to Chairman's draft Report on the Integrated Transport White Paper.
14.7.99 | One, on Question, That the Report be the Fourteenth Report of the Committee to the House.
The following Reports were the subjects of debates
in the House:
Ninth Report, Session 1998-99, Integrated Transport
White Paper, on an Estimates Day, under Standing Order No. 54,
Sixth Report, 1998-99, the Maritime and Coastguard
Agency, on a Motion for the Adjournment of the House on a Wednesday
morning, under Standing Order No. 10(4), 17.3.99.
Fifth Report, 1998-99, Regional Eurostar Services,
on a Motion for the Adjournment of the House on a Wednesday morning,
under Standing Order No. 10(4), 19.5.99.
The following Reports were referred to on the Order
Paper as being relevant to debates in the House:
Eleventh Report, Session 1997-98, Implementation
of the Best Value Framework, on Second Reading of the Local Government
Bill, 12.1.99.
Seventh Report, Session 1997-98, London Underground,
on an Opposition Motion on London Underground, 27 1.99.
Tenth Report, Session 1997-98, Housing, on an Opposition
Motion on Planning and the Green Belt, 3.1.99.
Ninth Report, Session 1998-99, Integrated Transport
White Paper, on an Opposition Motion on Planning and Transport
Congestion, 29.6.99.
Tenth Report, Session 1997-98, Housing, on an Opposition
Motion on Planning and Greenfield and Brownfield Sites: The Two
Britains, 2.11.99.
Seventeenth Report, Session 1998-99, Housing: PPG3,
on an Opposition motion on Planning and Greenfield and Brownfield
Sites: The Two Britains, 2.11.99.
Oral evidence was taken at 14 of the Committee's
29 meetings. On none of these occasions was evidence taken wholly
or partly in private.
| No. of oral evidence sessions
| No. of memoranda received
| No. of memoranda received from
| No. of memoranda published
| No. of memoranda made available in the Record Office for public use and placed in the Library
| | Govt. Departments
| executive agencies |
public bodies |
Integrated Transport White Paper
| 3 |
186 | 2
| 1
| 4 |
172 | 14
UK Climate Change Programme
| 8 |
58 | 4
| 0 |
2 | 58
| 0 |
Departmental Annual Report 1999 and Expenditure Plans 1999-2002
| 0 |
1 | 1
| 0 |
0 | 1
| 0 |
Housing: PPG 3 | 3
| 51 |
1 | 0
| 2 |
51 | 0
Environmental Impact of Supermarket Competition
| 2 |
27 | 4
| 0 |
1 | 27
| 0 |
Rural White Paper* |
0 | 31
| 1 |
0 | 3
| 31 |
0 |
Total | 16
| 354 |
13 | 1
| 12 |
340 | 14
Includes non-Ministerial Departments
The Committee took oral
evidence and received memoranda for this inquiry in Session 1997-98;
these figures are therefore incomplete
*The Committee received memoranda for this inquiry
in Session 1998-98; these figures are therefore incomplete