Index for Volume 368continued
A B Bo By C Co Cu D Do E F Fr G H Ho Hy I J K L Ly M Me Mu N O P Pu Q R Ru S So Su T Tu U V W Wo X Y Z
Fabricant, Michael
Debates etc.
Business questions (09.05.01) 123
Dissolution, Points of order (10.05.01) 263
Northern Ireland, Points of order (08.05.01) 22
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 238w
Foot and mouth disease, Disclosure of information 467w, 469w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 126w, 132w
Foot and mouth disease, Waste disposal 290w, 299w
Magistrates' courts, Witnesses 52w
Farm Business Advice Service
Fearn, Mr Ronnie
Radioactive wastes, Irish Sea 377-8w
State retirement pensions 321w
Field, Rt Hon Frank
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 287w
Primary education, Assessments 268-9w
Social security benefits, Abuse 387-8w
State second pension 322w
Welfare tax credits, Prosecutions 426-7w
Finance Bill 2000/01
Debates etc.
Ways and means res (08.05.01) 27-30
Programme motion, Rep and 3R* (09.05.01) 159-208
Royal Assent (11.05.01) 406
Financial services
Financial Services Act 1986 (Extension of Scope of Act and Meaning of Collective Investment Scheme) Order 2001
Debates etc.
Fire prevention
Genetically modified organisms 136-8w
Fitzpatrick, Jim
Sittings in Westminster Hall
London Underground, Public private partnerships 256w
Flight, Mr Howard
Debates etc.
Finance Bill, Allocation of time motion and Rep (09.05.01) 164, 176, 178, 180-5
Social Security Contributions (Share Options) Bill, Lords amendts (11.05.01) 383-4, 387-8
Economic and monetary union 256
Flint, Caroline
Don Valley, Ministry of Defence 13w
Flood control
Flynn, Paul
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 289w
Follett, Barbara
Financial services, Regulation 221w
Tax Law Rewrite Project 436w
Food poisoning
Foot and mouth disease
124-6w, 128-9w, 134w, 235-7w, 239w, 245-7w, 290w, 293w, 296-7w, 465-9w, 471-2w, 474-5w, 481w
Compensation 37w, 131w, 230-1w, 238w, 240-1w, 244w, 259-60, 289w, 292w, 297w, 380-1w, 467w, 481-3w
Dartmoor National Park 495w
Disease control 121-3w, 126-33w, 229w, 231-47w, 287-91w, 293-4w, 297w, 300w, 461-5w, 470-3w, 475-7w, 479-80w, 483-6w
Government assistance 182w
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Ministerial policy advisors 1w
Official hospitality 347w
Foreign relations
Forest Enterprise
Forth, Mr Eric
Debates etc.
Business questions (08.05.01) 75, (09.05.01) 123
Children's Commissioner for Wales Bill, Lords amendts (11.05.01) 370-3
Dissolution, Points of order (11.05.01) 363
International Criminal Court Bill (HL), Allocation of time motion and Rep (10.05.01) 305-7, 337
Foster, Rt Hon Derek
Foster, Mr Don
Press releases, Scotland Office 370w
Publicity, Scotland Office 370w
Foster care
Foulkes, Mr George, Minister of State, Scotland Office
Children's tax credit, Scotland 58-9w
Disability Rights Commission, Scotland 56w
Irish language, Scotland 60w
Minimum wage, Scotland 5-6, 60w
New deal for 50 plus, Scotland 59-60w
Pensioners, Income support 58w
Railways, Strathclyde 57w
Fox, Dr Liam
Debates etc.
Health and Social Care Bill, Lords amendts (10.05.01) 274-7
Commission for Health Improvement, Costs 155w