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House of Commons
Session 2000-01
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Summary Agenda Tuesday 9th January 2001

Here you can browse the House of Commons Summary Agenda for Tuesday 9th January 2001.

2.30 p.m. Prayers.
AfterwardsPrivate Business (without debate).
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Health.
3.30 p.m. Private Notice Questions, Ministerial Statements (if any).
AfterwardsPresentation of Bill (without debate).
Armed Forces Bill: Second Reading (may continue until 10.00 p.m.).
Armed Forces Bill (Programme Motion) (for up to 45 minutes).
Armed Forces Bill (Motion) (may continue until any hour if the 10.00 p.m. Business Motion is agreed to).
Electoral Commission (Motion for an Address) (for up to 1½ hours).
Tax Simplification (Joint Committee) (Motion) (may continue until any hour if the 10.00 p.m. Business Motion is agreed to).
Tax Simplification (Motion) (may continue until any hour if the 10.00 p.m. Business Motion is agreed to).
Children's Commissioner for Wales Bill (Motion) (may continue until any hour if the 10.00 p.m. Business Motion is agreed to).
Sittings in Westminster Hall (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
Select Committees (Joint Meetings) (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
Business of the House (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
Human Rights (Joint Committee) (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
Human Rights (Motion) (no debate after 10.00 p.m.).
At the end of the sittingAdjournment Debate: Impact of flooding at Selby (Mr John Grogan) (until 10.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later).

Sitting in Westminster Hall
Adjournment Debates:
9.30 a.m. Co-ordination of the Government's Youth Policy (Mr Vernon Coaker).
10.30 a.m. NHS in Somerset (Mr David Heath).
11.30 a.m. British Indian Ocean Territories (Mr Tam Dalyell).
12.30 p.m. Unit of student funding (Mr Tim Boswell).
1.00 p.m. Protection of the line of route for the A5225 (Mr Neil Turner).
1.30 p.m. Ringwood and the New Forest National Park (Mr Desmond Swayne) (until 2.00 p.m.).

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Prepared 9 January 2001