Index for Volume 366continued
A As B Bi Bu C Ci Cr D Di E Ep F Fr G Gu H Ho Hu I J K L Ll M Me Mu N O P Pr Q R Ru S Sk Sq Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Squire, Ms Rachel
Debates etc.
Armed Forces Bill, Money res, Allocation of time motion and rem stages (02.04.01) 126-7
Pensioners, Income support 86w
Sri Lanka
Stakeholder pensions
Standards and Privileges (Independent Appeals Body) Bill 2000/01
Debates etc.
2R order read (06.04.01) 677
Standing Advisory Committee on Industrial Property
see Industrial Property Standing Advisory Committee
Standing Order No 24 applications
Marks and Spencer (02.04.01) 45
Stanley, Rt Hon Sir John
Starkey, Dr Phyllis
Debates etc.
International Criminal Court Bill (HL), 2R and Allocation of time motion (03.04.01) 229, 233
Secure training centres 703-4
State earnings related pension scheme
State retirement pensions
State Veterinary Service
Staveley Chemicals
Steen, Mr Anthony
Debates etc.
Animal feed, Disease control 222w
Foot and mouth disease 475w
Steinberg, Mr Gerry
School leaving, Qualifications 578-9w
Stevenson, Mr George
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Motor vehicles, Insurance 529w
Stewart, Mr David
European City of Culture 170-1w
Stewart, Ian
Debates etc.
Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service 583w
Eccles, Dept for Education and Employment 581w
Eccles, Dept of Social Security 478-9w
Eccles, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 374w
Office of Government Commerce 416-7w
Vaccination, Compensation 11-2
Stinchcombe, Mr Paul
Community Legal Service 582-3w
Law centres, Government assistance 583-4w
Legal aid scheme, Expenditure 581-2w
Stoke on Trent
Education maintenance allowance 116w
Straw, Rt Hon Jack, Secretary of State for the Home Dept
Debates etc.
Elections, Ministerial statements (02.04.01) 21-36
Elections Bill, 1R (03.04.01) 184
Elections Bill and Election Publications Bill (HL), Allocation of time motion (04.04.01) 338, 341-51, 364, 366-7
Elections Bill, 2R and rem stages (04.04.01) 396-401
Advertising, Home Office 354-5w
Crime, Capital Modernisation Fund 549-50w
Crime prevention, Knowsley 688-9
Drugs, Crime prevention 473w
Elections Bill 2000/01, Legislative drafting 362w
Foot and mouth disease, Home Office 355w
Greater London, Home Office 214w
Intelligence services, Ethnic groups 569w
Intelligence services, Females 569w
Intelligence services, Recruitment 569w
Ministers, Protection 563w
National Assembly for Wales, Home Office 362w
Police, Ethnic groups 698-9
Street Works Bill 2000/01
Debates etc.
Streeter, Mr Gary
Debates etc.
Stringer, Mr Graham, Parliamentary Secretary, Cabinet Office
Debates etc.
Advertising, Cabinet Office 630w
Blackpool, Cabinet Office 231w
Business, Regulation 212w
Civil servants, Equal opportunities 629-30w
Government departments, Information officers 628-9w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 58-60w
Stuart, Ms Gisela, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Dept of Health
Alcoholic drinks, Advertising 238w
Alternative medicine, EC action 236w
Ambulance services, Driving instruction 233-4w
Ambulance services, Industrial injuries 139w
Ambulance services, Retirement 233w
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Disease control 231-2w
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, France 231w
Cellular phones, Correspondence 232-3w
Dietary supplements, Safety 235-6w
Fluoride, Drinking water 831-2
Manchester Central Hospitals and Community Care NHS Trust, Correspondence 232w
Medical records, Information technology 273w
Members, Correspondence 269w
Oxted and Limpsfield Hospital 236-7w
Oxted and Limpsfield Hospital, Correspondence 237w
Poultry, Disease control 232w
Prescription drugs, Prices 139w
Slaughterhouses, Costs 288w
Slaughterhouses, Inspections 136-8w
Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust 274w
Surrey and Sussex NHS Trust, Finance 139-40w
Student numbers
Sixth form education 113w
Stunell, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Armed Forces Bill, Money res, Allocation of time motion and rem stages (02.04.01) 70-2
Business questions (02.04.01) 38-9
Elections Bill and Election Publications Bill (HL), Allocation of time motion (04.04.01) 355-9
Election Publications Bill (HL), 2R and rem stages (04.04.01) 447, 451-3
Dental services, Stockport 270w
Further education, Stockport 116w
General practitioners, Hazel Grove 269-70w
Greater Manchester Police, Vacancies 562w
Hazel Grove, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 408-10w
Hazel Grove, Dept of Social Security 158-9w
Hazel Grove, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 109-10w
Hazel Grove, Solicitor-General 102w
Hill livestock allowances 224w
Hill livestock allowances, Costs 286w
Medical profession, Stockport 270w
Social security benefits 97w
Tax avoidance, Self-employed 154w
Teachers, Hazel Grove 573w