Index for Volume 365continued
A An B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gr H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sn Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Gale, Mr Roger
Debates etc.
Adoption Bill, 2R adjourned (30.03.01) 1205-6
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 371, 411-2
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (20.03.01) 221, 231
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease (27.03.01) 187wh
Fruit, Import controls 195w
Meat, Origin marking 518w
Osteopathy, Registration 451w
Social Security Benefits Agency, Computers 698w
Gapes, Mike
Sierra Leone, Armed forces 81w
Gardiner, Mr Barry
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease, Military aid 1-2
Sustainable development, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 27w
Garnier, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 348
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority
Gas supply
GCE A level
General Agreement on Trade in Services
General Commissioners of Income Tax (Costs) Regulations 2001
Debates etc.
General Osteopathic Council
General practitioners
Genetically modified organisms
George, Andrew
Debates etc.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (20.03.01) 225
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism (28.03.01) 278-9wh
Class sizes, St Ives 683w
Dental services, St Ives 669w
General practitioners, St Ives 670w
Institutional care, St Ives 669-70w
New deal schemes, South West region 771w
Post offices, St Ives 586w
St Helena, Transport 539w
George, Rt Hon Bruce
Debates etc.
Private Security Industry Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (28.03.01) 969, 1023-41
Macedonia, Armed conflict 821
Gerrard, Mr Neil
Walthamstow, Dept for Education and Employment 512w
Walthamstow, Dept of Social Security 79-80w
Walthamstow, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 734-6w
Walthamstow, Dept of Trade and Industry 2w
Walthamstow, Home Office 146-8w
Gibb, Mr Nick
Gas and Electricity Markets Authority, Redundancy pay 460w
Housing, Empty property 739w
European Parliament elections 112w
Gibson, Dr Ian
Debates etc.
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease (27.03.01) 184wh
Buildings, Environment protection 681-2w
Construction, Pollution control 633w
Creutzfeldt-Jakob dementia 450w
Cultural heritage, Churches 63w
Health education, Water 455w
Intellectual property 306w
National Cancer Research Institute 371w
Norwich, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 61-3w
Norwich, Dept for Education and Employment 264w
Playgrounds, Accidents 414w
Specialist schools initiative, Norfolk 263w
Gidley, Sandra
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (26.03.01) 730-2
Dental services, Romsey 672w
General practitioners, Romsey 671-2w
New deal schemes, Romsey 760w
Nursing homes, Romsey 672w
Post offices, Romsey 651w
Social services, Hampshire 673w
Sure start programme, Romsey 680w
Gill, Mr Christopher
Debates etc.
European Union (Implications of Withdrawal) (No 2) Bill, 1R (27.03.01) 854-6
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease (27.03.01) 186wh
Armed forces, Deployment 83w
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 816w
Foot and mouth disease, Incinerators 195w
Gillan, Mrs Cheryl
Debates etc.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (20.03.01) 297
International Criminal Court 812-3
Ministers, Visits abroad 439w
Gilroy, Linda
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism (28.03.01) 287-9wh
Foot and mouth disease, Working families tax credit 532w
Working families tax credit, Self-employed 531-2w
Social security benefits 367-8w
Godman, Dr Norman A
Debates etc.
Social Security Fraud Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (27.03.01) 863
Industrial diseases, Ear nose and throat 699w
Industrial health and safety, Semiconductor devices 641w
Macedonia, Armed conflict 823-4
Police (Northern Ireland) Act 2000 658w
Terrorism, Republic of Ireland 488w
Godsiff, Mr Roger
Goggins, Paul
Debates etc.
Social Security Fraud Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (27.03.01) 895-7
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Wythenshawe Hospital, Transplant surgery (27.03.01) 231-2wh
Colombia, Human rights 611w
Housing benefit, Social rented housing 777w
New deal for lone parents 700w
Small businesses, North West region 467-8
Social security benefits, Abuse 366-9w
Golding, Mrs Llin
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (26.03.01) 749-51
Mirror Group Newspapers, Company investigations 583w
Gorman, Mrs Teresa
Debates etc.
Social Security Fraud Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (27.03.01) 908-10
Standards and Privileges (Independent Appeals Body) Bill, 1R (20.03.01) 212-3
Gorrie, Mr Donald
Electricians, Registration 248w
Employment tribunals 181w
Social security benefits, Cheques 369w
Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 247-8w
Government bills
Government departments