Index for Volume 361continued
A Ap B Be Bo Bu C Ci Co Cr D Di E Et F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I Is J K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pr Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sp Sq Sw T Ti U V W Wo X Y Z
Squire, Ms Rachel
Defence Diversification Agency 143-4w
Self-assessment of tax 127w
Sri Lanka
Stakeholder pensions
Standards Fund
Newcastle upon Tyne 72-3w
Starkey, Dr Phyllis
State retirement pensions
State second pension
Statute law
Steen, Mr Anthony
Debates etc.
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 58w
Prison Service, Devon 614w
Steinberg, Mr Gerry
Debates etc.
Hunting Bill, Com (17.01.01) 410
Animal experiments, Licensing 715w
Community service orders, Habitual offenders 725w
Housing associations, City of Durham 609w
National Lottery, North East region 696w
Road works, North East region 738-40w
Steiner Schools Foundation
Stevenson, Mr George
Ceramics, Trade promotion 625w
Industrial diseases, Compensation 625-6w
Transport, Stoke on Trent 740w
Stewart, Mr David
Pension rights, Part-time employment 507w
Stewart, Mr Ian
Meningitis, Vaccination 51w
Stewart Group
see Independent Expert Group on Mobile Phones
Stinchcombe, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Hunting Bill, Com (17.01.01) 445-6
Prison Service, Sick leave 87-9w
Prison Service, Training 89-91w
Prisoners, Rehabilitation 94-6w
Stoate, Dr Howard
Debates etc.
Hunting, Points of order (17.01.01) 352
Bedford Hospital, Dead bodies 207-8
Stoke on Trent
Stop and search
Straw, Rt Hon Jack, Secretary of State for the Home Dept
Debates etc.
Criminal Justice and Police Bill, 1R (18.01.01) 528
House of Commons (Removal of Clergy Disqualification) Bill, 1R (25.01.01) 1093
Annual reports, Home Office 120w
Data protection, Personal records 352w
Electronic surveillance, Fees and charges 210-1w
Immunity certificates 215w
Intelligence services, Disclosure of information 91w
Interception warrants, Complaints 496-7w
Investigatory Powers Tribunal, Public appointments 496w
Local government finance, Home Office 714w
Market research, Home Office 720w
National Children's Home 770w
Police grant, Rural areas 485w
Public expenditure, Home Office 120w
Terrorism, Immigration controls 106w
Travelling people, Correspondence 486w
Streeter, Mr Gary
El Salvador, Earthquakes 22-4
West Indies Guardship 424w
Stringer, Mr Graham, Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office
Electronic government 335
Public Appointments Commissioner 286w
Regulatory impact assessments 286w
Stuart, Ms Gisela, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Helme Chase Maternity Unit (23.01.01) 233-8wh
Hospitals, Isle of Sheppey (24.01.01) 301-6wh
Royal Shrewsbury Hospital, Buildings (16.01.01) 49-53wh
Accident and emergency departments, Admissions 598w
Ambulance services, Emergency calls 509w
Ambulance services, Standards 510-1w
Baby care units, Gloucestershire 688w
Community health councils 687-8w
Drug treatment and testing orders 248-9w
Herbal medicine, EC action 155-6w
Hospital beds, Somerset 512-3w
London Ambulance Service, Pay 600w
Medical records, Information technology 509-10w
Members, Correspondence 688w
NHS, Economic and monetary union 690w
Paramedical staff, Medical treatments 150-1w
Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service 50w
Soft drinks, Side effects 600w
Written questions, Administrative delays 436w
Wycombe and Amersham General Hospital 432w
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Radioactive wastes, Waste management 677w
Sub-Saharan Africa
Suckler cow premiums
Politics and government 33w
Sudden adult death syndrome
Sugar beet
Supported employment programme
Sure start programme
Coal Authority (15.01.01) 174-80
Sustainable development