19. Home Affairs
The Committee was nominated on 16 July 1997.
It had 11 Members and held 33 meetings.
Members | Meetings
| attended
Corbett, Mr Robin (Chairman from 19.10.99) |
29 |
Dean, Mrs Janet (added 1.2.99) | 29
Fabricant, Mr Michael (added 26.7.99) | 3
Hawkins, Mr Nick (discharged 26.7.99) | 15
Howarth, Mr Gerald | 29
Johnson, Miss Melanie (discharged 1.2.99) |
3 |
Linton, Mr Martin | 33
Malins, Mr Humfrey | 21
Mullin, Mr Chris (Chairman until 19.10.99) |
29 |
Russell, Bob | 25
Singh, Mr Marsha | 14
Stinchcombe, Mr Paul | 26
Winnick, Mr David | 32
Overall attendance: | 79.3 %
Number of Members added: | 2
Number of Members discharged: | 2
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
18 % |
Committee Clerk: Mr Crispin Poyser, Deputy Principal Clerk
(Senior Structure Band 5).
Second Clerk: Mr Tom Goldsmith, Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (until
6.7.99); Mr Martyn Atkins, Assistant Clerk (Band A3) (from 6.7.99).
Committee Assistant: Mr Steve Barrett, Senior Executive Officer
(Band B1).
Secretary: Liz Booth, Secretary (Band D1).
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers (of which one was by a Member of the House of Lords)
| 4 |
Other Ministers
| 2 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Home Office
| 12 |
Lord Chancellor's Department
| 1 |
other departments
| 3 |
comprising: HM Customs and Excise
| 3 |
executive agencies |
4 |
comprising: Prison Service Agency
| 4 |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 7 |
comprising: Commission for Racial Equality
| 3 |
Criminal Cases Review Commission
| 2 |
Police Complaints Authority
| 2 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 22 |
Overseas Visit
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
| Bari | 1*
| 0 |
Council of Europe seminar on violence against women
| £1196.30
* Travel in a representative capacity
UK Visits
Date |
| Members
| Staff |
Purpose |
Cost |
| Ryton Police Training Centre, Coventry
| 9 |
3 | Inquiry into Police Training and Recruitment
| £965.35
| Security Service HQ, SW1
| 8 |
1 | Inquiry into Accountability of the Security Service
| Nil |
| National Crime Squad HQ, SW1
| 5 |
2 | Briefing
| £50.93
2.2.99 | Criminal Cases Review Commission, Birmingham
| 5 |
2 | Inquiry into the Work of the Criminal Cases Review Commission
| £734.55
27.4.99 | Hendon Police College
| 8 |
2 | Inquiry into Police Training and Recruitment
| £30.23
11.5.99 | Downview Prison
| 7 |
2 | Inquiry into Drugs and Prisons
| £266.20
| NACRO, Birmingham and Birmingham Prison
| 5 |
2 | Inquiry into Drugs and Prisons
| £751.05
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title |
HC No.
| Date of
| No. of
| Sale price
| Government
First Report: The Work of the Criminal Cases Review Commission
| 106 |
29.3.99 |
91 | £12.20
| Received 16.6.99: published as Third Special Report, Session 1998-99
Second Report: Freemasonry in Public Life
| 467 |
25.5.99 |
42 | £8.80
| Reply awaited |
Third Report: Accountability of the Security Service
| 291 |
21.6.99 |
52 | £9.70
| Reply awaited |
Fourth Report: Police Training and Recruitment
| 81-I |
7.7.99 |
62 | £10.60
| Received 18.11.99: not yet published
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Police Training and Recruitment
| 81-II |
7.7.99 |
427 | £29.90
| Not applicable |
Fifth Report: Drugs and Prisons
| 363-I |
22.11.99 |
67 | £10.60
| Reply awaited |
Minutes of Evidence and Appendices: Drugs and Prisons
| 363-II
| 22.11.99
| 254 |
| Not applicable |
First Special Report: Observations on the Second Report, Session 1997-98 (Confidentiality of Police Settlements of Civil Claims)
| 80 |
23.12.98 |
4 | £1.45
| Not applicable |
Second Special Report: Government Reply to the Fourth Report, Session 1997-98 (Electoral Law and Administration)
| 137 |
21.1.99 |
3 | £1.45
| Not applicable |
Third Special Report: Government Reply to the First Report, Session 1998-99
| 569 |
2.7.99 |
5 | £2.25
| Not applicable |
Fourth Special Report: Further Government Observations on the Fourth Report, Session 1997-98 (Electoral Law and Administration)
| 856 |
8.11.99 |
12 | £3.40
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: (i) Police Training and Recruitment (ii) The Work of HM Inspectorate of Constabulary
| 83-i |
25.1.99 |
21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: (i) The Work of the UK Anti-Drugs Co-ordinator (ii) Drugs and Prisons
| 363-i |
18.5.99 |
21 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: (i) Police Training and Recruitment (ii) Delays in the Immigration and Nationality Directorate (iii) Accountability of the Security Service (Home Secretary)
| 392-i |
25.5.99 |
20 | £5.50
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: The Work of HM Customs: Matters relating to Crime
| 478-i |
19.7.99 |
25 | £6.20
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Evidence: Home Office Annual Report
| 653-i |
24.8.99 |
45 | £8.80
| Not applicable |
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1997-98
were published on 22.1.99 as HC 1167, Session 1997-98. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99 will be published
as HC 905, Session 1998-99.
Date | Subject
19.5.99 | Four, on amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on Freemasonry in Public Life.
14.6.99 | Five, on amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on the Accountability of the Security Service.
28.6.99 | Eight, on amendments proposed to Chairman's draft Report on Police Training and Recruitment.
The following Report was the subject of debate in the House:
Third Report, 1997-98, Alternatives to Prison Sentences, on an
Estimates Day, under Standing Order No. 54, 10.12.98.
Oral evidence was taken at 18 of the Committee's 33 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
| No. of oral evidence sessions
| No. of memoranda received
| No. of memoranda received from
| No. of memoranda published
| No. of memoranda made available in the Record Office for public use and placed in the Library
| Govt. Departments
| executive agencies
| public bodies
The Work of the Criminal Cases Review Commission
| 2 |
13 | 1
| 0 |
4 | 13
| 0 |
Freemasonry in Public Life
| 1 |
8 | 1
| 0 |
0 | 4
| 4 |
Accountability of the Security Service
| 3 |
3 | 1
| 0 |
0 | 3
| 0 |
Police Training and Recruitment
| 6 |
41 | 3
| 0 |
6 | 28
| 13 |
Drugs and Prisons | 6
| 43
| 2
| 3 |
1 | 23
| 20
Managing Dangerous People with Severe Personality Disorder*
| 15 |
1 |
Controls over Firearms*
| 152 |
1 |
| 1 |
Miscellaneous | 4
| 7
| 6
| 7
| 0
Total | 22
| 282 |
16 | 3
| 12 |
78 | 37
Includes non-Ministerial Departments
*The Committee did not complete its inquiry on this
subject in Session 1998-99; these figures are therefore incomplete
Some evidence sessions
covered more than one inquiry