Index for Volume 364continued
A Ap B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Lo M Me Mo N O P Pr Q R Ru S Si Sp Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Dairy farming
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Debates etc.
Macedonia, Points of order (12.03.01) 627-8
Macedonia, Standing Order No 24 applications (06.03.01) 153
Animal experiments, Intimidation 617-8
British constitution, Departmental responsibilities 723w
Exservicemen, Medical examinations 177w
Macedonia, Armed conflict 75w
Social security benefits, Widowed people 66-7w
Dando, Jill
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Social Security
Means tested benefits 16-8
Northern Ireland Executive, Dept of Social Security 169w
Social security benefits, Abuse 3-7
Darvill, Mr Keith
Metropolitan Police, Recruitment 612-3
Data protection
Child Support Agency 172w
Data Protection Act 1998
Davey, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Abandoned vehicles (05.03.01) 127-8, 130
Blood transfusion services 593w
Davey, Mrs Valerie
Regional development agencies 367w
Davidson, Mr Ian
Social security benefits, Abuse 460w
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil
Debates etc.
Nice Summit (EC), Finance 392w
Davies, Geraint
Debates etc.
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill, 2R (16.03.01) 1333
Davis, Rt Hon David
Debates etc.
Standing committees, Points of order (09.03.01) 528
NHS, Maladministration 378w
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (15.03.01) 1217
Day, Mr Stephen
Debates etc.
Criminal Justice and Police Bill, Parliamentary procedure (12.03.01) 728
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Day care
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 651-2w
Dee estuary
Foot and mouth disease 565w
Defence Analytical Services Agency
Defence Bills Agency
Defence Dental Agency
Defence equipment
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
Public private partnerships 409w
Defence Medical Services
Defence Medical Training Organisation
Defence Procurement Agency
Defence Secondary Care Agency
Democratic Republic of Congo
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Acute beds, Rural areas 586w
Authorised Persons (Sterilisers) Registration Panel 114-5w
Blood transfusion services 593w
Cancer, Medical profession 623-4w
Community health councils 241w
Community hospitals, Lymington 328-9w
Creutzfeldt-Jakob dementia, Blood transfusions 112w, 371w
Cystic fibrosis, Screening 373-4w
Doctors' list of patients, Elderly 623w
Doncaster Health Authority, Finance 620-1w
East Surrey Health Authority, Finance 241-2w
Freeman Group of Hospitals NHS Trust, Medical equipment 594-5w
Freeman Group of Hospitals NHS Trust, Private finance initiative 595-6w
General practitioners 805-8
Health action zones, Camden 625w
Health services, Islington 378w
King George Hospital Ilford 585w
Medical equipment, Contamination 717-8w
Midwives, Correspondence 323w
NHS, Ancillary staff 245w
NHS, Conditions of employment 244w
NHS, Maladministration 378w
NHS Modernisation Fund 585w
NHS trusts, Expenditure 594w
Nottingham City Hospital, Breast cancer 801-2
Paediatrics, Pathology 327w
Trent Health Region, Finance 379-85w
Weston Hospital, Waiting lists 419w
Wigan and Bolton Health Authority, Finance 818
Dental services
Departmental coordination
Departmental responsibilities
British constitution 723w
Ministry of Defence 21-2w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 556w
State retirement pensions 64w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Dept for Education and Employment
Community development 557w
Washington Tyne and Wear 560w
Dept for International Development
Dept of Health
Non-departmental public bodies 109w
Official hospitality 109w
Planning obligations 591w
Dept of Social Security
Northern Ireland Executive 169w
Washington Tyne and Wear 573-5w
Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions
Washington Tyne and Wear 680w
Dept of Trade and Industry
Community development 453w
Information technology 643w
Private finance initiative 642w
Washington Tyne and Wear 543w
Detection rates
Detention Centre Rules 2001
Developing countries
Conditions of employment 664w
Devonport Dockyard