Index for Volume 359continued
A B Bo C Co D E F G H Hu I J K L M Mo N O P Pu Q R Ru S Sq T U V W X Y Z
McCabe, Mr Stephen
McCartney, Rt Hon Ian, Minister of State, Cabinet Office
British Irish Intergovernmental Conference 243w
Drugs, Rehabilitation 164w
Official publications, Cabinet Office 47w
McDonnell, Mr John
Debates etc.
McIntosh, Miss Anne
Churches, Repairs and maintenance 22w
Debts, Developing countries 796
Manufacturing industries 247w
Tourism, Coastal areas 338-9
McIsaac, Shona
Tucano aircraft, Training 275w
McKenna, Mrs Rosemary
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Crime (12.12.00) 531-2
Mackinlay, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Nice Summit (EC) (11.12.00) 364
Maclennan, Rt Hon Robert
Dounreay, Nuclear fuels 286w
Equal opportunities, Dept for Education and Employment 236w
Equal opportunities, Home Office 265-7w
Equal opportunities, Ministry of Defence 70-1w
Government departments, Equal opportunities 244-5w
McLoughlin, Mr Patrick
Debates etc.
Downing, Stephen, Points of order (15.12.00) 899
Queen's speech, Crime (12.12.00) 508
Criminal Cases Review Commission, Administrative delays 61-3w
McNamara, Mr Kevin
British Irish Intergovernmental Conference 243w
Equal opportunities, Foreign and Commonwealth Office 226-8w
McNulty, Mr Tony, Lord Commissioner of Her Majesty's Treasury
Debates etc.
Human embryo experiments (15.12.00) 939
MacShane, Mr Denis
Debates etc.
Ministerial statement intervention (11.12.00) 357
Nice Summit (EC) (11.12.00) 366
Queen's speech, Economic policy (13.12.00) 662, 665, 690, 691, 697, 710, 712, 715-6, 722-3, 729
Queen's speech, Foreign policy (11.12.00) 386
Mactaggart, Fiona
Debates etc.
Human embryo experiments (15.12.00) 916-8
Pakistan, Foreign relations 119w
McWalter, Mr Tony
Madel, Sir David
Debates etc.
Vauxhall Motors, Luton (13.12.00) 647
Magistrates' courts
Mahon, Mrs Alice
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Health services (07.12.00) 149
Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, Annual reports 1w
Maiden speeches
Bailey, Adrian (13.12.00) 705-8
Hendrick, Mark (11.12.00) 413-5
Robertson, John (12.12.00) 553-5
Genetically modified organisms 219w
Major, Rt Hon John
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Economic policy (13.12.00) 685-93
Malins, Mr Humfrey
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Crime (12.12.00) 513-4
Mallaber, Judy
Debates etc.
Vauxhall Motors, Luton (13.12.00) 653
Textiles, Redundancy 630-1
Mandelson, Rt Hon Peter, Secretary of State for Northern Ireland
Official publications, Northern Ireland Office 128w, 228w
Manufacturing industries
Maples, Mr John
Debates etc.
Nice Summit (EC) (11.12.00) 368
Queen's speech, Economic policy (13.12.00) 677
European security and defence identity 298w
Marek, Dr John
Convictions, Speed governors 181w
English Tourism Council 42w
Marriage of convenience
Marsden, Mr Gordon
Blackpool, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 292-3w
Blackpool, Dept of Social Security 212-3w
Blackpool, Dept of Trade and Industry 137w
Blackpool, Lord Chancellor's Dept 240-1w
Regional development agencies 250-1w
Marsden, Mr Paul
Maternity leave
Maternity services
Mates, Mr Michael
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Health services (07.12.00) 170-1, 200-3
Maude, Rt Hon Francis
Debates etc.
Oral question time intervention (12.12.00) 470
Queen's speech, Foreign policy (11.12.00) 373, 387-95
Bosnia-Herzegovina, Elections 30w
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia 29w
Mawhinney, Rt Hon Sir Brian
Debates etc.
Maxton, Mr John
Debates etc.
Telecommunications (12.12.00) 487-8
May, Mrs Theresa
Debates etc.
Further education, Agriculture 233w
Higher education, Finance 277-8w
Higher education, Per capita costs 234w
Learning and Skills Council for England 233-4w
Manpower, Dept for Education and Employment 81-2w
Research, Dept for Education and Employment 82w
Meacher, Rt Hon Michael, Minister for the Environment, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions
Bradwell power station, Radioactive wastes 287w
Climate change levy, Carbon dioxide 197w
Dounreay, Nuclear fuels 286w
Natural gas, Explosions 283-5w
Tipping of waste, Health hazards 24w
Waste management, Local authorities 198w
Meat Hygiene Service
Medical treatments
Merron, Ms Gillian
Learning and Skills Council for England 238w
Productivity, Lincoln 787
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus
Metropolitan Police
Michael, Rt Hon Alun
Debates etc.
Somaliland, Politics and government 474
Michie, Mr Bill
Debates etc.
Local government finance 635
Michie, Mrs Ray
Debates etc.
Public Accounts Committee (14.12.00) 835, 849
Middle East
Midland Metro
Milburn, Rt Hon Alan, Secretary of State for Health
Debates etc.
Queen's speech, Health services (07.12.00) 135-43, 146-7
Tobacco Advertising and Promotion Bill, 1R (14.12.00) 823
Millennium Exhibition
Millennium Experience
see New Millennium Experience
Miller, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Telecommunications (12.12.00) 491
Vauxhall Motors, Luton (13.12.00) 650
National measurement system 2-3w
Minimum wage
Ministerial statements
EC enlargement (11.12.00) 349-69
Nice Summit (EC) (11.12.00) 349-69
Telecommunications (12.12.00) 481-94
Vauxhall Motors (13.12.00) 641-56
Rulings and statements (12.12.00) 495
Ministry of Defence
Equal opportunities 70-1w
Ministry of Defence Police
Missing persons
Mitchell, Mr Austin
Television, Digital broadcasting 137-8w