17. Foreign Affairs
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 1997.
It had 12 Members and held 53 meetings. This included 5 meetings
held concurrently with the Defence, International Development
and Trade and Industry Committees (abbreviated to 'CM' in the
attendance table below).
Members | Meetings
| attended
Anderson, Mr Donald (Chairman) | (including 2 CM) 42
Abbott, Ms Diane | (including 3 CM) 30
Bottomley, Mrs Virginia (discharged 25.1.99)
| 6 |
Chidgey, Mr David (added 1.11.99) | (including 1 CM) 3
Emery, Sir Peter | (including 3 CM) 34
Godman, Mr Norman A | (including 4 CM) 31
Heath, Mr David (discharged 1.11.99) | (including 1 CM) 37
Illsley, Mr Eric | 38
Mackinlay, Mr Andrew | 34
Madel, Sir David (added 5.7.99) | 7
Ross, Mr Ernie (discharged 22.3.99) | 17
Rowlands, Mr Ted | (including 5 CM) 47
Stanley, Sir John | (including 3 CM) 46
Starkey, Dr Phyllis (added 22.3.99) | 22
Wilshire, Mr David | 25
Woodward, Mr Shaun (added 25.1.99; discharged 5.7.99)
| 12 |
Overall attendance: | 67.7 %
Number of Members added: | 4
Number of Members discharged: | 4
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
33 % |
Committee Clerk: Mr Paul Silk, Deputy Principal Clerk (Senior
Structure Band 2).
Second Clerk: Mr Martyn Atkins, Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (6.7.99);
Ms Tabitha Brufal, Assistant Clerk (Band A3 ) (from 1.10.99).
Committee Assistant: Mrs Carol Oxborough, Senior Executive Officer
(Band B1); assisted by Miss Ana Ferreira, Senior Office Clerk
(Band D1).
Committee Specialist: Mr Daniel Thornton (Band B1) from 15.2.99
Secretary: Mrs Sheryl Bertasius, Secretary (Band C).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Dr Edwin Bacon, Mr Paul Bergne, Dr Richard Caplan, Mr Howard
Gilbert, Dr Kirsty Hughes, Dr Bill Tompson, Ms Miranda Vickers,
Mrs Heather Weeks (Chatham House Liaison).
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers |
7 |
(includes a joint meeting with Defence, International Development and Trade and Industry Committees at which the Foreign Secretary gave evidence)
| |
Other Ministers
| 6 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Foreign & Commonwealth Office
| 21 |
non-departmental public bodies
| 11 |
| |
BBC World Service |
6 |
British Council |
5 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 37 |
(includes a joint meeting with Defence, International Development and Trade and Industry Committees at which 4 witnesses gave evidence)
| |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
27-28.1.99 | Bonn
| 9 |
2 | Work in preparation for German Presidency of EU
| £6,405.00
8-10.3.99 | Bonn | 1*
| 1 | Meeting of Foreign Affairs Committee Chairmen of Parliaments of EU Member States, EU Applicant States and of the European Parliament
| £1,464.00 |
16-18.3.99 | Gibraltar
| 8 |
2 | Inquiry into Gibraltar
| £9,985.00
16-19.4.99 | Ohrid, Macedonia
| 1* |
| Parliamentary meeting on the Royaumont Process organised by the FAC of the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia
| £1,593.00
| 3 part visit:Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan;Georgia and Armenia;Azerbaijan and Turkmenistan
| 323 |
111 | Inquiry into South Caucasus and Central Asia
| £38,370.00(estimated outturn)
24-26.6.99 | Oslo
| 1* |
| Conference on Ethical Values in International Relations
| £678.00
19-21.7.99 | Helsinki
| 1* |
1 | Meeting of FAC Chairmen of Parliaments of EU Member States, EU Applicant States and of the European Parliament
| £403.00(estimated outturn)
21-24.7.99 | Helsinki and Tallinn
| 9 |
2 | Work on EU matters, including preparation for Finnish Presidency
| £14,825.00(estimated outturn)
17-22.10.99 | Moscow, Ekaterinburg, St Petersburg
| 8 |
3** | Inquiry into relations with Russia
| £32,272.00(estimated outturn)
* Travel in a representative capacity
** Includes one specialist adviser
Visits to European Institutions in Brussels and Strasbourg
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
25.2.99 | Chinese Embassy
| 4 |
2 | Briefing
| £55.16
4.3.99 | German Embassy
| 6 |
2 | Briefing in connection with German Presidency of EU
| £56.48
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title |
HC No.
