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Traffic (South Gloucestershire)

Mr. Webb: To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will set out the basis on which he has calculated changes in traffic levels in South Gloucestershire between 1998 and 1999; and if he will make a statement on the differences between the results produced by his methodology and the results arising from the council's automatic traffic counts. [141434]

Mr. Hill [holding answer 11 December 2000]: We have not attempted to calculate changes in traffic levels between years. Improvements to the way traffic flows are calculated at a local level means that the overall estimated traffic flow for South Gloucestershire has decreased, however the previous estimates are not on a comparable basis. This does not imply there has been an actual decrease in traffic levels, indeed the change is consistent with increased traffic counts at individual census points; rather it implies that previous estimates of overall traffic flow for South Gloucestershire were overstated.

In previous years traffic flow on road links that crossed a local authority boundary were attributed to the authority in which the traffic count took place. With the advantage of computer based mapping software my statisticians have been able to more accurately attribute traffic flow on such road links to the relevant authorities taking account of the length of road within each authority's boundary. It is clearly fairer and more accurate to end links at an authority boundary so that one authority does not artificially benefit from traffic on a length of road that falls within another authority.

Unfortunately for South Gloucestershire it previously benefited from several high flow links where part of the link lay in a neighbouring authority but the count site was in South Gloucestershire. It further benefited from a number of low flow links where the count was in a neighbouring authority and therefore previously did not affect the estimate for South Gloucestershire.

The traffic flow estimates recorded by the authority are in broad agreement with the traffic flow estimates from my Department's counts. Rather it is the more equitable

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split of cross boundary links that has led to an estimate for 1999 that is lower than that for 1998. This does not imply that traffic in South Gloucestershire has gone down but that previous estimates are likely to have been too high.

Cross-sectoral Bodies

Tony Wright: To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will list the local, sub-regional and regional partnerships, boards of zones and other cross-sectoral bodies supported by his Department; and the funding streams with which they are associated. [142185]

Ms Beverley Hughes: This information is not held centrally. Recent reports point to a wide range of formal, informal, statutory and non-statutory partnerships covering a wide range of interests. As a result, the Government are trying to encourage greater rationalisation. The recently issued draft guidance on local strategic partnerships is intended to encourage the development of a single co-ordinated framework for partnership arrangements at the local level. We have also set up the Regional Co-ordination Unit. The unit has recently published an action plan which sets out how the Government intend to modernise the way they work at regional and local level and improve the way services are delivered on the ground.

Crime and Disorder Act

Mr. Lidington: To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what resources he allocated to local authorities in (a) 1999-2000 and (b) 2000-01 to enable them to carry out the new duties imposed on them by section 17 of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998. [142448]

Ms Beverley Hughes [holding answer 12 December 2000]: It is not possible to specify a particular figure. In the Comprehensive Spending Review, the Government took into account the pressures on local government, including this one, as well as the scope for efficiencies. Spending plans from 1999-2000 onwards represent our view of the appropriate level of local government funding in the round. The Government increased general block grant to local authorities by £1.5 billion in each of the years 1999-2000 and 2000-01. General grant is not hypothecated, and it is not possible to identify how much has been included to meet individual burdens and pressures.

Housing Green Paper

Helen Jones: To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions what plans he has to implement the proposals in the Housing Green Paper, "Quality and Choice: A Decent Home for All?". [142561]

Mr. Prescott: Our Housing Green Paper was widely acknowledged as the most comprehensive Government review of housing for 23 years. We are tody publishing a policy statement, "Quality and Choice: A decent home for all--the way forward for housing". This sets out our plans for taking forward the proposals in the Green Paper, taking account of the views expressed during consultation. New legislation is a key part of those plans, and they are backed by the significant increase in resources for housing announced in July.

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There was widespread support for our proposals. Only seven out of more than 1,000 respondents disagreed fundamentally with our aims and principles.

Broadly, we are taking forward the proposals in the way we set out in the Green Paper. In a number of cases we have modified proposals to reflect suggestions or concerns raised in the consultation process.

Decent homes are an essential requirement for all. They improve health and educational achievement. They have a major impact on the quality of our lives and on the strength of our communities.

In taking forward the proposals in the Green Paper, we are implementing a comprehensive policy that will help us to meet our aim to offer everyone the opportunity of a decent home.

Housing policies are an integral part of our broader agenda to tackle poverty and social exclusion and to regenerate the most deprived areas. Our Housing Green Paper and today's policy statement complement the National Strategy for Neighbourhood Renewal and our Urban and Rural White Papers, which together establish a framework for improving the quality of life and promoting sustainable communities.

Our policies will deliver improvements in quality and choice for everyone, regardless of their circumstances.

For the majority of people in this country who already own their own homes, or who aspire to home ownership, we are:

For people who rent in the private sector, we are:

The Green Paper set out our policies for the future of social housing, provided at affordable rents by local authorities and registered social landlords. We see a continuing role for social housing in providing decent homes for individuals and families who cannot afford the costs of buying their own home or renting in the private sector in the short or long term. Our strategy will

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modernise social housing, turning it into a tenure which offers quality and choice and promotes sustainable communities by:

We are also implementing a 10-year plan to move to a fairer, more coherent system for setting rents in the social housing sector, complementing our drive to improve the quality and supply of affordable housing and to give tenants more choice. We have modified the proposals in the Green Paper in the light of respondents' views. The key elements are:

My right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Social Security has also announced action to improve the delivery of Housing Benefit. We are:

Our strategy also incudes action to tackle social exclusion and protect vulnerable people, including:

All of our measures are backed up where necessary by our spending plans for the next three years, which we announced in July. They build on the additional investment which has already been released through our Capital Receipts Initiative and the 1998 Comprehensive Spending Review.

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In 1997, we inherited capital spending plans for housing of just £1.5 billion. We increased investment in 1997-98 and have increased it year-on-year since then. This year (2000-01) capital investment is already double the level we inherited in 1997. It will continue to rise to over £4 billion by 2003-04 including, over the next three years:

Our housing strategy sets a national framework. It promotes local implementation, recognising diversity and varying conditions. Local authorities have a key role to play as strategic housing bodies serving their communities and delivering the policies that ensure the social, economic and environmental well-being of their areas.

We have set out in our statement a comprehensive approach to housing policy. We must now move forward to implement these policies. I look forward to working with our partners in the public, private and voluntary sectors to ensure that everyone has the opportunity of a decent home.

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