Index for Volume 365continued
A An B Bi Br By C Ci Co Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gr H Hi Hu I J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pl Pu Q R Ri Ru S Si Sn Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Kaufman, Rt Hon Gerald
Debates etc.
Stockholm Summit (EC) (26.03.01) 685-6
Gorton, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 247-8w
Gorton, Lord Chancellor's Dept 256-7w
Gorton, Solicitor-General 231-2w
Manchester, Dept for Education and Employment 502-4w
Manchester, Dept of Social Security 482-3w
Manchester, Treasury 233w
Palestinians, Education 723w
Keeble, Ms Sally
Keetch, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
EC common foreign and security policy (19.03.01) 153-5
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 377, 382
Armed forces, Malaria 366w
Kelly, Ms Ruth
Intelligence and Security Committee 624w
Kemp, Mr Fraser
After school clubs, Northern region 501-2w
Children, Northern region 356w
Class sizes, Northern region 403-4w
Income support, Northern region 771-2w
Pay, Northern region 534w
Pre-school education, Northern region 678w
Schools, Northern region 404-5w
Unemployment, Northern region 382-3w
Working mothers, Northern region 383-4w
Kennedy, Rt Hon Charles
Debates etc.
Stockholm Summit (EC) (26.03.01) 685
Centre for Environment Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Scientists 189w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 339
Racial discrimination 958
Kennedy, Jane, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Lord Chancellor's Dept
Debates etc.
Adoption and Children Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (26.03.01) 745, 772-6
Alternative dispute resolution 418-20w
Caernarfon, Lord Chancellor's Dept 468-9w
Ceredigion, Lord Chancellor's Dept 467w
Chichester, Lord Chancellor's Dept 605-6w
Court Service, Standards 258w
Divorce, Advisory services 418w
Gorton, Lord Chancellor's Dept 256-7w
Immigration adjudicators 347w
Immigration adjudicators, Training 347w
Lancaster, Lord Chancellor's Dept 257-8w
Magistrates, Stoke on Trent 71-2w
Magistrates' courts, Conditions of employment 657w
Magistrates' courts, Location 657-8w
Magistrates' courts, Thames Valley 606-8w
Meirionnydd, Lord Chancellor's Dept 468w
Public Guardianship Office, Standards 782-4w
War pensions, Administrative delays 785-6w
Ynys Mon, Lord Chancellor's Dept 467-8w
Kensington and Chelsea
Kensington Chelsea and Westminster Health Authority
Secondhand goods (22.03.01) 542-63
Kent County Council Bill (HL) 1998/99
Debates etc.
Key, Mr Robert
Debates etc.
Foot and Mouth Task Force (20.03.01) 203
Armed forces, Communication 731-2w
Armed forces, Monuments 621w
Armed forces, Sanitation 732-3w
Armed forces, Sierra Leone 105-6w
Exservicemen, Departmental responsibilities 621w
Military bases, Cyprus 522w
Ministry of Defence, Police Complaints Authority 789w
Ministry of Defence Police 108w
Ministry of Defence Police, Complaints 734w
Ministry of Defence Police, Disciplinary proceedings 298-9w, 734w
Ministry of Defence Police, Housing 366w
Ministry of Defence Police (Discipline) Regulations 1985 298w
Navy Army and Air Force Institutes, Shops 622w
Roll-on roll-off ships 619w
Royal Logistics Corps, Pay 301-2w
Veterans Task Force, Finance 621w
Khabra, Mr Piara S
Kidney, Mr David
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 815w
Post offices, Bank services 474
Road works, Stafford 284w
Kilfoyle, Mr Peter
Debates etc.
Regulatory Reform Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (19.03.01) 32, 38, 41-4
Community development, Liverpool 181
King, Andy
Pakistan, Crimes of violence 695-6w
King, Ms Oona
Central Africa, Peace negotiations 616w
Children, Social services 803-4w
Higher education, Age participation rates 151-2w
King, Rt Hon Tom
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 361, 405-8
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Foot and mouth disease, Military aid 959-60
King Committee
see Intelligence and Security Committee
Kingham, Ms Tess
UN Mission for a Referendum in Western Sahara 68w
Kingston upon Hull
Health and Safety Executive (21.03.01) 120-6wh
Kirkbride, Miss Julie
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (21.03.01) 347, 365-6
Measles, Disease control 449w
Kirkwood, Mr Archy
Parliamentary Works Directorate, Reform 622-3w
Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, Manpower 622w
Knowledge network project
Kumar, Dr Ashok
Debates etc.
Swimming pools, Petitions (26.03.01) 786-7, (corrigendum) 944
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Middlesbrough, Treasury 33-4w
Operation Dollar, Expenditure 322w
Operation Lancet, Expenditure 322w