Index for Volume 367continued
A Ar B Bi Br By C Ci Cr D Di E Eq F Fr G Gu H Ho Hu I J Ju K L Ll M Me Mo Mu N O P Pr Q R Ri Ru S Si Sp Su T Tr U V W Wo X Y Z
Gait Burrows National Nature Reserve
Gale, Mr Roger
Debates etc.
Bereavement Payments (Entitlement Conditions) (Amendment) Bill, 1R (02.05.01) 866-8
Foot and mouth disease (26.04.01) 470-1
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (26.04.01) 533-4
Foot and mouth disease, Military aid 644w
Nigeria, Christianity 736w
Gapes, Mike
Armed forces, Sierra Leone 15-6
Israel, Peace negotiations 577w
Zimbabwe, Trade unions 743
Gardiner, Mr Barry
Syrian Arab Republic 580w
Gas supply
GCE A level
General certificate of secondary education
General Dental Council
General practitioners
General Teaching Council
Genetic engineering
Genetically modified organisms
George, Andrew
Debates etc.
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (26.04.01) 479, 481, 514, 523
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Common fisheries policy (02.05.01) 264-7wh
Council tax, Second homes 164-5
Devon and Cornwall Constabulary, Vacancies 127w
George, Rt Hon Bruce
Crime prevention, Walsall 536-7w
Walsall Health Authority 756-7w
Gerrard, Mr Neil
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Developing countries, AIDS (01.05.01) 184-7wh
Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention 419-20w
Climate Change Convention 195-6w
Developing countries, HIV infection 289
Gibb, Mr Nick
Electricity, Consumption 207-8w
European Parliament elections 339w
Gibson, Dr Ian
Animals (Scientific Procedures) Act 1986 706w
Breast cancer, Surgery 569w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 603w
Higher education, Public appointments 562w
Medicine, Student numbers 365-6w
Gidley, Sandra
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Children, Sexual offences (25.04.01) 103-6wh
Family law, Legal costs 159w
Hampshire Constabulary, Vacancies 127-8w
Sure start programme, Southampton 434-5
Gill, Mr Christopher
Debates etc.
Finance Bill, Com (23.04.01) 66
Foot and mouth disease (03.05.01) 1022
High Hedges Bill, Rep adjourned (27.04.01) 583-4, 594
Rural areas (25.04.01) 329
Ballistic missile defence 987
Chemical and biological warfare 414w
Foot and mouth disease, EC action 349w, 502w
Rural areas, Correspondence 426w
Slaughterhouses, Inspections 568-9w
White fish, Fishing grounds 43-4w
Gillan, Mrs Cheryl
Debates etc.
Climate Change Convention 739-40
Gilroy, Linda
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Digital broadcasting (24.04.01) 33-6wh
Climate Change Convention 737-8
Devon, Dept for Culture Media and Sport 248-51w
Devon, Dept of Social Security 149-51w
Devon, Dept of the Environment Transport and the Regions 66-8w
Devon, Dept of Trade and Industry 4-5w
National Lottery, Children 251w
Plymouth, Dept for Education and Employment 367-8w
Trading standards departments 330w
Children's tax credit 342w
Foot and mouth disease 3-4w
Godman, Dr Norman A
Debates etc.
Private notice question intervention (25.04.01) 317
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Common fisheries policy (02.05.01) 249-53wh
Goggins, Paul
Debates etc.
World economy (03.05.01) 1075-6
Developing countries, Trade agreements 297w
Social security benefits 594w
Gorman, Mrs Teresa
Government Car and Despatch Agency
Government departments
Resource accounting and budgeting 294-5w
Gray, Mr James
Debates etc.
Digital broadcasting 489w
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 291w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 493-4w
Organic farming, Pesticides 500w
Premier Christian Radio 489w
Greater London
Dept for Education and Employment 722w
Greater Manchester
Green, Mr Damian
Debates etc.
Rating (Former Agricultural Premises and Rural Shops) Bill, 2R and Allocation of time motion (30.04.01) 650, 656-65, 678, 719-20
Aerials, Planning permission 158-9
Animal experiments, Labelling 79-80w
Areas of outstanding natural beauty 632-3w
Construction, Materials 76w
Curriculum, Environment protection 116w
Environment protection, Disclosure of information 425w
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 755w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 756w
Foot and mouth disease, Environment Agency 63w, 348w
Integrated pollution control, Fees and charges 78w
Land, Contamination 76-7w
Lighting, Planning permission 79w
Local authorities, Billing 80w
Motor vehicles, Fuels 310w
Noise, Pollution control 275w
Small businesses, Loan guarantee scheme 756w
Telecommunications cables 80w
Transport, Air pollution 77-8w
Water, Pollution control 79w
Park and ride schemes 196w
Greenway, Mr John
Debates etc.
Oral question time intervention (30.04.01) 632
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Regional arts boards (02.05.01) 241-3wh
Ballistic missile defence 984-5
English Tourism Council 486-7w
Ministers, Visits abroad 336w
Sixth form education, Rural areas 352w
Tourism, Rural areas 486w
Tourist boards, Finance 655-6w
Grieve, Mr Dominic
Debates etc.
Foot and mouth disease (03.05.01) 1016-7
Former Members Working Group (02.05.01) 909
Sittings in Westminster Hall
Griffiths, Jane
Debates etc.
Business premises, Leasehold 5-6w
Climate Change Convention, USA 149-50
Griffiths, Mr Nigel
Climate Change Convention 737-8
Climate Change Convention, USA 149-50
Higher education, Finance 358w
Griffiths, Mr Win
Debates etc.
Rural areas (25.04.01) 343
Special Educational Needs and Disability Bill (HL), Rep and 3R (26.04.01) 477-9, 481, 483, 485, 520
Dept for Education and Employment 471-5w
Grogan, Mr John
Debates etc.
Football, Television (26.04.01) 542-5
Bus services, Concessions 159
Church Commissioners, Hagg Wood 640
Groundwater Regulations 1998