Index for Volume 364continued
A Ap B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Lo M Me Mo N O P Pr Q R Ru S Si Sp Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Habitual offenders
Hague, Rt Hon William
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 1013-4
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 1012-3
Pension funds, Taxation 285-7
Hain, Mr Peter, Minister for Energy and Competitiveness in Europe, Dept of Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Industrial diseases, Compensation (13.03.01) 998-1002
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Industrial diseases, Compensation (13.03.01) 222-6wh
Coal operating aid scheme 540w
Electricity generation, Markets 673w
Energy supply, Competition 540-1w
Garages and petrol stations, Rural areas 139w
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, Vacancies 672w
Mining, Pension rights 548w
Natural gas, Distribution 541w
Natural gas, Storage 672w
Nuclear power stations, Insurance 42-3w
Petrol, Excise duties 456w
Radioactive materials, Japan 771w
Sellafield, Mixed oxide fuel 138w
Sellafield, Quality control 458w
Sellafield, Radioactive wastes 43w
Hall, Patrick
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Community Legal Service (08.03.01) 140wh
Patient Advocacy and Liaison Service 584w
Hamilton, Mr Fabian
Gaming, Fees and charges 390-1w
Hammond, Mr Philip
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Central Railway (06.03.01) 50-6wh
Cancer, Health services 805
Diplomatic relations 101w
Foreign workers, NHS 96-7w
Refugees, Local government finance 519w
Hammond Inquiry
see Hinduja Passport Inquiry
Hancock, Mr Mike
Armed forces, Casualties 358w
Capital investment, Ministry of Defence 22w
Hanson, Mr David, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales
Debates etc.
Crime and disorder partnerships, NHS 264-5w
Health services, Wales 283
Racial discrimination, Wales 278
Harefield Hospital
Harman, Rt Hon Harriet
Children, Greater London 334w
Class sizes, Greater London 302-3w
Company liquidations, Greater London 455-6w
Employment, Greater London 333-4w
Holiday leave, Greater London 289w
Income support, Lone parents 293-4w
Mortgages, Greater London 273w
Pre-school education, Greater London 609-13w
Schools, Greater London 302w
Small businesses, Greater London 456w
Unemployment, Greater London 331-3w
Working mothers, Greater London 399w, 651w
Harris, Dr Evan
Debates etc.
Written questions, Points of order (14.03.01) 1037-8
Higher education, Finance 1168
Refugees, Democratic Republic of Congo 27w
Harvey, Nick
Creutzfeldt-Jakob dementia, Blood transfusions 112w, 371w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 182w
Health services, Elderly 722-3w
Home care services, Elderly 812-3
Hospitals, Waiting lists 718w
Prescriptions, Pre-payment 719w
Hawkins, Mr Nick
Debates etc.
Members, Points of order (06.03.01) 151
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Fund raising, Lord Chancellor's Dept 141-2
Schools, Chartermark scheme 1182
Sierra Leone, Select committee reports 774-5w
Hayes, Mr John
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Nursery nurses (06.03.01) 12-6wh
Heald, Mr Oliver
Debates etc.
Standing committees, Points of order (09.03.01) 529
Sussex Police, Manpower 612
Healey, Mr John
Sittings in Westminster Hall
General Service Medal, Suez Canal (14.03.01) 297wh, 302wh
Regional development agencies, Finance 366-7w, 369w
Health action zones
Health and Safety Executive
Health centres
Health hazards
Electromagnetic fields 596w
Health insurance
Health services
Hearing aids
Hearing impaired
Disability living allowance 576-8w
Heart diseases
Heath, Mr David
Debates etc.
Roads, Somerset (06.03.01) 268-70
Hospitals, Waiting lists 808-9
Legal Services Commission, Solicitors 209-10w
Malicious Communications Act 1988, Prosecutions 313w
Monetary compensatory amounts 401
Police, Part-time employment 623-4
Social security benefits, Disabled 1-2
Heathcoat-Amory, Rt Hon David
Debates etc.
Minimum wage (05.03.01) 23-4
Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations (14.03.01) 1126-32
Post offices, Bank services 456w
Heathrow Airport
Dept of Social Security 572-3w
Dept of Trade and Industry 456-7w
Henderson, Mr Doug
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (15.03.01) 1210
Henderson, Mr Ivan
Football Related Disorder Working Group 768w
Hendrick, Mr Mark
Debates etc.
Armed forces, Vaccination 285-6w
Neighbourhood Renewal Fund 751w
Hepburn, Mr Stephen
Gateshead and South Tyneside Health Authority, Waiting lists 112-3w
Jarrow, Dept for Education and Employment 615w
Jarrow, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 630-1w
Jarrow, Dept of Trade and Industry 647-8w
Heppell, Mr John
Debates etc.
Christmas Day (Trading) Bill, 2R (16.03.01) 1304-6
Transplant of Human Organs Bill, 2R adjourned (16.03.01) 1340-3
Hewitt, Ms Patricia, Minister of State, Dept of Trade and Industry
Debates etc.
Aerials, Planning permission 44-5w
Cellular phones, Health hazards 539w
Computers, Dept of Trade and Industry 454-5w
Digital broadcasting 667w
Hyundai, Semiconductor devices 771w
Public service broadcasting, Fees and charges 771w
Satellite communications, Baldock 671-2w
Small Business Service, Greater London 667-8w
Wood, Dept of Trade and Industry 141-2w