Index for Volume 365continued
A An B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gr H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sn Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Bradley, Peter
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (27.03.01) 846-7
Belize, Telephone services 746-8w
Bradshaw, Mr Ben
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 364, (27.03.01) 846
Stockholm Summit (EC) (26.03.01) 688
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism (28.03.01) 277wh
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 339
Macedonia, Armed conflict 816-7
Brady, Mr Graham
Debates etc.
Members, Points of order (22.03.01) 497
Regulatory Reform Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (19.03.01) 28, 82, 87-8
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (20.03.01) 215
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Advanced skills teachers 44-5w
Education action zones 46w
Local education authorities, Standards 45w
New deal schemes, Expenditure 408w
Primary care trusts, Public appointments 670w
Public Appointments Commissioner 327-8
School organisation committees 43-4w
Schools, Climate change levy 48w
Science, GCE A level 157w
Secondary education, Admissions 48w
Sixth form education 157w
Specialist schools initiative 48w
Tax avoidance, Self-employed 1095
Teachers, Performance appraisal 49w
Teachers, Sick leave 47-8w
Brake, Tom
Debates etc.
Incinerators, Edmonton 564w
London Underground, Passengers 282-4w
London Underground, Safety measures 559-60w
Brand, Dr Peter
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (26.03.01) 779-81
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Brazier, Mr Julian
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (26.03.01) 700, 704, 716-7, 724, 726, 737, 741, 743-4, 745-9, 753, 760-1, 775
Adoption Bill, 2R adjourned (30.03.01) 1203, 1211
Breed, Mr Colin
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (27.03.01) 835-6
Foot and Mouth Task Force (20.03.01) 197
Police stations, Rural areas 500w
Brinton, Mrs Helen
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 57-9w
British citizenship
British Coal Corporation
British Council
British Fluoridation Society
British National Party
British Nuclear Fuels
Broadcasting Act 1996
Broadcasting reception
Brooke, Rt Hon Peter
Sittings in Westminster Hall
London Underground, Public private partnerships 1092
Brown, Rt Hon Gordon, Chancellor of the Exchequer
Children's tax credit, North West region 1094-5
Economic and monetary union 1087-92
Brown, Rt Hon Nicholas, Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 356-78, 380
Foot and mouth disease, Ministerial statements (27.03.01) 827-52
EC Agriculture Council 779w
Brown, Mr Russell
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 391-4
Regulatory Reform Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (19.03.01) 87-94
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Poverty, Scotland (22.03.01) 163-5wh
Government departments, Standards 648w
Browne, Mr Desmond
Debates etc.
Register of Drug Trafficking Offenders Bill, 2R adjourned (23.03.01) 651-2
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (20.03.01) 243-7
Winter fuel payments, Petitions (19.03.01) 164
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Families, Scotland (21.03.01) 96-9wh
Channel Four Television 661
Democratic Republic of Congo, Peace negotiations 615w
Browning, Mrs Angela
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 367, 424-7
Speaker, Elections (22.03.01) 502-3
Animal products, Exports 516w
Cataracts, Waiting lists 91-2w
Bruce, Mr Ian
Debates etc.
EC common foreign and security policy (19.03.01) 142-3
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 369, 375-6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism (28.03.01) 276wh, 296wh
Advertising, Dept of Social Security 75w
Advertising, Dept of Trade and Industry 1w
Electronic government 331-2
Foot and mouth disease 183
Government departments, Email 277-8w
Macedonia, Armed conflict 824-5
South West Regional Development Agency, Finance 119w
Telephone services, Madagascar 649w
Bruce, Malcolm
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Families, Scotland (21.03.01) 103-6wh
see Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
Buck, Ms Karen
Community development 572w
Electricity generation, Markets 387w
Greater London, Dept of Social Security 697w
Greater London, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 631w
Housing, City of Westminster 627-8w
Housing benefit, Young people 370w
Kensington and Chelsea, Home Office 594-5w
Members, Correspondence 377-8w
Natural gas, Licensing 433w
Planning obligations, Dept for Education and Employment 550w
Royal Parks Constabulary 540-4w
Budget March 2001
Building alterations
Burden, Richard
Refugees, Veterinary medicine 496-7w
Burgon, Colin
Environment protection 573w
Green Ministers Committee 573w
Lead Shot Working Group 739w
Water supply, Competition 831w
Burnett, Mr John
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 364, 379, (27.03.01) 841
Religious broadcasting, Petitions (27.03.01) 936
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism (28.03.01) 279wh
Burns, Mr Simon
Essex Police, Sick leave 70-1w
Ministers, Domestic visits 11w, 124w
Burstow, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Disability aids, Elderly 671w
Disabled, Employment 771w
London Underground, Public private partnerships 117w
Pensions, Widowed people 697w
State earnings related pension scheme 197w
Sutton, Dept for Education and Employment 505-7w
Sutton, Dept of Social Security 267-8w
Sutton, Dept of Trade and Industry 228w
Bus services
Bus Services (Provision of Information) Bill 2000/01
Debates etc.
Business premises
Business statements
Butterfill, Mr John
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism (28.03.01) 278wh, 290wh