Index for Volume 364continued
A Ap B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gu H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Lo M Me Mo N O P Pr Q R Ru S Si Sp Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Prader-Willi syndrome
Prentice, Ms Bridget
Debates etc.
Railways, Points of order (12.03.01) 627
Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations (14.03.01) 1130
Conservation areas, Demolition 538-9w
Transport for London, Land 274w
Waste management, Licensing 269w
Prentice, Mr Gordon
Debates etc.
Weights and Measures (Metrication Amendments) Regulations (14.03.01) 1127-8
Appointments Commission 330w
China, Foreign relations 597w
Community development 52-3w
Criminal investigation 309w
Cultural heritage, Public records 202w
Freemasonry, Ministry of Defence 409w
House of Lords composition, Joint select committees 200w
Motorways, Safety barriers 466-7w
Special constables, Lancashire 26w
Water supply, Lancashire 61w
Pre-school education
Prescott, Rt Hon John, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary of State for the Environment Transport and the Regions
Debates etc.
Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Bill, 1R (16.03.01) 1293
Prescription drugs
Press releases
Pressure sores
Primarolo, Ms Dawn, Paymaster General
Debates etc.
Customs and Excise (07.03.01) 395-8
Children's tax credit, Publicity 475w
Children's tax credit, Warrington 155w
Customs and Excise, Fees and charges 652-3w
Disabled person's tax credit, Wansbeck 473w
Duty free allowances 335w
Family credit, Newcastle upon Tyne 552-3w
Import duties, Secondhand goods 403w
Income tax, Pensioners 92w
Inland Revenue, Computers 473w
Married personal allowance 654w
Smuggling, Northern Ireland 472-3w
Social Security Contributions Agency, Computers 156w
Social Security Contributions Agency, Disciplinary proceedings 398w
State retirement pensions 398-9w
State retirement pensions, Correspondence 403w
Tax allowances, Pollution control 691w
Tax allowances, Tourism 400-1w
VAT, House sellers pack 92w
VAT, Incontinence aids 655w
Welfare tax credits, Scotland 473w
Working families tax credit, Correspondence 474w
Working families tax credit, Islington 687w
Working families tax credit, North East region 154-5w
Prime Minister
Departmental responsibilities 75-6w
Prior, Mr David
Debates etc.
Cromer Hospital (12.03.01) 794-6
Foot and mouth disease (15.03.01) 1220-1
Driving offences, Speed limits 33-4w
European Convention on Human Rights, Magistrates' courts 208-9w
Meat, EC external trade 248w
Prison accommodation
Prison Service
Prisoners' release
Private finance initiative
Dept of Trade and Industry 642w
Freeman Group of Hospitals NHS Trust 595-6w
Royal Victoria Infirmary and Associated Hospitals NHS Trust 595-6w
Private sector
Proceeds of crime
Proceeds of Crime Bill (Draft)
European fighter aircraft 19w
Professional organisations
Programme motions
Proscribed organisations
Malicious Communications Act 1988 313w
Prostate cancer
Public Administration Select Committee
Public appointments
Advisory Committee on Releases to the Environment 744w
Armed Forces Pay Review Body 505w
Public bodies
Environment protection 683w
Public expenditure
Orders and regulations 652w
Public finance
Public inquiries
Public private partnerships
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency 409w
Public records
Public sector net cash requirement
Public service broadcasting
Public Trust Office
Children's tax credit 475w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 206-7w
Dept for International Development 423-4w
Dept of Trade and Industry 673w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 278-9w
Home energy efficiency scheme 533-4w
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 476w
Pupil referral units
Part-time employment 445w
Purchase, Mr Ken
Debates etc.
Teachers, Job satisfaction 735-6w