Index for Volume 368continued
A B Bo By C Co Cu D Do E F Fr G H Ho Hy I J K L Ly M Me Mu N O P Pu Q R Ru S So Su T Tu U V W Wo X Y Z
Queen Alexandra Hospital
Quin, Rt Hon Ms Joyce, Minister of State, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food
Advertising, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 488w
Animal feed, Import controls 487-8w
Animal products, Import controls 486-7w
Beef, Import controls 303w
Bovine spongiform encephalopathy, Animal feed 302-3w
Bovine tuberculosis, Disease control 301-2w
Cattle, Animal breeding 124w
Common agricultural policy 227w
Computers, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 139w
Farm Business Advice Service 227w
Foot and mouth disease 124-6w, 128-9w, 235-7w, 239w, 245-7w, 290w, 293w, 296-7w, 465-6w, 468-9w, 471-2w, 474-5w, 481w
Foot and mouth disease, Brentwood 234w
Foot and mouth disease, Chorley 126w, 234w
Foot and mouth disease, Compensation 131w, 230-1w, 238w, 240-1w, 244w, 289w, 292w, 297w, 467w, 481-3w
Foot and mouth disease, Dartmoor National Park 495w
Foot and mouth disease, Deer 134w
Foot and mouth disease, Derbyshire 473w
Foot and mouth disease, Disclosure of information 469w, 474w
Foot and mouth disease, Disease control 121-3w, 126-33w, 231-47w, 287-91w, 293-4w, 297w, 300w, 461-5w, 470-3w, 475-7w, 479w, 483-5w
Foot and mouth disease, EC internal trade 474w
Foot and mouth disease, Hampshire 129w
Foot and mouth disease, Herefordshire 467w
Foot and mouth disease, Horse racing 238w
Foot and mouth disease, Horses 229w
Foot and mouth disease, Import controls 468-9w
Foot and mouth disease, Lancashire 491w
Foot and mouth disease, Military aid 124w
Foot and mouth disease, Milk 230-1w
Foot and mouth disease, Monmouthshire 483w
Foot and mouth disease, National parks 134-5w
Foot and mouth disease, Newcastle upon Tyne 121-2w
Foot and mouth disease, North Yorkshire 478w
Foot and mouth disease, Northumberland 290w
Foot and mouth disease, Oswestry 296w
Foot and mouth disease, Powys 243w, 483w
Foot and mouth disease, River Avon 472-3w
Foot and mouth disease, Shrewsbury 461-2w
Foot and mouth disease, Shropshire 239w, 480w
Foot and mouth disease, Slaughterhouses 473-4w
Foot and mouth disease, Throckmorton airfield 130w, 471w, 499w
Foot and mouth disease, Veterinary medicine 466w
Foot and mouth disease, Wales 127w, 296w
Foot and mouth disease, Waste disposal 129-31w, 133w, 229w, 234w, 240w, 288-90w, 292w, 294-6w, 300w, 479-81w
Foot and mouth disease, Wild animals 233w
Foot and mouth disease, Wiltshire 466w
Glasgow, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 493-4w
Grimsby, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 119w
Integrated administration and control system, Data protection 222-3w
Livestock, Disease control 226w
Livestock industry, EC action 490-1w
Ministerial policy advisors, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 115-6w
Montgomeryshire, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 129w
Plymouth, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 140-1w
Slaughterhouses, Kent 141w
Slaughterhouses, Licensing 127w
Stationery, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 137w
Sugar beet, Transport 142w
Truro, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 116-8w
Veterinary medicine, Pay 492-3w
Veterinary medicine, Students 492w
Working hours, Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and Food 494w
Written questions, Administrative delays 138w
Quinn, Lawrie
Debates etc.
Transbus International, Petitions (10.05.01) 352
Transbus International, Standing order No 24 applications (08.05.01) 21
Government departments, General elections 218w
Transbus International 110-1