Index for Volume 368continued
A B Bo By C Co Cu D Do E F Fr G H Ho Hy I J K L Ly M Me Mu N O P Pu Q R Ru S So Su T Tu U V W Wo X Y Z
Turner, Dr Desmond
Turner, Dr George
Administration of justice, Northern Ireland 161w
Twigg, Derek
General practitioners, Working hours 145w
Submarines, Repairs and maintenance 11w
Tyler, Mr Paul
Debates etc.
Business questions (08.05.01) 73, (09.05.01) 119
Finance Bill, Allocation of time motion and Rep (09.05.01) 200
Tynan, Mr Bill
Northern Ireland government 161w
Tyrie, Mr Andrew
Debates etc.
Business questions (09.05.01) 120-1
India, Points of order (11.05.01) 404
Hinduja Passport Inquiry 408-9w
India, Foreign relations 458w
Ministerial policy advisors, Cabinet Office 449w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept for Education and Employment 275w
Ministerial policy advisors, Dept of Social Security 323w
Ministerial policy advisors, Ministry of Defence 23w, 251w
Ministerial policy advisors, President of the Council 250w
Ministerial policy advisors, Scotland Office 373w