Criminal Justice and Police Bill - continued        House of Commons

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     1. Part I of Schedule 1 to the 1997 Act (appointment of core members of the Service Authorities) shall be amended in accordance with this Part.
     2. In paragraph 1 (number of core members), for "ten" there shall be substituted "eight".
     3. In paragraph 2 (three core members to be appointed by Secretary of State)-
    (a) in sub-paragraph (1), for "Three" there shall be substituted "At least three, and not more than four,";
    (b) in sub-paragraph (2)(c), the words "local authority" shall be omitted; and
    (c) in sub-paragraph (4) the words "in relation to the NCIS Service Authority" shall be omitted.
     4. In paragraph 3 (two core members to be chief officers of police forces in England and Wales etc.)-
    (a) in sub-paragraph (1) for "Two" there shall be substituted "One"; and
    (b) sub-paragraph (2) shall be omitted.
     5. In paragraph 4 (four core members to be local authority members of police authorities)-
    (a) in sub-paragraph (1)-
      (i) for "Four" there shall be substituted "One"; and
      (ii) the words "local authority" shall be omitted; and
    (b) sub-paragraph (2) shall be omitted.
     6. For paragraph 6 (one core member to be Crown servant appointed by Secretary of State) there shall be substituted-
    "6. - (1) The relevant number of core members shall be Crown servants appointed by the Secretary of State under this paragraph.
      (2) For this purpose "the relevant number" means-
    (a) if three core members are appointed under paragraph 2, two, and
    (b) if four core members are so appointed, one."
     7. After paragraph 6 (and immediately before the new paragraph 6B inserted by section 103 of this Act) there shall be inserted-
    "6A. One of the core members shall be a customs officer appointed by the Commissioners of Customs and Excise under this paragraph."
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