Index for Volume 364continued
A Ap B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Lo M Me Mo N O P Pr Q R Ru S Si Sp Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Gale, Mr Roger
Debates etc.
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill, 2R (16.03.01) 1298-9
Standing committees, Points of order (09.03.01) 526
Firing ranges, Foulness Island 177w
Radioactive wastes, Shoeburyness 754w
Social Security Benefits Agency, Information technology 167-8w
Uranium, Shoeburyness 506w
Gapes, Mike
Defence Medical Training Organisation, Standards 283-4w
King George Hospital Ilford 585w
Garages and petrol stations
Gardiner, Mr Barry
Debates etc.
Transplant of Human Organs Bill, 2R adjourned (16.03.01) 1347
Criminal proceedings, Disclosure of information 415-6
Social security benefits, Abuse 5-6
Sub-Saharan Africa, Armed conflict 656-7w
Tuberculosis, Vaccination 183-4w
Garnier, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Criminal Justice and Police Bill, Rep and 3R (14.03.01) 1065-9, 1072
Sittings in Westminster Hall
County courts, Closures 703-4w
Crown Prosecution Service, Wales 413-4
Legal Services Commission, Solicitors 704w
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority
Gas Supply
Gateshead and South Tyneside Health Authority
General Agreement on Trade in Services
General certificate of secondary education
Vocational education 723w
General practitioners
General Service Medal
Genetically modified organisms
George, Andrew
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Acute beds, Rural areas 586w
Education, Local education authorities 726w
Regional selective assistance, Cornwall 137w
Gerrard, Mr Neil
Satellite communications, Baldock 671-2w
Gibb, Mr Nick
Debates etc.
Copyright Etc and Trade Marks (Offences and Enforcement) Bill, 2R adjourned (09.03.01) 581-2, 586-92
Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations (14.03.01) 1133-4
Carbon dioxide, Air pollution 654w, 744w
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, Expenditure 163w
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, Vacancies 672w
Health centres, Bognor Regis 593w
Natural gas, Storage 672w
Public sector net cash requirement 553-4w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 138w
Sellafield, Quality control 458w
European Parliament elections 393w, 599w
Gibson, Dr Ian
Debates etc.
Animal experiments, Intimidation 615-6
Foot and mouth disease 289w
Transmissible encephalopathies, Testing 338w
Gidley, Sandra
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Southampton Airport 51-2w
Gift aid
Gifts and endowments
Gill, Mr Christopher
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (15.03.01) 1218
Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations (14.03.01) 1144-5
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 639w
Civil servants, Early retirement 430w
EC budget, Contributions 402w
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 564w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 484w
Gibraltar, European Parliament elections 393w
Members, Correspondence 323-4w
White fish, North Sea 483w
Gillan, Mrs Cheryl
Debates etc.
International Development Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (06.03.01) 166, 238-43,245
Sittings in Westminster Hall
International Criminal Court, Armed forces 755-6w
Zimbabwe, Arms trade 1009
Gilroy, Linda
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism 1031
Tanzania, Overseas aid 659w
Regional selective assistance 138-9w
Godman, Dr Norman A
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Kosovo, Overseas aid 656w
Winter fuel payments, Correspondence 292-3w
Winter fuel payments, Renfrewshire 267w
Goggins, Paul
Debates etc.
International Development Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (06.03.01) 220-3
Sittings in Westminster Hall
UN Commission on Human Rights (07.03.01) 88-92wh
Northern Ireland Executive, Dept of Social Security 169w
Social security benefits, Abuse 168-9w
Gold and foreign exchange reserves
Golding, Mrs Llin
Debates etc.
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill, 2R (16.03.01) 1295, 1302-3
Gorman, Mrs Teresa
Debates etc.
Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations (14.03.01) 1134, 1142-4
Gorrie, Mr Donald
Criminal records, Voluntary work 610
Government departments
Government securities
Government Trading Funds Act 1973
Debates etc.
Grammar schools
Grant maintained schools
Gray, Mr James
Debates etc.
Criminal Justice and Police Bill, Parliamentary procedure (12.03.01) 730
Foot and mouth disease (15.03.01) 1212
Foot and mouth disease, Points of order (15.03.01) 1227
Great Eastern Railway
Greater London
Dept of Trade and Industry 39w
Housing investment programmes 253w
New deal for lone parents 444w
New deal for young people 444w
Greater London Authority
Greater Manchester
Green, Mr Damian
Debates etc.
High Hedges Bill, 2R (09.03.01) 568-73
Greenway, Mr John
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Local broadcasting (13.03.01) 205-8wh
Commonwealth Games, Manchester 329w, 567w
Exercise, Professional organisations 206w
Foot and mouth disease, Zoos 564w
Physical education, Standards 445-6w
Sports, Departmental coordination 206w
Grieve, Mr Dominic
Debates etc.
Speaker, Elections (13.03.01) 973-8
Official visits, Scotland 199w
Griffiths, Jane
Debates etc.
Abandoned vehicles (05.03.01) 123-6
Griffiths, Mr Nigel
Defence equipment, Procurement 509w, 602w
Defence Procurement Agency 601w
Defence Procurement Agency, Standards 600-1w
National Air Traffic Services, Public private partnerships 57-8w
Griffiths, Mr Win
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (15.03.01) 1213-4
Crime prevention, Wales 264w
Working families tax credit 155w
Zimbabwe, Politics and government 1008
Grogan, Mr John
Gypsy sites refurbishment grant 635-6w