| Date of
| No. ofpages
| Sale price
| Government
First Report: Foreign Policy and Human Rights
| 100-I |
21.12.98 |
122 | £14.70
| Cm 4299, 23.3.99
Minutes of Evidence: Foreign Policy and Human Rights
| 100-II
| 21.12.98
| 235 |
| Not applicable
Appendices: Foreign Policy and Human Rights
| 100-III
| 21.12.98
| 121 |
| Not applicable
Second Report: Sierra Leone
| 116-I |
9.2.99 |
90 | £12.50
| Cm 4325 13.3.99
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Sierra Leone
| 116-II
| 9.2.99
| 326 |
| Not applicable
Third Report: European Union Enlargement
| 86 |
11.3.99 |
112 | £13.30
| Cm 4348, 13.5.99
Fourth Report: Gibraltar
| 366 |
22.6.99 |
168 | £18.00
| Cm 4470, 28.11.99
Fifth Report: Foreign and Commonwealth Office Resources
| 271 |
1.7.99 |
136 | £16.00
| Cm 4462, 11.11.99
Sixth Report: South Caucasus and Central Asia
| 349-I |
27.7.99 |
91 | £12.50
| Cm 4458, 21.10.99
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: South Caucasus and Central Asia
| 349-II
| 27.7.99
| 234 |
| Not applicable
Seventh Report: Kosovo: Interim Report
| 188 |
29.7.99 |
94 | £14.80
| Not required
First Special Report: Premature Disclosure of Committee's Report on Sierra Leone
| 293 |
3.3.99(published in typescript 2.3.99)
| 8 |
£2.25 |
Not required
Second Special Report: Premature Disclosure of First and Third Reports of Session 1998-99
| 365 |
31.3.99 |
11 | £3.40
| Not required
Third Special Report: Committee's Inquiry into the 1997 and 1998 Annual Reports on Strategic Export Controls (Joint inquiry with the Defence, International Development and Trade and Industry Committees)
| 540 |
30.6.99 |
104 | £13.60
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Vienna European Council
| 42-i |
7.1.99 |
23 | £6.20
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Berlin Special European Council
| 296-i |
19.3.99 |
15 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Cologne European Council
| 462-i |
9.6.99 |
14 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Government replies to Reports for Session 1996-97
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1997-98
were published on 12.2.99 as HC1165, Session 1997-98. The Minutes
of Proceedings for Session 1998-99 will be published as HC903,
Session 1998-99.
Date | Subject
10.12.98 | Eleven, on consideration of Chairman's draft Report on Foreign Policy and Human Rights
2.2.99 [Morning Sitting]
| Ten, on consideration of Chairman's draft Report on Sierra Leone
2.2.99 [Afternoon Sitting]
| Thirty-four, on consideration of Chairman's draft Report on Sierra Leone.
The following Reports were referred to on the Order Paper
as being relevant to a debate in the House:
Third Report, 1998-99, on European Union Enlargement, on a Government
Motion for the Adjournment of the House, 25.5.99
The following Minutes of Evidence were referred to on the Order
Paper as being relevant to debates in the House:
Minutes of Evidence, 1 December 1998, HC 42-i, on the Vienna European
Council, 3.12.98
Minutes of Evidence, 14 April 1999, HC 188-ii, on Kosovo, 19.4.99
Minutes of Evidence, 28 April 1999, HC 188-iii, on Kosovo, 18.5.99
Oral evidence was taken at 20 of the Committee's 53 meetings.
On one of these occasions evidence was taken partly or wholly
in private.
| No. of oral evidence sessions
| No. of memoranda received
| No. of memoranda received from
| No. of memoranda published
| No. of memoranda made available in the Record Office for public use and placed in the Library
| | Govt. Departments
| executive agencies |
public bodies |
| |
Foreign Policy and Human Rights*
| 0 |
2 | 1
| 0 |
0 | 0
| 0 |
Sierra Leone* | 1
| 8 |
0 | 0
| 0 |
20 | 13
European Union Enlargement
| 1 |
19 | 3
| 0 |
0 | 17
| 0 |
Gibraltar | 2
| 37 |
5 | 0
| 1 |
36 | 1
FCO Resources | 2
| 21 |
7 | 0
| 8 |
19 | 1
South Caucasus and Central Asia
| 3 |
69 | 5
| 0 |
3 | 55
| 1 |
Kosovo Interim Report |
6 | 6
| 4 |
0 | 0
| 6 |
0 |
Strategic Export Controls**
| 2 |
30 | 15
| 0 |
0 | 13
| 0 |
Miscellaneous | 3
| 23 |
4 | 0
| 5 |
3 | 0
Total | 20
| 215 |
44 | 0
| 17 |
169 | 16
**The Committee did not complete this inquiry in
Session 1998-99; these figures are therefore incomplete.
The Committee
took oral evidence and received memoranda for this inquiry in
Session 1997-98; these figures are therefore incomplete.