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Mr. Gordon Prentice: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department how many statutes enacted prior to (a) 1997, (b) 1995 and (c) 1990 have sections which have not yet come into force. [146237]

Mr. Lock: The information requested is not immediately available and cannot at present be provided other than at disproportionate cost.

Departmental Policies (Slough)

Fiona Mactaggart: To ask the Parliamentary Secretary, Lord Chancellor's Department if he will set out, with statistical information relating as directly as possible to the Slough constituency, the effects on Slough of his Department's policies and actions since 2 May 1997. [146934]

Jane Kennedy: The Department has approved eight schemes to improve security, facilities for the disabled and general accommodation at Slough magistrates court. The cost of these schemes was approximately £180,000.

The Slough Community Legal Service Partnership (CLSP) is one of 160 CLSPs throughout England and Wales. Throughout the constituency 12 solicitors firms and two Not For Profit organisations have been awarded contracts. The following organisations have received funding amounting to the contract value of £633,950.58:

25 Jan 2001 : Column: 668W

All the organisations listed here are holders of the CLS Quality Mark at Specialist Level.

Shelter also offers General Help for Welfare Benefits. A further seven organisations in Slough have applied for (or committed to apply for) the CLS Quality Mark at General Help with casework level. These areas are

A further four organisations in Slough have applied for (or are committed to apply for) the CLS Quality Mark at General Help level in areas including:

One Organisation that offers Mediation services in Slough is listed in the CLS Directory.

Four organisations in Slough have applied for (or are committed to apply for) the CLS Quality Mark at Assisted Information level.


Regional Development Agencies

Mr. Loughton: To ask the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions if he will provide a list of offices maintained by the regional development

25 Jan 2001 : Column: 669W

agencies outside England; when they were opened; how many staff are employed in each; and what the cost is to each. [145727]

Ms Armstrong [holding answer 16 January 2001]: The table sets out the offices currently maintained by the Regional Development Agencies outside England, with details of when they were opened, how many staff are employed in each and what the annual cost is to each.

25 Jan 2001 : Column: 670W

Some of the offices predate the RDAs and have been inherited by the inward investment arm of the RDAs.

The table also shows details of other overseas inward investment activity undertaken by RDAs that is being delivered via appointed representatives or marketing agents, which do not incur office costs. Partnership and collaborative working means that the funding from RDAs is greatly enhanced and achieves improved value for money.

25 Jan 2001 : Column: 669W

RDA/ Office location OpenedNumber of employeesAnnual cost to RDAs Other comments
Yorkshire Forward:
Asia Pacific Japan19832 full time£130,000
North West Development Agency:
Asia Pacific JapanLate 1980s2 part time£50,000Also have Marketing Agents since 1993 operating in Taiwan (£20,000)
Advantage West Midlands:
Europe BrusselsNovember 20006 full time£170,000Brussels office is a joint office with West Midlands Local Government Association, Higher Education and others. The total cost is £500,000. Also have one rep in Germany since September 2000, that incurs salary costs only of £80,000.
Asia PacificOne part time rep in Taiwan since April 1998, incurring salary costs only of £40,000; two part time agents in Korea since April 1996, incurring salary costs only of £20,000. From January 2001 six month contract for one rep in Australia incurring salary costs of £65,000.
East of England Development Agency:
EuropeContribute 4 per cent. of total cost of office to East of England European Partnership Office in Brussels. The office is sponsored by local authorities and the seven TECS in the region. EEDA's contribution is £12,000.
North AmericaEast of England Investment Agency, who carry out inward investment on behalf of EEDA, have a number of strategic alliances overseas, but at negligible cost. There is one part time marketing agent in the USA at an annual cost of £5,000.
East Midlands Development Agency:
North AmericaJanuary 1998- September 20001 full time£90,000 to September 2000From October 2000, became a collaborative office with West Midlands.
EuropeAlso have two part time agents operating in Germany, incurring salary costs of £28,000
Asia PacificOne part time agent in Taiwan, incurring salary costs of £35,000. Two part time agents in Korea, incurring salary costs of £15,000.
South East of England Development Agency:
Europe BrusselsSeptember 20001 full time£50,000Collaborative office with South east local authorities.
South West of England Regional Development Agency:
Asia Pacific Japan19903 full time
North America(5)£174,000Also have five staff working from their homes in Sonoma California, Chicago, and Boston. The total cost of American and Japanese operations is £565,000 (£391,000 from public and private sector partners)
One North East:
Asia Pacific
Japan19742 full time£200,000
Korea19901 x 0.5£30,000
Taiwan19891 full time£45,000
North of England Collaborative Office:
North America (Chicago, Boston(7), Atlanta, West Coast(7))October 200015 full time (projected)£500,000Joint operation between; One North East, North West Development Agency and Yorkshire Forward Official Launch February 2001. Total cost of the Collaborative Office is £1 million. 50 per cent. of costs come from other public and private sector funding. Balance met equally between the three RDAs. Operations in Boston and Altanta predate the establishment of the Collaborative Office
Midlands Collaborative US Office:
North America4 full time£330,000
ChicagoOctober 2000Joint operation between East and West Midlands.
San Diego PittsburghOctober 2000 May 1992Cost is shared 50:50 to each RDA--includes UK seconded staff costs
Midlands Collaborative Japanese Office:
Asia Pacific Japan19972 full time 1 part time£200,000As above
London First Centre:
Please note that London First Centre are a private company limited by guarantee, and they carry out inward investment promotion on behalf of London Development Agency.
Asia PacificNo overseas offices, however do use consultants/agents in selected locations. 0.5 of two people in Taiwan since 1998, cost £22,500. 0.5 of one person in Korea since 1998, cost £7,500.
North AmericaTwo agents in USA since 1996, cost £165,000.

(5) Combined cost of American and Japanese operations

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25 Jan 2001 : Column: 671W

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