Index for Volume 365
A An B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gr H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sn Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Abbott, Ms Diane
Ballistic missile defence, USA 801-2
Absent voting
Foot and mouth disease 311w
Accident and emergency departments
Adams, Mrs Irene
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Poverty, Scotland (22.03.01) 146-8wh
Administration of justice
Developing countries 539w
Adoption and Children Bill 2000/01
Debates etc.
2R, Allocation of time motion and Money res* (26.03.01) 698-784
Adoption Bill 2000/01
Debates etc.
Adoption of Sewers Bill 2000/01
Debates etc.
2R order read (30.03.01) 1267
Adult education
Advanced skills teachers
Dept for Education and Employment 156w
Dept for International Development 6w
Dept of Social Security 75w
Dept of Trade and Industry 1w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 741-2w
Northern Ireland Office 416w
Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 108-9w
Advisory services
After school clubs
Agricultural products
see also Farmers and Farms
Ainger, Mr Nick
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 427-9
Foot and Mouth Task Force (20.03.01) 209
Ainsworth, Mr Robert, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions
Debates etc.
Railways Bill, 2R motion debated and withdrawn (23.03.01) 638-41
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Railways, Berwick-upon-Tweed (21.03.01) 130-4wh
Air traffic control, Prestwick 125-6w
Airports, South East region 424w
Chichester, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 562w
Cornwall, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 828-30w
Council housing, Sales 561w
Council housing, Staffordshire 121-2w
Departmental responsibilities, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 735w
Devon, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 634-5w
Housing associations, Redundancy 631w
Manchester Airport, Finance 394w
National Air Traffic Services 122-3w
Rent Service, Standards 642w
Social rented housing, Landlords 568w
Surveys, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 738-9w
Ainsworth, Mr Peter
Advertising, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 170-1w
Channel Four Television 662
English Heritage, Finance 245w
Film, Hearing impaired 142w
Foot and mouth disease, Cabinet Office 487w
Foot and mouth disease, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 476w
Foot and mouth disease, Dept for Education and Employment 555w
Foot and mouth disease, Dept for International Development 417w
Foot and mouth disease, Dept of Social Security 371w
Foot and mouth disease, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 397-8w
Foot and mouth disease, Lord Chancellor's Dept 420w
Foot and mouth disease, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 514w
Foot and mouth disease, Ministry of Defence 522w
Foot and mouth disease, Northern Ireland Office 417w
Foot and mouth disease, Office of the Secretary of State for Wales 400w
Foot and mouth disease, Scotland Office 664w
Foot and mouth disease, Treasury 384w
Millennium Exhibition, Property transfer 64w, 667
Museums and galleries, VAT 171-2w
National Lottery, Picketts Lock 476w
New Millennium Experience 64w
New Millennium Experience, Finance 473w
Regional arts boards 171w
Air conditioning
Air force
Air pollution
Air traffic control
Alexander, Mr Douglas
Children's tax credit 360w
Developing countries, Administration of justice 539w
Developing countries, Human rights 7w
Minimum wage, Scotland 646w
Motor vehicles, Excise duties 17w
Paisley, Dept of Social Security 75-7w
Working families tax credit 34w
Allan, Mr Richard
New deal for young people 47w
Alliance and Leicester Group Treasury plc (Transfer) Bill (HL) 1999/2000
Debates etc.
Royal Assent (22.03.01) 497
Allocation of time motions
Alternative dispute resolution
Alternative energy
Alternative medicine
Science and Technology Select Committee (HL) 559w
Alzheimer's disease
Ambulance services
Amess, Mr David
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (26.03.01) 758-63
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (20.03.01) 271-3