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House of Commons
Session 2000-01
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Summary Agendas and Orders of Business

Summary Agenda Thursday 18th January 2001

Here you can browse the House of Commons Summary Agenda for Thursday 18th January 2001.

11.30 a.m. Prayers.
AfterwardsPrivate Business (without debate).
Motion for Unopposed Return (without debate).
Oral Questions to the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry.
12.30 p.m. Private Notice Questions, Ministerial Statements (if any). (The Leader of the House is expected to announce future business and answer questions.)
AfterwardsPresentation of Bill (without debate).
Opposition Day: (1) Teacher Supply and Standards in Education; (2) Maintenance of an Adequate Police Force (may continue until 7.00 p.m.).
European Union Document (Motion) (without debate).
Deregulation Order (Motion for approval) (without debate).
Sittings in Westminster Hall (Motion) (no debate after 7.00 p.m.).
Select Committees (Joint Meetings) (Motion) (no debate after 7.00 p.m.).
Business of the House (Motion) (no debate after 7.00 p.m.).
At the end of the sittingAdjournment Debate: Young offenders in London (Dr Vincent Cable) (until 7.30 p.m. or for half an hour, whichever is later).

Sitting in Westminster Hall
Adjournment Debate:
2.30 p.m. The Greening Government Initiative—Fifth Report from the Environmental Audit Committee, Session 1999-2000, HC 341, and the Sixth Report from the Committee, Session 1998-99, HC 426, and the Government's response jointly thereto, Cm 4819 (until 5.30 p.m.).

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Prepared 18 January 2001