Index for Volume 363continued
A An B Bi Br By C Ci Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I J K L Lo M Me Mo N O P Pl Pu Q R Ri Ry S Si Sp Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Planning permission
Fats and Proteins UK 335w
Woodfold Hall and Park 678w
Polegate bypass
Peace keeping operations 475-6w
Working families tax credit 745w
Political impartiality
Political parties
Political refugees
Politics and government
Democratic Republic of Congo 264-5w
Pollard, Mr Kerry
Debates etc.
Railway network, Petitions (15.02.01) 556
Pollution control
Pond, Mr Chris
Proscribed organisations 708-9w
Racial discrimination, Public bodies 237w
Portillo, Mr Michael
Post offices
Postal services
Postal Services Act 2000 (Determination of Turnover for Penalties) Order 2001
Postnatal depression
Pound, Mr Stephen
Debates etc.
Hunting Bill, Allocation of time motion, Rep and 3R (27.02.01) 839
Railways, Freight (12.02.01) 132
Business, Government assistance 78-9w
Departmental expenditure limits, Cabinet Office 593-4w
Sheltered housing, Fees and charges 16-7w
Prentice, Ms Bridget
Debates etc.
Administration of justice (26.02.01) 594
Children's tax credit 765w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept of Social Security 596-7w
Environment Agency, Greater London 1-2w
Northern Ireland government 695w
Pensioners, Income support 597w
Tipping of waste, Greater London 2w
Waste disposal, Prosecutions 2-3w
Waste management, Licensing 314w
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Debates etc.
Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy and Creutzfeld Jakob Disease Inquiry (15.02.01) 497
Foot and mouth disease (26.02.01) 610
Appointments Commission 171w
Armed forces, Malaria 196w
Aviation, Government assistance 448
British Irish Council 690w
Churches, Repairs and maintenance 580-1
Hill farming, Subsidies 501w
Judiciary, Disciplinary proceedings 576w
Liquefied petroleum gas, Gas cylinders 138w
Pendle, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 223-5w
Pendle, Dept for Education and Employment 95w
Pendle, Dept of Social Security 547-8w
Pendle, Dept of Trade and Industry 138-9w
Petrol alternatives, Grants 116-7w
Planning permission, Greenbelt 214w
Rolls-Royce, Government assistance 707w
Working families tax credit, Farmers 25w
Prescott, Rt Hon John, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for the Environment Transport and the Regions
Debates etc.
Railways, Ministerial statements (28.02.01) 960-71
Coalfields Regeneration Trust 158w
Departmental expenditure limits, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 328-32w
North West Development Agency, Cumbria 105w
Regional government 150-3
Prescription drugs
President of the Council
Departmental expenditure limits 573w
Ministerial policy advisors 573w
Press releases
Dept for Education and Employment 382w
Dept for International Development 527w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 458w
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 506w
Preventive medicine
Primarolo, Ms Dawn, Paymaster General
Debates etc.
Capital gains tax, Exemptions 102w
Children's tax credit, Lancashire 517w
Children's tax credit, North West region 765w
Children's tax credit, South West region 764w
Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species 523-4w
Customs and Excise, Departmental expenditure limits 303-4w
Departmental expenditure limits, Treasury 302-3w
Diesel fuel, Rural areas 102w
EC external trade, Israel 524w
Income tax, Tax rates and bands 713w
Inland Revenue, Departmental expenditure limits 302w
Lone parents, Employment 765w
Married personal allowance 524w
National insurance contributions 523w, 642w
National insurance contributions, Rebates 104-5w
Personal income, Scotland 640-1w
Self-assessment of tax 768w
Self-employed contributions 515w
Taxation, Widowed people 642-3w
VAT, Listed buildings 102w
Working families tax credit, Farmers 25w
Working families tax credit, Northern Ireland 712w
Working families tax credit, Small businesses 25w, 104w
Working families tax credit, Wales 766w
Working families tax credit, Widowed people 103w
Primary education
Primary health care
Prime Minister
Ministerial policy advisors 172w
Official hospitality 339w
Prior, Mr David
Debates etc.
Rural Community Public Transport Bill, 1R (13.02.01) 163-5
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Prison accommodation
Prison governors
Prison Service
Prison visitors
Prisoner escapes
Prisoners of war
Prisoners' release
Opposition days (12.02.01) 37-79
Private bills
Standing orders (28.02.01) 883-90
Private finance initiative
Private sector
Channel Four Television 595w
European fighter aircraft 562w
Property development
Proscribed organisations
Offences against children 531-2w
Prosser, Mr Gwyn