Index for Volume 361continued
A Ap B Be Bo Bu C Ci Co Cr D Di E Et F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Is J K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sp Sq Sw T Ti U V W Wo X Y Z
Kaufman, Rt Hon Gerald
Channel Four Television 643-4
Keeble, Ms Sally
Northern Ireland government 639w
Keetch, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Defence, Points of order (18.01.01) 526
Individual learning accounts 325w
Pensioners, Christmas bonus 83w
Refugees, Administrative delays 722w
Kelly, Ms Ruth
Debates etc.
Teachers, Manpower (18.01.01) 530
Telephone services, Publicity 316-7w
Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles
Ministers, Codes of practice 917-8
Northern Ireland government 918
Kennedy, Jane, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 392w
Divorce, Information services 219-20w
Family conciliation services 392w
Immigration Appeal Tribunal, North East region 575w
Legal aid, Fees and charges 395w
Magistrates' courts, Liverpool 222w
Market research, Lord Chancellor's Dept 575-6w
Marriage guidance, Finance 220-1w
Public Guardianship Office 395w
Public Trust Office, Compensation 394-5w
Public Trust Office, Consultants 393-4w
Public Trust Office, Manpower 393-4w
Repossession orders, Mortgages 467-8w
Slough, Lord Chancellor's Dept 667-8w
Export credit guarantees 240-1w
Key, Mr Robert
Debates etc.
Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Access to Information) (England) Regulations (23.01.01) 877, 879-81
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Royal Naval Hospital Haslar (24.01.01) 309wh
Armed forces, Working hours 576-7w
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 540-1w
Uranium, Firing ranges 298w
Waterloo-Exeter railway line 527-8w
Kidney, Mr David
Air force, Deployment 228w
Industrial relations, EC action 498
Licensing laws, Reform 214w
Winter fuel payments 385w
Kilfoyle, Mr Peter
Ballistic missile defence, USA 146w, 170w
Central Office of Information, Royal family 176-7w
Criminal proceedings 129w
Departmental expenditure limits, National Assembly for Wales 533w
Hospitals, Consultants 149w
Magistrates' courts, Liverpool 222w
Manpower, Dept of Trade and Industry 617w
Manufacturing industries, North West region 124w
Ministers, Official visits 342w
National Crime Squad, Early retirement 271w
National Lottery, Grants 131w
National Lottery, Merseyside 696w
North West Development Agency 192w
Pensioners, Social security benefits 197w
Redundancy, North West region 428-9w
Roll-on roll-off ships, Procurement 146w
Schools, Public private partnerships 439w
Sierra Leone, Democracy 29w
Slaughterhouses, Prosecutions 141w
Social Exclusion Unit, Drugs 75w
Social security benefits, Abuse 383-4w
Social security benefits, Publicity 466-7w
South Africa, Overseas aid 6w
Students, Fees and charges 173w
Tax evasion, Prosecutions 126w
Trade competitiveness 125w
Train operating companies, Fines 17-8w
Kimbell, Harriet
King, Mr Andy
Defence equipment, Procurement 17
Security, Northern Ireland 912
King, Rt Hon Tom
Debates etc.
Manufacturing industries (24.01.01) 930
Kingham, Ms Tess
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Cystic fibrosis (16.01.01) 62-7wh
Baby care units, Gloucestershire 688w
Floods, Telephone services 597-8w
Public footpaths, Disabled 738w
Western Sahara, Peace negotiations 556w
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
Debates etc.
Vaccination of Children (Parental Choice) Bill, 1R (17.01.01) 348
Kirkwood, Mr Archy
Debates etc.
Better government programme, Elderly (16.01.01) 319-22
Parliament, Security 414w
Tax allowances, Community development 705-6w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 557-8w
Knight Piesold
Royal Ulster Constabulary 774w
Kumar, Dr Ashok
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Aviation, Deep vein thrombosis (16.01.01) 17wh
Manufacturing industries, Northern region (24.01.01) 257-61wh, 270wh