30. Science and Technology
The Committee was nominated on 5 June 1998.
It had 11 Members and held 40 meetings.
Members | Meetings
| attended
Clark, Dr Michael (Chairman) | 37
Atkinson, Mr David (discharged, 30.11.98) |
0 |
Beard, Mr Nigel | 39
Curtis-Thomas, Mrs Claire | 22
Gibson, Dr Ian | 38
Jackson, Mr Robert (added, 5.7.99) | 2
Jones, Dr Lynne | 33
Jones, Mr Nigel | 20
Kumar, Dr Ashok | 28
Lait, Mrs Jacqui (discharged, 5.7.99) | 8
Taylor, Mr Ian (added, 30.11.98) | 21
Turner, Dr Desmond | 30
Williams, Dr Alan W | 20
Overall attendance: | 67.7 %
Number of Members added: | 2
Number of Members discharged: | 2
Turnover of membership during the Session: |
18 % |
Committee Clerk: Mrs Jessica Mulley, Senior Clerk (Band A2)
Committee Specialist: Mr Guy Rickett (Band A2)
Committee Assistant: Mrs Leonie Nugent, Higher Executive Officer
(Band B2)
Secretary: Mrs Julia Kalogerides, Secretary (Band D1), (until
31.3.99); Mrs Anna Browning (Band D1), (from 7.4.99)
Specialist Advisers during the Session
Mr Roger Baker, Professor Michael Brady, Professor Derek Burke,
Professor Michael Elves, Mr John Ivinson, Professor Alan Malcolm,
Professor Geoffrey Robinson, Ms Julie Sheppard.
Witnesses | |
Oral evidence was given during the Session by the following categories of witnesses:
| |
Number of appearances by:
| |
Cabinet Ministers
| 2 |
Other Ministers
| 5 |
Number of appearances by officials from, or representatives of:
| |
Office of Science and Technology
| 3 |
other departments
| 9 |
comprising: Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
| 1 |
Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions
| 2 |
Department of Health
| 3 |
Department of Trade and Industry
| 3 |
| |
public bodies and non-Ministerial departments
| 11 |
comprising: Advisory Committee on Novel Foods and Processes
| 2 |
Advisory Committee on Releases into the Environment
| 1 |
Chesterfield and North Derbyshire Royal Hospital NHS Trust
| 1 |
Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency
| 1 |
English Nature
| 2 |
Food Advisory Committee
| 1 |
National Radiological Protection Board
| 2 |
North Cheshire Health Authority
| 1 |
Appearances by other witnesses
| 57 |
Overseas Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
| Germany | 8
| 2 |
Inquiry into Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| £9,425.44
3-4.6.99 | Turkey
| 1* |
| Eureka Conference, Ankara
| £1,281.34
* Travel in a representative capacity
Visits to European Institutions
UK Visits
Date | Destination
| Members | Staff
| Purpose | Cost
28.4.99 | The Royal Society, London
| In connection with inquiry into The Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| £55.52
1.7.99 |
Research Council Headquarters, Swindon
| 4 |
2 | Briefing on the Role of the Research Councils
| £608.24
Reports and Minutes of Evidence
Title |
HC No.(1998-99)
| Date of
| No. of
| Sale price
| Government
Sixth Report (Session 1997-98): Science and the Comprehensive Spending Review
| 1040(1997-98)
| 1.12.98
| 21 |
£5.80 |
Received 9 February: published as First Special Report, Session 1998-99
First Report:Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-1 |
18.5.99 |
42 | £8.80
| Reply awaited
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-i |
17.3.99 |
18 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-ii
| 24.3.99
| 34 |
£8.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-iii
| 13.4.99
| 32 |
£8.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-iv
| 16.4.99
| 22 |
£6.20 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-v |
6.5.99 |
12 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-vi
| 6.5.99
| 10 |
£4.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-vii
| 12.5.99
| 22 |
£5.50 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 286-viii
| 12.5.99
| 12 |
£4.00 |
Not applicable
Second Report: National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
| 472 |
22.7.99 |
9 | £3.70
| Received 19 October: published as Second Special Report, Session 1998-99
Minutes of Evidence: National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
| 472-i |
1.7.99 |
21 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Third Report: The Scientific Advisory System: Mobile Phones and Health
| 489 |
22.9.99 |
| Reply awaited
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Mobile Phones and Health
| 489-i |
30.7.99 |
20 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Scientific Advisory System: Mobile Phones and Health
| 489-ii
| 30.7.99
| 22 |
£6.20 |
Not applicable
First Special Report: The Government's Response to the Committee's Sixth Report, Session 1997-98, Science and the Comprehensive Spending Review
| 234 |
23.2.99 |
7 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Second Special Report: The Government's Response to Committee's Second Report, The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
| 822 |
11.11.99 |
7 | £2.25
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-ii |
27.1.99 |
10 | £3.40
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-iii
| 3.2.99
| 15 |
£4.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-iv |
4.2.99 |
17 | £4.75
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-v |
10.2.99 |
21 | £5.50
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-vi |
16.2.99 |
13 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-vii
| 25.2.99
| 23 |
£6.20 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-viii
| 25.2.99
| 13 |
£4.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation
| 17-ix |
23.3.99 |
12 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Director General of the Research Councils
| 202-i |
23.3.99 |
15 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: Cortecs plc
| 332-i |
27.4.99 |
25 | £6.20
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The Year 2000-Computer Compliance: Follow-up
| 692-i |
2.9.99 |
12 | £4.00
| Not applicable
Minutes of Evidence: The Year 2000-Computer Compliance: Follow-up
| 692-ii
| 2.9.99
| 11 |
£4.00 |
Not applicable
Minutes of Proceedings
The Minutes of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1997-98
were published on 4.3.99 as HC 1175, Session 1997-987. The Minutes
of Proceedings of the Committee for Session 1998-99 will be published
HC 914, Session 1998-99.
Oral evidence was taken at 27 of the Committee's 40 meetings.
On none of these occasions was evidence taken partly or wholly
in private.
| No. of oral evidence sessions
| No. of memoranda received
| No. of memoranda received from
| No. of memoranda published
| No. of memoranda made available in the Record Office for public use and placed in the Library
| Govt. Departments
| executive agencies
| public bodies
Engineering and Physical Sciences Based Innovation*
| 9 |
40 | 3
| 0 |
2 | 9
| 0 |
Scientific Advisory System*
| 0 |
4 | 2
| 0 |
1 | 0
| 0 |
Scientific Advisory System: Genetically Modified Foods
| 8 |
73 | 6
| 1 |
11 | 70
| 18 |
Scientific Advisory System: Mobile Phones and Health
| 2 |
35 | 3
| 0 |
4 | 34
| 10 |
Scientific Advisory System: Diabetes and Driving Licences*
| 2 |
8 | 1
| 0 |
0 | 0
| 0 |
National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts
| 1 |
2 | 0
| 0 |
0 | 2
| 0 |
The Year 2000 - Computer Compliance: Follow-up
| 2 |
2 | 1
| 0 |
0 | 2
| 0 |
Regulation of the Biotechnology Industry
1 |
4 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
8 |
1 |
0 |
0 |
2 |
0 |
Total | 27
| 176
| 18
| 1
| 18 |
119 |
28 |
Includes non-Ministerial Departments
The Committee took
oral evidence and received memoranda for this inquiry in Session
1997-98; these figures are therefore incomplete
*The Committee did not complete its inquiry on this subject in
Session 1998-99; these figures are therefore incomplete