Index for Volume 367continued
A Ar B Bi Br By C Ci Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gu H Ho Hu I J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri Ru S Si Sp Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Dalyell, Mr Tam
Debates etc.
Motorola, Points of order (24.04.01) 167
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention 419w
Cellular phones, Licensing 773w
Embassies, Devolution 125w
Foot and mouth disease 32
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 586w, 738w
Foot and mouth disease, Tourism 484-5w
Kosovo, Peace keeping operations 273-4w
Libyan Arab Republic, Sanctions 688-9w
Macedonia, Armed conflict 1-2
National Air Traffic Services, Public private partnerships 200w
Uranium, Medical examinations 447w
Dangerous mental patients
Darling, Rt Hon Alistair, Secretary of State for Social Security
Pensioners, Social security benefits 321-2w
Sure start programme 725w
Data protection
Davey, Mr Edward
Debates etc.
City of London (Ward Elections) Bill, Rep adjourned (02.05.01) 944
Finance Bill, Points of order (23.04.01) 40
Finance Bill, Com (23.04.01) 47, 57-8, 67, 78, 81, 87, 113-6, 127, (24.04.01) 235-42, 244-6
Road Vehicles (Display of Registration Marks) Regulations (24.04.01) 254-60, 265, 276-7
Tax allowances, Training 566w
Davidson, Mr Ian
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Animal experiments, Intimidation 526-7w
Developing countries, Debts 341-2w
Industrial relations 281w
Nuclear Non Proliferation Treaty 549-50w
Davies, Rt Hon Denzil
EC enlargement, Economic and monetary union 747
Davies, Geraint
Climate Change Convention 737-8
Davies, Mr Quentin
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Armed forces, Manpower (25.04.01) 117-8wh
Amphibious vehicles, Procurement 414w
Armed forces, Computers 235w
Astute class submarines, Sonar 236-7w
Auxiliary oiler replenishment vessels 717-8w
Ballistic missile defence 232w
European fighter aircraft, Procurement 235w
Future large aircraft 272w
India, Ministry of Defence 234w
Joint strike fighter aircraft, Procurement 231w
Military aid, Foot and mouth disease 236w
Navy, Festivals and special occasions 717-8w
Submarines, Satellite communications 233-4w
Tankers, Military exercises 720w
Warships, Repairs and maintenance 231-2w
Davies, Rt Hon Ron
Dawson, Mr Hilton
Lancaster, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 30-2w
Widowed people, Social security benefits 667-8w
Day, Mr Stephen
Ministerial policy advisors 696w
Young offenders, Compact discs 300
Day care
Day centres
Dean, Mrs Janet
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Immigration controls (03.05.01) 321-2wh
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 189w
Foot and mouth disease 495w
Defence equipment
Defence Evaluation and Research Agency
Defence Fire Service
Defence Geographic and Imagery Intelligence Agency
Defence Pay and Personnel Agency
see Pay and Personnel Agency
Defence Procurement Agency
Defence Scientific Advisory Council
Denham, Rt Hon John, Minister of State, Dept of Health
Debates etc.
Battersea Primary Care Group (24.04.01) 283-6
Nurses, Recruitment (23.04.01) 143-8
Babies, Greater Manchester 285w
Bone marrow disorders, Donors 650w
Doctors, Disclosure of information 333w
Doctors' list of patients, North West region 285w
Ear nose and throat, Greater Manchester 508w
Fluoride, Drinking water 649w
General practitioners, Fees and charges 170-1w
General practitioners, Pay 175w
Health services, Hertfordshire 650-1w
Health services, North West region 503w
Hospitals, Consultants 164w
Hospitals, Greater London 654w
Hospitals, Paddington 510w
Medical profession, Students 167-8w
Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus 180-1w
National Blood Authority 760w
Prescription drugs, Abuse 173-4w
Sefton Health Authority, Doctors 647-9w
Sefton Health Authority, Finance 503w
Sefton Health Authority, Nurses 647w
Sefton Health Authority, Ophthalmic services 646w
Sefton Health Authority, Surgery 646-7w
Dental services
Departmental expenditure limits
Dept of Social Security 320w
Departmental responsibilities
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 410w
Northern Ireland Office 12w
Dept for Culture Media and Sport
Dept for Education and Employment
Private finance initiative 553w
Dept for International Development
Dept of Health
Ministerial policy advisors 654w
Non-departmental public bodies 646w
Dept of Social Security
Departmental expenditure limits 320w
Information technology 147w
Ministerial policy advisors 790w
Official hospitality 322w
Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions
Dept of Trade and Industry
Ministerial policy advisors 2w, 774w
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 264-6w
Deregulation and Contracting Out Act 1994
Debates etc.
Deregulation Select Committee
Derelict land
Detention centres
Developing countries
Dept for Culture Media and Sport 248-51w
Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 66-8w
Dept of Trade and Industry 4-5w
Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 36-7w
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary